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Public Transport in Tirana Metropolitan Region–Users perspective

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1 Public Transport in Tirana Metropolitan Region–Users perspective
Regional Meeting on Sustainable Transport Policies in South Eastern Europe 21-22 June 2007, Budapest, Hungary Dritan Shutina Co-PLAN

2 Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development
In this presentation About Co-PLAN Overview of Local Government & Public Transport in Tirana Metropolitan Region The need for the study Main Findings & recommendations 9/21/2018 Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development

3 Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development
About Co-PLAN Professional Development Organization contributes to a sustainable urban and regional development, enabling good governance, development of civil society and strengthening community participation 9/21/2018 Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development

4 Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development
MARKET ECONOMY CENTRALIZED ECONOMY Albania before `90s Institutions The Gap People Individual choice MARKET PROVISION STATE PROVISION Expectations 9/21/2018 Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development

Municipal Environmental Management Urban & Regional Development Civic Society Strengthening Housing Organizational Institutional Development 9/21/2018 Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development

6 Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development
9/21/2018 Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development

Albania has two levels of local government, First level is Commune and Municipality, Second level is the region, Albania has 308 communes,65 municipalities and 12 regions, Mayors are directly elected while LG councils are indirectly elected from a proportional list.

8 Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development
FUNCTIONS BY LGL Own functions, -Infrastructure, water supply and sewage, public transport, urban planning, local economic development, etc. Shared functions, -Education, health care, Social assistance, civil protection. Delegated functions, -Mandatory and non mandatory 9/21/2018 Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development

9 Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development
Tirana Metropolitan Region as the main economic growing area Population around 700,000 9/21/2018 Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development

10 Public Transport in Tirana
There are 10 bus lines in the city 1 Publicly operated 9 Privately operated It serves to population of approx. 700,000 inhabitants There are 4.92 Million users per month (declared number) 9/21/2018 Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development

11 Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development
9/21/2018 Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development

12 Public Transport in Tirana …
Public Transport Agency) being the only public enterprise offering transportation service had a decline after the decentralization of the service. Only for Tirana in the time period the # of buses was reduced from 116 to 66. 9/21/2018 Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development

13 Public Transport in Tirana …
9/21/2018 Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development

14 Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development
Year of cars/vehicles Year 70’ Year 80’ Year 90’ Year 2000’ - cont 9/21/2018 Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development

15 The case of public transportation: WHY?
Public transportation delivery is a decentralized service Public transportation directly affects regional development Transportation at regional level is not taken into consideration enough in previous studies Public transportation service provides space for the exploration of inter-communal cooperation. 9/21/2018 Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development

16 Objectives of the public transportation service analysis
Institutional analysis of the service Identification of the main challenges encountered in the public transportation service A common understanding of the needs for improvement in this sector Identification of the opportunities to improve the service through exploring the potential of inter-communal cooperation at the local level Achieving institutional support for improvements in the sector on the behalf interested parties (institutions). 9/21/2018 Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development

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18 Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development
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19 Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development
KORRIDORET ZONA 9/21/2018 Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development

20 Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development
Methodology Desktop review Review current legal framework Review of existing studies Institutional analysis User survey Household survey (2000) Bus line survey (950 interviews - 19 buss lines) Expert interviews (52) Private operators Business/education units education Transport experts 9/21/2018 Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development

21 Questionnaire distribution
Gjithashtu, pervec analizes statistikore dhe deskriptive te te dhenave eshte kryer edhe analiza grafike ne Arkview e cila ndihmon ne krijinim e bazes se te dhenave GIS dhe analizimin e sherbimit nga pikepamja territoriale. Hartat e perpunuara me te dhenat cilesore sherbejne per te lidhur informacionin e perftuar me territorin…./zonen 9/21/2018 Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development

22 Distribution of business unit and educational institutions
Intervista te detajuara me insitucionet e arsimit dhe njesite e biznesit 9/21/2018 Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development

23 How much the transport public is Used?
How frequent you use the Public Transport? Every day 55,1% 4-5 a week 13,9% 2-3 a week 16,4% 1 a week 6,7% 1 in 2 weeks 3,7% Very rarely 3,9% other 0,3% Total 100,0 9/21/2018 Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development

24 Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development
Use of public transport 9/21/2018 Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development

25 Where do you go most frequently ?
9/21/2018 Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development

26 Preferences where the terminal should be
9/21/2018 Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development

27 Preference where inter-communal lines should end
9/21/2018 Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development

28 Satisfaction with the PT service
Municipality Commune Some how Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Somwhow not satisfied Not Satisfied 9/21/2018 Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development

29 The major problems for users of the public transport
Urban Lines: -Buses overcrowded -Lack of coordination among different lines -delays due to traffic jam -bad quality of roads Inter-communal lines: -High price of the ticket, -frequent stops , -Frequent changes of the bus stop (can not enter the city) - Time span too short 9/21/2018 Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development

30 Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development
Informal Buss stops Does busses make informal stops ? How much this stops disturb you? 9/21/2018 Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development

31 Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development
Expenses Use of private car cost at least 10 times more per month than PT Privately organized transport for student costs at least 2 times more per month than PT  number of respon. Average expenses  How much you spend in PT per month 1481 15 USD How much per month you pay for diesel and maintenance? 466 150 USD How much you spend for taxi per month 245 25 USD Expenses for organized transport (per worker per month) 20 – 35 USD Expenses for organized transport for student 25 – 35 USD 9/21/2018 Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development

