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Endoscopic Stalk Resection of a Toe Ganglion With Color-aided Visualization  Takahisa Ogawa, M.D., Yasuhiro Seki, M.D., Shinichi Shirasawa, M.D., Ph.D. 

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Presentation on theme: "Endoscopic Stalk Resection of a Toe Ganglion With Color-aided Visualization  Takahisa Ogawa, M.D., Yasuhiro Seki, M.D., Shinichi Shirasawa, M.D., Ph.D. "— Presentation transcript:

1 Endoscopic Stalk Resection of a Toe Ganglion With Color-aided Visualization 
Takahisa Ogawa, M.D., Yasuhiro Seki, M.D., Shinichi Shirasawa, M.D., Ph.D.  Arthroscopy Techniques  Volume 6, Issue 3, Pages e673-e678 (June 2017) DOI: /j.eats Copyright © 2017 Arthroscopy Association of North America Terms and Conditions

2 Fig 1 Preoperative photograph of representative patient's right foot. The arrowheads identify multilocular ganglion cysts between the first and second toes of the right foot. The tumor size is 30 mm in diameter. Arthroscopy Techniques 2017 6, e673-e678DOI: ( /j.eats ) Copyright © 2017 Arthroscopy Association of North America Terms and Conditions

3 Fig 2 Preoperative magnetic resonance imaging (T2 weighted) of right foot in sagittal view. (A) The arrow indicates the ganglion cyst. The cyst seems to be multilocular. (B) The arrowheads show a swollen flexor hallucis longus tendon sheath adjacent to the ganglion, which indicates that the ganglion originates from the tendon sheath. Arthroscopy Techniques 2017 6, e673-e678DOI: ( /j.eats ) Copyright © 2017 Arthroscopy Association of North America Terms and Conditions

4 Fig 3 Patient positioning. The patient is placed in the supine position under spinal anesthesia. The patient's feet are placed off the end of the bed to allow endoscopy insertion from various directions. Arthroscopy Techniques 2017 6, e673-e678DOI: ( /j.eats ) Copyright © 2017 Arthroscopy Association of North America Terms and Conditions

5 Fig 4 Portal placement. (A) The patient is in the supine position. The jelly-like substance inside the ganglion is drained through the first portal. The arrow indicates the endoscopic portal, and the arrowhead shows the jelly-like substance squeezed out of the endoscopic portal. (B) The first portal (arrow) is placed on top of the ganglion to obtain a sufficient endoscopic view. Arthroscopy Techniques 2017 6, e673-e678DOI: ( /j.eats ) Copyright © 2017 Arthroscopy Association of North America Terms and Conditions

6 Fig 5 Endoscopic view inside of the ganglion. Insertion of endoscope into ganglion cyst. (A) The patient is in the supine position. The arrow shows the endoscope inserted into the ganglion cyst. (B) The plantar ganglion portal is the viewing portal. The smooth inside wall of the ganglion can be visualized. Arthroscopy Techniques 2017 6, e673-e678DOI: ( /j.eats ) Copyright © 2017 Arthroscopy Association of North America Terms and Conditions

7 Fig 6 Methylene blue injection. (A) The patient is in the supine position. Methylene blue is injected (arrow) into the flexor hallucis longus tendon sheath at the level of the first metatarsal phalangeal joint. (B) The dorsal ganglion portal is the viewing portal. The arrowhead indicates the leakage of methylene blue from the stalk. Arthroscopy Techniques 2017 6, e673-e678DOI: ( /j.eats ) Copyright © 2017 Arthroscopy Association of North America Terms and Conditions

8 Fig 7 Additional working portal placement. (A) The patient is in the supine position. The stalk is visualized with endoscopy. The needle is inserted (arrow) into the ganglion to localize the position of the portal from which the stalk can be approached. (B) The plantar ganglion portal is the viewing portal. The arrowhead indicates the ganglion stalk. The arrow shows the needle inserted in the appropriate position to access the ganglion stalk. Arthroscopy Techniques 2017 6, e673-e678DOI: ( /j.eats ) Copyright © 2017 Arthroscopy Association of North America Terms and Conditions

9 Fig 8 Ganglion stalk resection. (A) The patient is in the supine position. The stalk is resected with an endoscopic shaver (arrow). (B) The plantar ganglion portal is the viewing portal. The arrow shows the endoscopic shaver inserted into the ganglion cyst, and the arrowhead indicates the ganglion stalk. Arthroscopy Techniques 2017 6, e673-e678DOI: ( /j.eats ) Copyright © 2017 Arthroscopy Association of North America Terms and Conditions

10 Fig 9 Flexor hallucis longus tendon exposure. (A, B) The plantar ganglion portal is the viewing portal. Resection of the stalk is performed until the flexor hallucis longus (FHL) tendon is adequately exposed. The stalk is opened to 10 mm in diameter, confirmed with an endoscopic probe. Arthroscopy Techniques 2017 6, e673-e678DOI: ( /j.eats ) Copyright © 2017 Arthroscopy Association of North America Terms and Conditions

11 Fig 10 (A) Postoperative photograph of representative patient's right foot. The arrows show the minimal skin incisions between the first and second toes, which allow early patient mobilization and recovery. (B) Photograph 1 month postoperatively. The arrowheads identify where the ganglion has decreased in size. Arthroscopy Techniques 2017 6, e673-e678DOI: ( /j.eats ) Copyright © 2017 Arthroscopy Association of North America Terms and Conditions

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