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Ohio Deans Compact Overview CEEDAR CONVENING June 27-29, 2017

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1 Ohio Deans Compact Overview CEEDAR CONVENING June 27-29, 2017

2 Compact Mission The mission of the Ohio Deans Compact is to improve learning and outcomes for all PK12 students by using collective action and a shared commitment to equity and social justice to develop more inclusive pedagogy and leadership. Fast Facts: Established January 2013 Majority of members at the Dean/HTE level Model designed to support sustainability, replicability, and scalability across the state Funded through SEA

3 Compact Goals Improved capacity of Ohio teacher, administrator, and related services personnel preparation programs to better prepare professional educators to more effectively teach and support every child. Increased level of collaborative inquiry among Ohio’s institutions of higher education (IHE) that fosters improvement in the preparation and ongoing professional development of educators skilled in meeting the instructional needs of all children.

4 Need for Change Marginalization and exclusion are far more common in American schools than inclusive practice, even though inclusive practices improve schooling for all children. Programmatic silos within higher education, and within PK12 settings, limit opportunities for educators to work together to more effectively meet the instructional needs of all learners. A dearth of P20 partnerships limits opportunities to harness the combined expertise of educators that is needed to support preparation and personnel development across the career continuum

5 Compact Strategies: Addressing Needs
Eliminate silos Envision and support inclusive models of preparation Broaden notion of inclusiveness beyond GE-SE conversation Base work on set of guiding beliefs Incentivize Ohio IHE program redesign, leading to inclusive teacher education and education leadership models of preparation

Is NOT: The special education group The disability group intended to “fix” special education Intended to train people about special education IS: Intended to change the state’s system of personnel preparation and development Intended to foster partnership and shared learning among higher education, PK12 personnel, and others (e.g., state personnel, professional association personnel) Intended to prepare all educators to more effectively teach/support all children Intended to improve results for all children

7 Compact Structures Ohio Deans Compact: a 35-member group meets quarterly Core Team meets frequently and includes ODE, ODHE, the Compact Chair, Vice Chair, and Director Committee Chairpersons CoP Facilitator Linkages to State Partners: SUED, OAPCTE, OCPEA, OEA, OFT, OAESA, OASSA, BASA Both ODE and ODHE part of Core (leadership) Team

8 Fostering Collective Action
Standing Committees Dissemination Committee Impact Evaluation Committee LI Committee Policy Committee Community of Practice (CoP) for Incentive Grantees

9 Fostering Collective Learning
Quarterly Meetings (day and a half each) Day 1 – Facilitated presentation and small-group dialogue/discussion Day 2 – Committee work; large-group reports; ongoing business Other Learning Opportunities Annual Statewide Conference & Pre-conference June Luncheon for Ohio Stakeholders Action Forums on specific topics

10 Work of the Compact Incentivizing inclusive practice (teacher education and education leadership preparation) Incentivizing simultaneous/symbiotic renewal Incentivizing capacity building in critical gap areas (e.g., LISD) Fostering shared learning opportunities Evaluating impact

11 Incentive Grant Program
Development, adoption/adaptation of inclusive models for restructuring existing general & special education teacher preparation programs as develop dual licensure models Course redesign or overhaul of existing education leadership preparation programs

12 Incentive Grant Program (continued)
Development of coursework leading to an endorsement in sensory impairment Development or improvement of P20 partnerships through simultaneous renewal

13 National Collaborators
AACTE Advocacy Institute CEEDAR Center NCEO

14 Ohio Deans Compact Website

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