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Managing Quality, Innovation and Knowledge

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1 Managing Quality, Innovation and Knowledge
Business Process Management Tools

2 Last Week Service design blueprint matrix
List the key components that make up a service service processes media and devices user engagement processes and emotions provider interaction processes and emotions service provisioning location/s

3 Evidence Based Management
Understand the defects of the parts Understand of these defects’ impacts on the whole system

4 Quality Planning Tools
1. Quality Function Deployment Identify the attributes desired by the customer Identify the technical features Prioritise the features Evaluate the competition Identify performance gaps Develop targets Deploy priority features in the business process 2. Concurrent Engineering 3. Planning Tools Affinity Diagram Interrelationship Diagram Tree Diagram Process Decision Chart Tools are visual graphics or automated software of methods & techniques

5 Quality Control via Improvement Methods  Tools
In-process Control Check Sheets / Check Lists / Defect Concentration Diagrams Control Charts / Scatter Diagrams Problem Solving Cause & Effect Diagrams / 8D Process Histograms / Pareto Diagrams Poka – Yoke (mistake proofing via following BP standards) Deming Cycle Benchmarking (comparing business processes & KPI to industry best practices from other companies)

6 Reading – More tools Flow charts - process mapping diagrams
Histograms – check process consistency prevails in meeting customer requirements, ie process in functioning as normally expected all/most of the time Run Charts – line graphs that show how a process changes over periods of time Control Charts – are also line graphs that track a process’s use or performance trend

7 Organised / Structured Problem Solving
Presents problem solving in many perspectives/viewpoints Identifying and pinpointing the problem Analyse the causing factors Generate potential solutions – several alternatives Evaluating the alternatives to select the best solution Implementing the solution Evaluating the solution

8 Organised / Structured Problem Solving Tools
Brainstorming – mind maps, rich pictures, paper stickers, etc Cause-effect analysis – Fishbone/Ishikawa diagram; Pareto 80/20 law Quality of structured problem solving depends on data collection quality: Data quality Data collection process variations Six Sigma – statistical concept that measures the extent to which a process varies from absolute perfection. BP acceptance is 3.4 defects per mio ie % perfection

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