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19th Century Art.

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Presentation on theme: "19th Century Art."— Presentation transcript:

1 19th Century Art

2 Neoclassical Art

3 Enlightened Art Transitional period between 18th and 19th century art
Opposition to the frivolous of Rococo Art Rational art: clear drawings, modeling, no evidence of brush strokes, bold colors Throwback to Greece and Rome (a more rational era) Architecture: Columns, domes, triangular porticos (basically, temples) Becomes Federal Style in America (Synthesis!)

4 Oath of the Horatii Jacques Louis David 1786
Oath of self-sacrifice to the state Republican Values

5 Death of Marat Jaquces Louis David 1793 Marat as Christ (Pieta)
Martyr for Revolution NOT Christian

6 Cornelia, Mother of the Gracchi, Pointing to Her Children as Her Treasures
Angelica Kauffmann 1793 Moral themes from antiquity Republican virtue

7 Napoleon Crossing the Alps
Jacques Louis David 1801 Propaganda: hero Authority of Napoleon Conqueror: Hannibal, Bonaparte, Charlemagne

8 Church of La Madeleine Pierre Vignon 1807-1845
Built in the style of Greek temples Church as Greek Intended as a military building

9 Pantheon Jacques-Germain Soufflot & Jean-Baptiste Rondelet
Church modeled after Pantheon in Rome

10 Romanticism

11 Revolutionary Art Reaction against the Enlightenment: too intellectual
Emotion, nostalgia, innocence, nature, chivalry Looking backward to middle ages Landscapes > Human subjects Idealized Revolution Pastel colors, emphasis on brushstrokes, dream-like NOT about romantic love, BUT romantic love is an element

12 Wanderer above the Sea of Fog
Caspar David Friedrich German 1818 Man’s place in nature

13 Ivy Bridge J.M.W. Turner 1813 City in the background, nature is the foreground

14 Gate in the Rocks Karl Friedrich Schinkel 1861 Mankind is teeny tiny

15 The Nightmare Henry Fuseli 1781 Swiss-English Supernatural

16 The Great Red Dragon and the Woman Clothed with Sun
William Blake 1805 English Super symbolic Poetry

17 Raft of the Medusa Théodore Géricault French 1818-19
Nature’s ability to conquer man

18 Liberty Leading the People
Eugène Delacroix French 1830 “ripped from the headlines” Revolution for all people

19 Third of May Francisco Goya 1808 Spanish Part of a two painting series
Atrocities of Napoleonic Iberian War Christian iconography Death of society No heroism

20 Friedrichswerder Church
Karl Friedrich Schinkel 1824 Neo-Gothic/Gothic Revival

21 Realism

22 Industrial Art Began in France after 1848 revolutions
Believed that cultural works should record and depict life as it was Reject Romanticism as too emotional Focus on working class: expose the harsh realities Authors: Charles Dickens, Émile Zola, Honoré de Balzac, and Gustave Flaubert Beginning of modern art

23 A Burial at Ornans Gustave Courbet 1849-50 France
Mundane topic and unknown people

24 The Gleaners Jean-Francois Millet (1857) French
Peasant women, lowest classes

25 Rue Transnonain, le 15 Avril 1834
Honoré Daumier 1834 French Social Injustices Massacre after insurrection against Louis Phillipe

26 Young Girl Reading Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot 1868

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