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Sexually Transmitted Diseases

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1 Sexually Transmitted Diseases

2 Pathogens= Organisms that cause disease.
Two kinds of pathogens: Bacterial= curable Viral= not curable

3 STATISTICS: --2 out of 3 cases of STD’s occur in people under the age of Every day, 14,000 U.S. teens become infected with an STD, many through oral sex. --About one in four U.S. teens have an STD.

4 Utah STI rates 1996-2007 Percent increase 1996-2007 Chlamydia=266%
1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Chlamydia 1563 1801 2203 2219 2188 3045 3489 3894 3859 4602 5092 5721 Gonorrhea 262 287 235 254 231 227 368 412 603 727 888 821 Syphilis early 3 5 4 2 11 9 14 13 10 21 20 Syphilis- latent 38 49 50 42 47 18 53 52 65 45 25 HIV 32 46 71 83 93 87 AIDS 110 68 70 61 54 66 Percent increase Chlamydia=266% Gonorrhea=213% HIV=171%

5 Syphilis Bacterial Infection Transmission: Intercourse, M B,
Contact with infected sores. Treated with an antibiotic Occurs in 3 stages: Primary Secondary Tertiary

6 *Highly contagious chancre sores appear
Primary Syphilis *Highly contagious chancre sores appear

7 *Rash with sores: non-itchy but highly contagious
Secondary Syphilis *Rash with sores: non-itchy but highly contagious


9 Tertiary Syphilis *Gummas (benign tumors) appear
*Heart and nervous system damage will occur, then eventually DEATH

10 Mothers may pass the disease to their unborn child.

11 B B/V? STD? Signs/ Symptoms Syphilis Intercourse M--->B
Transmission Signs/ Symptoms B Syphilis Intercourse M--->B Contact with infected sores Stage 1 (Primary): -Highly contagious -Painless chancre sores at site of infection (3-6 wks) days Stage 2 (Secondary): -Rash with sores (non-itchy) & mucous membrane lesions -VERY contagious -2-8 wks Stage 3 (Tertiary) -Heart & nervous system damage (eyes, liver, bones) -2+ yrs after infection

12 Treatment Interesting Facts Antibiotics -Chancre goes away even if let untreated -Many people do not have symptoms (asymptomatic); they are the ones doing most of the transmitting!

13 Chlamydia Bacterial Infection Transmission: Intercourse, M B
Treated with an antibiotic

14 Chlamydia-male discharge

15 B B/V? STD? Signs/ Symptoms Chlamydia Intercourse M--->B
Transmission Signs/ Symptoms B Chlamydia Intercourse M--->B -Discharge -Painful urination -Genital swelling -Blindness/pneumonia in babies -Bleeding between periods

16 Treatment Interesting Facts Antibiotics -Most people have no symptoms (asymptomatic) -Most common bacterial STD in the U.S. affecting mostly year olds

17 Gonorrhea Bacterial Infection Transmission: Intercourse, M B
Treated with Penicillin

18 Gonorrhea-male discharge

19 Eye infection in babies born to mothers with Chlamydia or Gonorrhea.

20 B B/V? STD? Signs/ Symptoms Gonorrhea Intercourse M--->B
Transmission Signs/ Symptoms B Gonorrhea Intercourse M--->B -Discharge -Painful urination -Leads to sterility -Blindness in babies -Bleeding between periods

21 Treatment Interesting Facts Antibiotics; specifically Penicillin -Most women (3/4) and many (1/2) of men have no symptoms (asymptomatic)!

Genital Warts Viral Infection (Human Papilloma Virus) Transmission: Intercourse, M B, genital contact, or direct contact with infected bed linens, towels, or clothing. No cure, but warts can be treated with: -Medication -Laser Surgery -Freezing with liquid nitrogen HOWEVER WARTS MAY REAPPEAR!

23 Genital Warts-female

24 Genital Warts-male

25 V B/V? STD? Signs/ Symptoms Genital Warts OR HPV (Human
Transmission Signs/ Symptoms V Genital Warts OR HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) Intercourse M--->B Direct contact with infected bed linens, towels, and clothing -Soft red or pink warts that look like cauliflower on moist areas of the skin -Hard, yellow-gray warts that appear on dry areas of skin -Itching and irritation

26 Treatment Interesting Facts No known cure BUT… Warts can be removed by: Medication Laser surgery removal Freezing off with liquid nitrogen BUT THEY CAN REAPPEAR!! -HPV increases chances of getting cancer in reproductive organs (Cervical cancer) -Warts have been found in throats of babies born to infected mothers

27 Herpes Simplex II (Genital Herpes)
Viral infection Transmission: Intercourse, M B, genital contact, and direct contact with open sores or blisters. No cure, but breakouts can be treated with medication.

28 Herpes Simplex II-female (Genital Herpes)

29 Herpes Simplex II-male (Genital Herpes)

30 V B/V? STD? Signs/ Symptoms Genital Herpes Intercourse M--->B
Transmission Signs/ Symptoms V Genital Herpes Intercourse M--->B Touching open sores or blisters and then touching other body parts -Groups of open sores or painful blisters in genital area -Vaginal Discharge -Painful urination -Cold sores/fever blisters on the mouth or lips -Pressure in abdomen -Pain in legs, buttocks, genital area

31 Treatment Interesting Facts No known cure BUT… There’s drugs to relieve symptoms and reduce the likelihood or recurrence -Can cause brain infection to babies born to infected mothers

32 Pubic Lice (Crabs) Parasite
Transmission: Intercourse, genital contact, and direct contact with infected sheets, clothing, towels, or toilet seats. Treated with prescription or OTC shampoo.

33 Pubic Lice

34 P A R S I T e B/V? STD? Signs/ Symptoms Pubic Lice Intercourse
Transmission Signs/ Symptoms P A R S I T e Pubic Lice Intercourse Sleeping in infested sheets, Wearing infested clothes, sharing infested towels Toilet seats -Itching and swelling in genital areas -Little black spots on the skin near the pubic area

35 Treatment Interesting Facts Prescription or OTC shampoo Lice are insects that survive by feeding on human blood

36 Are these all of the STD’s you need to worry about?
There are currently over 30 STD’s!!!

37 Trichomoniasis Bacterial Infection Transmission: Intercourse, M B
Treatment: antibiotic

38 Trichomoniasis symptoms
Most have none. Men: irritated inside of penis, mild discharge, slight burning after urination Women: frothy, yellow-green discharge w/ strong odor, discomfort urinating, irritation/itching in genital area

39 Scabies What is it? Contagious skin disease
Caused by infestation of mites (tiny bugs) Mites burrow under skin

40 Scabies How is it transmitted Close physical contact Improper hygiene
Sexual intercourse Sleeping in the same bed Kissing or hugging Dirty toilets Improper hygiene

41 Scabies Prevention Symptoms
1. No certain prevention, avoid unsanitary environment Symptoms Painful itching Reddish, zigzagged furrows around genital areas, buttocks, between fingers, elbows and wrists, underarms, under breasts, or feet

42 Scabies Complications Treatment Infestation can be very painful
Scratching can worsen infestation Dangerous for people with HIV Treatment 1. Over-the-counter creams

43 Scabies

44 Scabies

45 Scabies

46 REMEMBER Having sexual intercourse or genital contact, even once, will put you at risk of getting a sexually transmitted disease.

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