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IAMS Workflow System Training

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Presentation on theme: "IAMS Workflow System Training"— Presentation transcript:

1 IAMS Workflow System Training

2 Training Agenda: IAMS Workflow System Background of IAMS initiative
New Employee & Contractor Onboarding Process Walkthrough How to Manually Claim and Onboard an Employee (Because No-Manager Identified) How to “forward” Onboarding Request to a Colleague Navigating the IAMS Workflow System Dashboard First Time IAMS Workflow System Login Activities! How to Add a Direct Report who Already Has a Manager Open Floor for Questions

3 What You Need to Know IAMS Workflow System
Coming to the MTA in Fall 2017! Accessible Inside the IAMS Portal New Process for Onboarding Employees & Contractors The “Go-To” Resource for Hiring Managers / Liaisons to Onboard a New Employee/Contractors

4 Overview – IAMS

5 Overview – IAMS Workflow System
Standardized Onboarding Process Automated Provisioning ( , LAN, Shared Drive) Improved Self-Service Profile Updating

6 How To Access IAMS Workflow System

7 Accessing IAMS Workflow System
1. Go to the IAMS Portal ( OR

8 Accessing IAMS Workflow System

9 Accessing IAMS Workflow System

10 IAMS Workflow System Let’s walk through an example to better understand how the new onboarding process will work using IAMS Workflow System….

11 Email Notification for New Onboarding Request

12 MTA Employee Onboarding Request Form
Manager’s info is already provided (name, BSC ID, contact info)

13 MTA Employee Onboarding Request Form
New-hire info will already be filled in! Manager should still review for accuracy.

14 MTA Employee Onboarding Request Form

15 MTA Employee Onboarding Request Form
“Asset Tags” are stickers on MTA provided devices (i.e. laptop, desktop, monitors, etc.) that allows MTA IT to keep track of our assets. A “Data Jack” is the jack that the network and phone at the desk connect to … sometimes they may go to the same data jack, sometimes they may go to different jacks.

16 MTA Employee Onboarding Request Form

17 MTA Employee Onboarding Request Form

18 Email Confirmation of Completed Request

19 Recap of what was covered in this walkthrough!
IAMS Workflow System is the go-to resource for Managers to onboard new employees. notification will alert the Manager that the Employee Onboarding Request Form is ready to be filled out Manager will follow the link in the , which will take them into IAMS Workflow System, and then complete the Employee Onboarding Request Form

20 Contractor Onboarding Process
1. Go to the IAMS Portal ( OR Add the “IAMS Workflow System” shortcut from your Request Center tab, to your Launchpad.

21 Contractor Onboarding Process
Click on the IAMS Workflow System app shortcut on your Launchpad, to open the IAMS Workflow System application.

22 Contractor Onboarding Process
Click on the “Contractor OnBoarding” widget on your Dashboard.

23 Contractor Onboarding Process
Enter the Contractors first name and last name into the form.

24 Contractor Onboarding Process
Enter the Contractor’s Start and End Date. Note: The End Date cannot be greater than six months after the Start Date, per MTA policy.

25 Contractor Onboarding Process
Select the MTA location where the Contractor will be working (from the drop down list), along with the Office Info if known.

26 Contractor Onboarding Process
Answer the next question: “Will the Contractor require a Computer at their desk?” Select the appropriate response.

27 Manager Claim and Onboard Process
Note: If prompted to provide Asset Tag and Data Jack info, see below for where to locate this information. “Asset Tags” are stickers on MTA provided devices (i.e. laptop, desktop, monitors, etc.) that allows MTA IT to keep track of our assets. A “Data Jack” is the jack that the network and phone at the desk connect to … sometimes they may go to the same data jack, sometimes they may go to different jacks.

28 Contractor Onboarding Process
Answer the next question: “Will the Contractor require a new desk telephone?” Select the appropriate response.

29 Contractor Onboarding Process
Select the Type that the Contractor will need (from the drop down list), if is required.

