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Emergence of Christian Europe Unit 2, Chapter 9.

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1 Emergence of Christian Europe Unit 2, Chapter 9

2 Periodization Early Middle Ages: 500 – 1000
High Middle Ages: – 1250 Late Middle Ages:

3 Europe in the 6c

4 Setting the Stage: Europe 600–1000
Caliphates took Iberian peninsula Carolingian Empire – Gaul, Germany, & Italy Pope – southern Italy Treaty of Verdun (843) French speaking west German speaking east Vikings – Scandinavia Celts & Saxons - Britain

5 Vikings Plundered the English & French coasts Established settlements
Iceland Greenland Newfoundland William the Conqueror (Normandy 1066)

6 Politics & the Church Relationship between kings & pope was tense
800 – pope crowned Charlemagne first Holy Roman Emperor Canon Law (Excommunication) Jurisdiction Who should appoint bishops?

7 Investiture Controversy
Controversy between the church and lay lords over Bishop appointments Also applies to conflict of popes and kings Excommunication of Holy Roman Emperor, Henry IV Led to Concordat of Worms in 1122

8 The Medieval Catholic Church
filled the power vacuum left from the collapse of the classical world monasticism: St. Benedict – Benedictine Rule of poverty, chastity, and obedience provided schools for the children of the upper class inns, hospitals, refuge in times of war libraries & scriptoria to copy books and illuminate manuscripts monks  missionaries to the barbarians. [St. Patrick, St. Boniface]

9 The Power of the Medieval Church
bishops and abbots played a large part in the feudal system the church controlled about 1/3 of the land in Western Europe tried to curb feudal warfare  only days a year for combat curb heresies  crusades; Inquisition tithe  1/10 tax on your assets given to the church

10 A Medieval Monk’s Day

11 Charlemagne: 742 to 814

12 Charlemagne’s Empire

13 Pope Crowned Charlemagne Holy Roman Emperor: Dec. 25, 800

14 Medieval Economy Switch to more agrarian Roman roads in disrepair
Back to bartering Germanic lords focus on self-sufficiency Decline of literacy Rise of manors Small farms given to large landowners in exchange for political & physical protection

15 The Medieval Manor

16 Life on the Medieval Manor
Serfs at work

17 Feudalism A political, economic, and social system based on loyalty and military service.

18 Carcassonne: A Medieval Castle

19 Parts of a Medieval Castle

20 The Road to Knighthood KNIGHT SQUIRE PAGE

21 Chivalry: A Code of Honor and Behavior

22 Revival of Western Europe 1000-1200
Growth in population and agricultural output Reasons: New technologies Plow; draft harnesses, iron horseshoes, horse collar Seaborne trade Venice Revival of coinage Growth of cities Esp. in Italy Coincided & contributed to the CRUSADES!

23 The Crusades Contributions
Reforming leaders of the Latin Church promoted the Truce of God Ambitious rulers were looking for new lands to conquer Italian merchants wanted to increase trade in the eastern Mediterranean and acquire posts in Muslim territory Rivalry between popes and kings Desire of church to demonstrate political authority over western Chrisiandom

24 Focus on the Holy Land Pious pilgrims often visited the relics of Rome or Constantinople Some went to Antioch or Jerusalem Pilgrims brought back tales from their trips Battle of Manzikert Seljuk Turks defeated Byzantines making pilgrimages difficult Byzantine emperor asked both the Western Church for help to recapture the Kingdom of Heaven “God wills it!”

25 Pope Urban II: Preaching a Crusade

26 Setting Out on Crusade

27 The Crusades 1st – captured Jerusalem 1099
Muslims retook the city in 1187 Many attempts to retake the city Defeated by Saladin Christians lost Constantinople in last Crusade

28 Christian Crusades: East and West

29 Impact of the Crusades Exposure to Muslim culture & technology
Arabic translations on Greek philosophical & scientific works as well as Iranian & Arab original works stimulated European thought Will lead into the Renaissance!

30 Medieval Universities

31 Oxford University

32 Late Medieval Town Dwellings

33 Medieval Trade

34 Medieval Guilds Guild Hall
Commercial Monopoly: Controlled membership apprentice  journeyman  master craftsman Controlled quality of the product [masterpiece]. Controlled prices

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