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Newfoundland & the Great War

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1 Newfoundland & the Great War
NL Studies 2205

2 1914 Newfoundland: Overview
The pre-war period , , was considered a “Golden Age” in our history Railway construction, mining operations, & the pulp & paper industries all contributed to economic diversification within our region In turn, these new industries impacted both the lifestyle & culture of our people that traditionally relied on the fisheries for survival Lifestyles were also impacted with new transportation / communication developments which began to connect the people of NL to other parts of the world in ways Newfoundland & the Great War

3 Newfoundland & the Great War
1914 was certainly a defining year in our history In addition to the ‘Newfoundland Disaster’ on the sealing front that year, 1914 also marked our entry into the Great War What was initially viewed by all to be a short, glorious, & adventurous conflict, in actuality turned into a four-year long struggle that decimated the lives of millions & destroyed the world order at that time NL would play a significant role here & would feel the social, political, & economic effects for generations Newfoundland & the Great War

4 The Great War 1914-18 (Overview)
It was expected to be quick….over by Christmas Romantic / chivalry… Soldiers signed up eager for adventure A war of movement was expected…..stalemate occurred with trench warfare Industrialized warfare (machine guns, poisonous gas, tanks, artillery) War lasted for 4 years…..approx 9 million soldiers / 20 million civilians would die Resulted in revolutions, changes of govts., loss of empires, the rise of great new powers, & millions of dead Newfoundland & the Great War

5 Newfoundland & the Great War
How it Began While our focus will not be to study the causes of World War I in any great detail, if we are to understand NL’s role, it will be necessary to provide a brief background into how the war did actually begin Newfoundland & the Great War

6 Newfoundland & the Great War
The Great War …Causes By 1914, these 4 long term causes only required a spark to explode into open conflict Militarism Killing of Franz Ferdinand Alliances First World War Imperialism Short term cause (The spark that set off the explosion) Nationalism Newfoundland & the Great War

7 The Great War …Alliances
Alliances are formed when countries band together against a common threat (they guarantee military assistance if a country is attacked by an enemy nation) In 1914 Europe had two main alliance systems: The Triple Alliance (“The Central Powers”) consisting of Germany, Austria-Hungary, & Italy The Triple Entente (“The Allies”) consisting of Great Britain, France, and Russia Newfoundland & the Great War

8 The Great War …Alliances
Newfoundland & the Great War

9 Newfoundland & the Great War

10 Newfoundland & the Great War

11 Newfoundland & the Great War
Outbreak of War On August 4, 1914 the British Empire declared war on Germany With Britain at war, so too was her vast empire including us here in Newfoundland Newfoundland & the Great War

12 The Newfoundland Response
Our response was immediate Newfoundland Patriotic Association (NPA) was formed to deal with organizing the war effort & raising troops for overseas fighting The government at the time promised the British a initial force of 500 men…these would become known to history as the ‘First Five Hundred’ Pleasantville (St. John’s / Quidi Vidi Lake) served as a training ground Newfoundland & the Great War

13 Primary Document Analysis
On the following slides we find a notice for enlistment at the outbreak of war as published in the Daily News, August 22, As we read, think about why men would join to fight. Newfoundland & the Great War

14 Newfoundland & the Great War

15 Newfoundland & the Great War

16 Newfoundland & the Great War

17 Newfoundland & the Great War
Pleasantville camp, St. John’s, ca Courtesy of the Provincial Archives of Newfoundland and Labrador (PANL VA ), St. John’s, Newfoundland. Newfoundland & the Great War

18 Newfoundland & the Great War
Volunteer Camp, Pleasantville, St. John’s, September Courtesy of the Provincial Archives of Newfoundland and Labrador (PANL E-48-11), St. John’s, Newfoundland. Newfoundland & the Great War

19 Newfoundland & the Great War
Training grounds at Pleasantville, St. John’s, ca Newfoundland & the Great War

20 Newfoundland & the Great War
A Crowd gathered to watch the first contingent of the Newfoundland Regiment break camp at Pleasantville, St. John’s, October 3, 1914 Newfoundland & the Great War

21 Newfoundland & the Great War
2nd Contingent, First Newfoundland Regiment marching in St. John’s before going overseas, 1915 (Canadian Legion). Newfoundland & the Great War

22 Newfoundland & the Great War
Newfoundland Regiment marching in St. John’s, n.d. Newfoundland & the Great War

23 Newfoundland & the Great War
War Our colony was unprepared for war & lacked both military materiel & supplies for the new recruits Donations of all types (tents, uniforms, weapons) poured in to supply the recruits Because there was a shortage of khaki material traditionally used by soldiers as leg wrappings (puttees), our soldiers were forced to use a navy blue material. This is origin of the ‘Blue Puttees’ referencing the 1st five hundred to head overseas in the Great War Newfoundland & the Great War

24 Newfoundland & the Great War
Overseas…Training These “First 500” left St. John’s in October 1914 Like many other recruits from the Empire, they headed to Britain & Scotland for training before entering front-line service The following slides will provide some insight into the activities of our soldiers during this time Newfoundland & the Great War

25 Newfoundland & the Great War
First Five Hundred on board the S.S. Florizel, St. John’s, October 3, 1914. Newfoundland & the Great War

26 Newfoundland & the Great War
First Five Hundred on board the S.S. Florizel, St. John’s, October 3, 1914. Newfoundland & the Great War

27 Newfoundland & the Great War
Tents of the First Newfoundland Regiment at Stobs Camp, Scotland, May, 1915. Newfoundland & the Great War

28 Newfoundland & the Great War
The First Newfoundland Regiment at Stobs Camp, Scotland, May, 1915. Newfoundland & the Great War

29 Newfoundland & the Great War
Newfoundland Regiment soldiers at target practice in Britain, n.d. Newfoundland & the Great War

30 Newfoundland & the Great War
Overseas …1915 With training completed, they went to Egypt, saw action in Gallipoli, & were later sent to the Western Front where they would serve for the remainder of the war The Trail of the Caribou In Part II, it is the Western Front and trench warfare which will be emphasized In Part III, we will conduct an analysis into the role played by the Newfoundland Regiment at Beaumont Hamel, on July 1st, 1916 Newfoundland & the Great War

31 War Amps Blue Puttees Vignette
Newfoundland & the Great War

32 Great Big Sea:Recruiting Sergeant
Newfoundland & the Great War

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