30 Contractor Onboarding Process
If the Contractor requires Shared Drive Access, the hiring-Manager can select a current direct report whose Shared Drive access they want to clone, by clicking the drop down arrow OR they can type out what Shared Drives the Contractor will need access to.

31 Contractor Onboarding Process
If there are any other comments that the hiring-Manager wants to call out, they can do so in the “Additional Comments” field. After leaving any comments, all that is left to do is click “Submit”!

32 Contractor Onboarding Process
The Manager will then receive an notification, containing a snap-shot of all the IT resources that they selected for their Contractor (example above), and confirming that the request was submitted!

33 Contractor Onboarding Process
Process Complete! Additional Notes / Recap: It will be the responsibility of the hiring-Manager to initiate the Contractor Onboarding process in IAMS Workflow System. Both the Contractor and the Manager will get notifications starting 14 days out from the Contract End Date, reminding the Manager to update the Contract End Date (if required) Only the very basic IT resources can be requested by the Manager at this time (Computer, Phone, Type, and Shared Drive Access) – In the future, the IAMS team will roll-out enhancements to the Onboarding Request Form and integrate additional resources into the onboarding process. The Service Desk can be reached at for anyone that runs into technical difficulty during the Contractor Onboarding Process.

34 Manager Claim and Onboard Process
NYCT Hiring Managers There will be situations where a Manager will have to manually initiate the employee onboarding process. 1. When a new employee’s record is entered into PeopleSoft with no accompanying Manager assigned to the new employee. In these cases, the MTA Service Desk will work to identify who the right Manager is, and will send that Manager an asking them to go into IAMS Workflow System and complete the Onboarding Request Form for the new employee. OR 2. If a Manager misses all of the onboarding notification s, asking them to complete the onboarding process for the new employee, and the onboarding request expires.

35 Manager Claim and Onboard Process
First time users should add the “IAMS Workflow System” shortcut from the Request Center, to the Launchpad, by clicking on the + sign. Go to the IAMS Portal (

36 Manager Claim and Onboard Process
Once the IAMS Workflow System is added to the Launchpad, click on the app to launch the Workflow System application.

37 Manager Claim and Onboard Process
When a new employee’s record is entered into PeopleSoft with no accompanying Manager assigned to the new employee. If a Manager misses all of the onboarding notification s, asking them to complete the onboarding process for the new employee, and the onboarding request expires. To find the user that the Manager wants to claim as their Direct Report and complete the Onboarding Request Form for, click on the widget labeled “Claim and Onboard” (highlighted above).

38 Manager Claim and Onboard Process
Search for the employee/contractor’s name in the “User Search” bar that you want to claim as your direct report, and complete the onboarding process for.

39 Manager Claim and Onboard Process
Clicking on the drop down arrow will produce a list of all employees/contractors, with no Manager identified, that are waiting to be onboarded within IAMS Workflow System.

40 Manager Claim and Onboard Process
Once the Manager locates the user to claim and onboard, their User Info will auto-populate into the Selected User Info fields. The Manager should then click Submit.

41 Manager Claim and Onboard Process
After clicking Submit in the previous screen, the Manager will be taken to the MTA Employee Onboarding Request Form (above), which they will need to fill out.

42 Manager Claim and Onboard Process
The new employee’s name and user information will automatically be populated into the Employee Onboarding Request Form. Note: If the employee needs to be set up in a domain/agency that is different from what is listed in the Direct Report Information fields, the Manager should call those details out in the “Additional Comments” field at the bottom of the Form.

43 Manager Claim and Onboard Process
The Manager should fill out all of the fields, providing as much information as possible about the new employee’s: Work Location Office Info Computer needs Phone needs Type

44 Manager Claim and Onboard Process
Note: If prompted to provide Asset Tag and Data Jack info, see below for where to locate this information. “Asset Tags” are stickers on MTA provided devices (i.e. laptop, desktop, monitors, etc.) that allows MTA IT to keep track of our assets. A “Data Jack” is the jack that the network and phone at the desk connect to … sometimes they may go to the same data jack, sometimes they may go to different jacks.

