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ANCIENT ROME By Div and Fernando.

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1 ANCIENT ROME By Div and Fernando

2 Home life and family According to law, the ruler of the family was the oldest man. Some families had slaves but treated them well, like family. Kids were told to respect and obey their elders and if not were kicked out of their house forever

3 schooling The mother taught her son until he was seven.
The father taught the son whatever he thought was important. The desks at school were made of wax

4 Main buildings One of the most important buildings in Rome (and the world) is the coliseum The most important government building was the forum The structure that carried water around was the aqueducts

5 shopping The shopping center was called the forum or “Lukuani” in Latin The Trajan's Market is thought of as “the oldest shopping mall” at 1987 years old. No one wealthy would go to the market, they would hire slaves and give them a grocery list kind of thing

6 Feasts & food Ientaculum is breakfast, prandium is brunch, cena is lunch and vesperna is dinner Most living rooms had 3 couches, therefore named triclinium Romans had most of the desserts we have, such as cake, soufflé, ice cream, fruit candies and cookies

7 The baths Bathing played a major part in ancient Roman culture and society. In most cultures bathing was considered private but in roman culture it was very public Some of the earliest descriptions of western bathing practices came from Greece In later times bathhouses were built in side athletic stadiums

8 Gladiators & coliseum The word 'Gladiator' was derived from Gladius which was the Latin word for sword Gladiator games were seen as a method to appease the Roman gods and avert Rome from disaster The coliseum is 147 feet tall and is almost 2000 years old

9 Games, toys & races Kids played “knucklebones” which is basically jacks but with lamb bones It is unknown when chariot races started but evidence suggests that it may be when chariots themselves were invented

10 army and soldier training
During sword training (or practice for veterans) they used wooden swords called “armatura” Professional soldiers or “legionaries” carried about 27 kilos which included armor, weapons, shields and 15 days worth of food. The roman soldiers usually didn’t fight with a slashing style like the Greeks but instead a more stabbing motion.

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