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Jesus Christ’s Mission is Revealed

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Presentation on theme: "Jesus Christ’s Mission is Revealed"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jesus Christ’s Mission is Revealed
Section 2 Jesus Christ’s Mission is Revealed

2 The Redemptive Nature of Christ’s Earthly Life
Section 2, Part 2 The Redemptive Nature of Christ’s Earthly Life

3 Introduction The Father’s saving plan is fully revealed through his
Son Jesus & fully understood through the Holy Spirit Every action of Jesus is revelatory What did Part 1 of Section 2 look at? Part 2 of Section 2 focuses on the words & deeds of Jesus during his life that precede his Passion, but already begin the Redemption mystery Section 3 will look at the final words & deeds of Jesus at the end of his life during his Passion, death, Resurrection, & Ascension Five Articles A The Luminous Mysteries A The Poverty of Christ A The Obedience of Christ A Christ’s Moral Preaching A Christ’s Healings

4 Article 17: The Luminous Mysteries
Apostolic letter Rosarium Virginis Mariae in 2002 by JPII Luminous — definition (light), explanation of name, & content Kingdom of God—definition & relation to mysteries of light & Jesus Rosary = vocal & mental prayer - contemplation 1) The Baptism of Jesus in the Jordan River p.64 All four Gospels; fulfills Isaiah Jesus’ cousin John Baptism of repentance vs. sacramental Necessary for Jesus?—human, savior, obedience Trinitarian revelation—divine 2) The Wedding Feast at Cana p. 65 Only John; first of seven signs - power over creation Story & significant details First public miracle; beginning of public ministry Mary’s role; the disciples role

5 Article 17 cont.: The Luminous Mysteries
3) The Proclamation of the Kingdom of God p. 66 Not one but many teachings & miracles in all four Gospels Kingdom of God is already present in Jesus Christ He is the fulfillment of all the OT Messianic prophecies Proper response is to repent & believe 4) The Transfiguration of Jesus p. 67 Inner circle on Mount Tabor 3 synoptics after Jesus reveals that the Messiah will suffer & die Christ, Moses, & Elijah, sun & clouds & voice Strengthen the disciples for Passion & future disciples after *5) The Institution of the Eucharist at the Last Supper p. 67 3 synoptic Gospels, 1 Cor., & strongly implied in John Passover meal before his death = first Eucharist/Mass - instituted Fulfillment of the OT Passover & Paschal Lamb Eucharist is heart & soul of Paschal Mystery so Mass is heart & soul of XTN life

6 You Tube Video: The Rosary
Catholic Answers: Why We Pray Personal Writing Assignment: 1.) Why do Catholics ask other people besides God to pray for them? 2.) Why do Catholics pray to Mary specifically in the rosary? 3.) What is the history behind the development of the rosary?

7 Homework Section 2, Part 2 review questions 1-2
Complete 3 Video Questions if necessary Read AA in the e-book for discussion Monday

8 Article 18: The Poverty of Christ
Jesus’ poverty teaches us about God’s plan of redemption First century Judea had 2 social classes not 3 like us today Elites vs. non-elites (enslaved better than self-employed) p. 69 Cash crops vs. subsistence crops Jesus embraced poverty throughout the Gospels p. 71 Mary & Joseph, Bethlehem, desert temptation, scribe, final judgment Mother Teresa—wealth makes it difficult to see God but if you have the gift use it to help others Why did Jesus embrace poverty rather than try to escape it? Cultural misunderstanding of wealth—Gospel of Wealth today Universal distribution of goods—rich young man, Lazarus, final judgment, dinner, wedding banquet, … Then who can be saved: Poverty of Heart/Spiritual Poverty—(chart) p72 Relationship between spiritual poverty & material poverty Very delicate subject & root of true freedom

9 You Tube Videos: Poverty
The Word Exposed: Christ's Poverty Enriches Us 1. What are the two main points of Pope Francis’ 2014Lenten message? 2. What are the three forms of poverty according to the Pope? 3. What is1 concrete way that you can combat each form in your own life?

10 Article 19: The Obedience of Christ
Why is obedience, like poverty but different reasons, a touchy topic Compare & contrast Jesus with Adam & Eve’s obedience p73 Rm. 5: 19 & Philippians 2: 5-8 What does Jesus’ obedience mean for us Human relationships--“below” Mary & Joseph—Lk. 2 Divine relationships—same level or “above” Passion—Mt. 26 Greatest act of human freedom p74 = freedom from own self (1 Pt. 1) What are some ways you are being called to obedient in your own daily life Which ones come easily; why Which ones are particularly challenging; why

11 You Tube Videos: Obedience
Paul Lacombe 1. What is obedience according to Paul? 2. What are love and obedience really about? 3. Why do people get scared about the word obedience?

12 Homework Section 2, Part 2 review questions 3-5
Complete 6 Video Questions if necessary Read AA in the e-book for discussion tomorrow

13 Article 20: Christ’s Moral Preaching
St. Clement of Alexandria—Christ Our Teacher Even more controversial than the poverty & obedience Why? What part most challenging for you? Relationship between OT Old Law & NT New Law p76 Role of Jesus & the Holy Spirit—fulfillment & living Purification of conscience p76 Legalism versus communion Summary of New Law—Dt. 6 in Mk. 12: God & neighbor = who? Essence of New Law in the Sermon on the Mount (Mt. 5-7) Outline in book 3 examples of OT letter to NT spirit— epikeia Mt. 5: 21-22—murder to anger: temptation vs. sin Mt. 5: 27-28—adultery to lust: avoidance vs. chastity/celibacy p77 Mt. 5: 43-44—love of neighbor to enemy: trust over fear to everyone “Then who can be saved?”—simple, difficult, possible—love not like

14 Article 21: Christ’s Healings
Human exp. of being sick—no fun, challenge, isolate, (p78-79) foreshadow death, fear (not planned but due to Original Sin Jesus responds by healing blind, deaf, lame, mute, possessed, lepers, sick, dead Sign of the Kingdom of God, Messiah (prophecies), Father’s plan being fulfilled, & foretaste of heaven (wholeness of mind, body, & spirit) Why didn’t Jesus heal everybody though? (more & redeem sin) Cultural understanding of sickness vs. Jesus’ vs. today’s Relationship between evil & sickness Exorcism—Jesus & today (obsession & possession) Modern psychology & wellness movement—mind, body, spirit but detached History of Church extending Christ’s Healing Ministry Sacrament of Reconciliation & Anointing of the Sick Drs., nurses, chaplains, hospitals, nursing homes, hospice,…

15 You Tube Videos: Morality & Healing
Conscience & Morality The Church Continues Jesus' Healing Ministry

16 Homework Section 2, Part 2 review questions 6-9
Study for the Section 2, Part 2 Quiz (AA 17-21) Thursday Make sure the Section 2, Part 2 review questions 1-9 are ready to turn in Thursday

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