45 Manager Claim and Onboard Process
The Manager should fill out the remaining fields, providing details on any Shared Drive access that the new employee will need. Any additional comments the Manager wants to leave should be entered in the Additional Comments field. Once complete, click “Next”

46 Manager Claim and Onboard Process
Review the Form one more time for accuracy. Click Submit!

47 Manager Claim and Onboard Process
The Manager will then receive an notification, confirming that the Form was successfully completed.

48 Manager Claim and Onboard Process
Back on the Manager’s Dashboard in IAMS Workflow System, the employee that was just onboarded, Ryan Bender, is now showing up as the Manager’s Direct Report.

49 Manager Claim and Onboard Process
Process Complete! The Manager has now claimed this new employee as their Direct Report & completed the Employee Onboarding Request Form, where they identified the IT resources that their new-hire will need This onboarding request will now be sent to the Service Desk, so that they can open work orders to provision & set up the IT resources for this new employee To ensure that Managers do not miss onboarding notifications in the future, Managers should ensure that they keep up with MTA notifications and/or update their “Forward” preferences to have their notifications go to another colleague. For additional information, please check out the IAMS Training Materials website at or the IAMS team at

50 Helpful Tips & Tricks IAMS Workflow System
Completing the MTA Onboarding Request Form on behalf of a colleague. Common scenario because the hiring-Manager doesn’t always have time to submit numerous requests for the IT resources that the new-hire will need to do their job. There are two ways that a Manager can request that a colleague complete the MTA Employee Onboarding Request Form for a new hire, on their behalf.

51 Step 1. IAMS Workflow System
When the BSC creates the record for the new employee in PeopleSoft, the new hire’s Manager will receive an notification, alerting them that they need to complete the MTA Employee Onboarding Form. Step 1.

52 Step 2. IAMS Workflow System
The Manager that receives the onboarding notification should either follow the link in the notification or manually log into IAMS ( – click on application on Launchpad to get into IAMS Workflow System.

53 Step 3. Step 4. IAMS Workflow System
On the Dashboard, under the “Latest Forms” section, the Manager will see the request for the new-hire that needs to be onboarded Step 4. Click on the “All >” button at the bottom of that section.

54 Step 5. IAMS Workflow System Right click on the Work Item
Now I have a more detailed view of the details around this particular request.

55 Step 6. IAMS Workflow System Then select “Forward”
Now I have a more detailed view of the details around this particular request.

56 Step 7. IAMS Workflow System
Now the Manager can select the individual that they want to complete the Onboarding Request Form, on their behalf. Now I have a more detailed view of the details around this particular request.

57 Step 8. IAMS Workflow System
Simply type in the colleague’s name or BSC ID to find the colleague that the Manager wants to complete the Onboarding Request Form. Now I have a more detailed view of the details around this particular request.

58 Step 9. IAMS Workflow System
While it is not required, it’s best practice for the Manager to leave a comment for the individual that they are asking to complete this form, on their behalf. Once the Manager has finished selecting the individual to forward this request to, and left a brief comment, they will click on Forward.

59 Step 10. IAMS Workflow System
Now the onboarding request is gone from the Manager’s list of Work Items, and the notification requesting that this form be completed will be sent to the individual that the Manager selected. Important to note that this Forwarding process only applies to the act of filling out the Employee Onboarding Request Form, and the original Manager that was set up in the system, will retain this individual as a direct report. Now that I’ve forwarded this item to a colleague to complete, that colleague will get all of the reminder notifications, not the original Manager.

60 Step 11. IAMS Workflow System
The individual that the Manager selected to complete the Onboarding Request Form, will receive an notification, alerting them to this request, and asking them to take action and complete the request. Important to note that the comments that the Manager included in the Forwarding request will show up in this , alerting them to the fact that the Manager has specifically requested that they complete the Onboarding Request Form on their behalf.

