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Presentation on theme: "Knights."— Presentation transcript:

1 Knights

2 The sons were taught to become knights.
Daughters of rich and noble families were brought up to be ladies. They learnt to sew, dance and ride. The sons were taught to become knights. From the age of 7 until the age of 21 a son learnt everything from riding and fighting to looking after land and castles. What types of things do you think they learned? Write a daily timetable for the lessons they studied. For help:

3 If they did well they would be knighted

4 Knights took part in jousting
A joust was a fight between two knights on horseback. They would charge at each other and try to knock each other off with their lances.

5 What would they wear? Find out more at:

6 What does ‘chivalry’ mean?
Have you ever been told to behave like a ‘lady’ or a ‘gentleman’? This idea of good behaviour has been passed down to us from the Middle Ages. The word ‘chivalry’ comes from the French word chevalerie, meaning ‘horsemanship’. But by the 10th century it had come to mean a code of conduct for knights – a way of controlling their violence and making them behave properly.


8 Your task: Write a really good TEEL paragraph to show your understanding of Knights. Remember – sentence High 5 and variety of sentence types.

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