32 Own transport by businesses
HOW Business owned cars Sub-contracting Own cars combining merchandise and employee transport Combination of 2-3 alternatives WHY Service not reliable Public transport does not cover all territory To reduce travel time of their employee Reduce dependence from PT lines and time schedule To motivate employee 9/21/2018 Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development

33 Own transport by education institutions
To make the private package more competitive, though it is paid by the user There is an excessive use of vehicles (8-20) per private school So far, the quality of the public transport does not influence the decision Parents, fin alternative ways to organize the transport in case when the school does not provide it Very inefficient when it comes to costs and contribution to traffic jam and pollution 9/21/2018 Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development

34 Perception of the environmental impact of transport
16.57% perceive that air pollution is due to traffic 53.19% perceive that noise pollution is due to traffic Pollution from noise is perceived as 3 times more distrubing than air pollution 9/21/2018 Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development

35 Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development
9/21/2018 Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development

36 Costs of bad quality of PT
Example – Ring road Delays 4 min Number of users per day working days lost per day Transport for pupils 10 vehicle x 12 schools =120 additional vehicles during the peak hours Sipas evidencave 9/21/2018 Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development

37 Opportunities for Environmental improvements
Number of private cars in Tirana (2006) If 67% of non-users of public transport shift to public transport => around private cars less => CO2 & Pb emission reduced by 25% 9/21/2018 Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development

38 How can the Public Transport be improved?
Interventions to improve the PT Percentage Increase the number of busses 49.20% Better quality busses 19.20% Expand the service in other areas 9.10% Increase the number of buss stops 7.6% Improve the quality of buss stops 3.20% Provide Dedicated Lines for PT 1.80% Other 1.6% 9/21/2018 Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development

39 If the public transport is improved…
56.9% of interviewee would be willing to pay more, 83.2% of interviewee will be willing to use more the PT if the service is improved 67% of non users of PT will be willing to use the PT if the service is improved 9/21/2018 Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development

40 What should be done to reduce pollution for traffic?
9/21/2018 Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development

41 Conclusions from users perspective
Citizens are not satisfied by the service – potential is high while the quality of the service is low PT inter-communal lines have limited time schedule for the service They can not move easily from one place to the other changing bus lines (with the same ticket at the same bus stop) Traffic congestion and air pollution are perceived as major issues 9/21/2018 Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development

42 Conclusions private operators vs. Local Government
Lack of subsidies => Capital Investment and continuation of the service => negative impact on the service Short term contract Informal operators By laws & instructions to regulate interaction among private operators Different bus lines have different cost/profit margins => different conditions for service provision Liberalization of the ticket Problems with calculation of subsidies in the unconditional transfer Non declaration of real operational cost by private operators Difficulties to fulfill contractual agreement by private operators Problems with formalization of inter-communal bus lines – shift from individual operators to licensed Transport Agencies Enton, ideja qe linja te ndryshme kane fitime te ndryshme ne lidhje me itinerarin e pershkuar, kerkesen etj… dhe njesite vendore nuk kane 9/21/2018 Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development

43 Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development
Conclusions What did we expect from decentralization? Delegate decision making closer to communities thus improve the quality to their satisfaction Government/Regional government guarantee regional policies and inter -comunal cooperation What has happened ? Public Transport Quality has not yet responded to citizens needs PT is to much fragmented and there is no regional coordination LGs unites have been operating isolated form each other There is no institution that plans PT needs for the all region – The region has not carried this task LGs are still at a stage of “competition” vrs “cooperation” 19 linjat paraqesin standarde te ndryshme 9/21/2018 Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development

44 Conclusions Tirana as a Metropolitan Region?
Tirana is becoming a Metropolitan City Administrative – territorial division does not respond to the economic region Major infrastructure paramount to economic development of the region can not be planned & operated in a fragmented way dhe nuk mund te mendohet me e ndare. Lidhjen e saj me zonat e tjera, eshte treguar ne studime si Plani strategjik I tiranes se madhe, apo studimi ne koridorin tirane-durres 9/21/2018 Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development

45 Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development
How we can move forward? Explore the possibility to offer integrated regional service Standardize the service for the whole region Organize Planning at regional level => Explore the possibility do astablish Tirana Metropolitan Authority Planifikimi---- kerkon harmonizim me dokumente strategjike apo planin hapsinor te rajonit…. Qe nuk mund te copezohen dot vetem brenda njesise vendore 9/21/2018 Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development

46 Stages towards an Integrated PT
First Stage: Deepen the decentralization process- liberalization of the ticket => further fragmentization => Need for coordination and cooperation Second Stage: Develop a Transport Plan for an integrated service commissioned by LGUs Third Phase: Establish TMA to plan, standardize and coordinate major services i.e: -Urban Planning - Transport - Water and sewerage - Solid waste Plani te marre ne konsiderate te gjithe aspektet ligjore, institucionale dhe financiare. Duhet te eksplorohen forma te integrimit te sherbimit brenda rajonit per te planifikuar, zbatuar dhe monitoruar organizimin e sherbimit te transportit dhe sherbimeve te tjera 9/21/2018 Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development

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