61 Step 12. IAMS Workflow System
The link in the will take them directly into IAMS Workflow System, where they will fill out the MTA Employee Onboarding Request Form, and request the IT resources that the new-hire will need. Now I’m in the account of the individual that the Manager forwarded this request to, and I can see that the Manager who forwarded me this request

62 IAMS Workflow System After filling out the form and clicking Submit, both the individual that completed the Onboarding Request Form, AND the original Manager, will get a confirmation , notifying them that this request is now Complete! Now I’m in the account of the individual that the Manager forwarded this request to, and I can see that the Manager who forwarded me this request

63 IAMS Workflow System You’ve now seen how a Manager can forward an individual Work Item, which in our case was a request to complete the Employee Onboarding Request Form, for a new hire, to another individual to complete, on their behalf. There’s another way, through updating their Preferences that a Manager can actually have ALL onboarding notifications go to a colleague to complete, on the Manager’s behalf. Let’s take a quick look at how a Manager can update their Preferences so that all onboarding requests will go to an individual of the Manager’s choosing!

64 IAMS Workflow System How to Update Preferences in IAMS Workflow System So That All Onboarding Requests Go to A Different Individual to Complete

65 Step 1. IAMS Workflow System
Log into IAMS Workflow System, and click on the drop down arrow under your name, then click on Preferences.

66 Step 2. IAMS Workflow System
You’re now on the Edit Preferences page, where you have the opportunity to select a Forwarding User, that you want all Onboarding Notifications to go to.

67 Step 3. IAMS Workflow System
Important to note that you’ll need to select a Start and End Forwarding Date. Once those dates have been entered, click Save. Start and End Forwarding dates are particularly important, because let’s say a Manager is going out on short term leave for 2 months, they’ll be able to select which user they want to receive those Onboarding Notifications for the entire 2 month period that they will be out on leave.

68 IAMS Workflow System Process Complete!
The Manager has now updated their Preferences so that all Onboarding Requests that normally would come to them, will instead be forwarded to the user that the Manager selects, during the time period provided! Start and End Forwarding dates are particularly important, because let’s say a Manager is going out on short term leave for 2 months, they’ll be able to select which user they want to receive those Onboarding Notifications for the entire 2 month period that they will be out on leave. We hope you found these tips and tricks on how a Manager can forward both an individual Onboarding Request,

69 How to Add a Direct Report

70 How to Add a Direct Report in IAMS Workflow System
Managers logging into IAMS Workflow System for the first time will need to manually add their existing Direct Reports This will allow Managers to be able to manage and keep track of all their employees that report to them. The process of updating a Manager’s Direct Reports is quick and easy to follow! Let’s get started and take a look at the step by step process Managers should follow to update their Direct Reports in IAMS Workflow System!

71 How to Add a Direct Report in IAMS Workflow System
Step 1. Log into the IAMS Portal at Remember! Use your BSC ID as your Username Use your MTA Network Password (which you use to log into your computer/workstation). Click Sign In!

72 How to Add a Direct Report in IAMS Workflow System
Step 2. Open the IAMS Workflow System application Note: If you’ve already added the IAMS Workflow System application to you Launchpad, you can find it there! If you are a first time user of IAMS Workflow System, you can find a shortcut to the application on the Request Center tab. Click the + sign and add the app to your Launchpad.

73 How to Add a Direct Report in IAMS Workflow System
Step 3. From the Launchpad, click on the app to login to the IAMS Workflow System. CLICK HERE!

74 How to Add a Direct Report in IAMS Workflow System
Step 4. I’m now on my Dashboard, and as a first time user I’ll see that there are no users showing up in my list of Direct Reports. Click on the “Update My Direct Report” widget.

75 How to Add a Direct Report in IAMS Workflow System
Step 5. Under Update My Direct Reports, type your direct report’s name in the User Search Bar.

76 How to Add a Direct Report in IAMS Workflow System
Step 6. Once I’ve selected my user, the rest of their user info will auto populate into the form. All that’s left to do is click Submit!

77 How to Add a Direct Report in IAMS Workflow System
Step 7. Process Complete! I’ve completed adding my Direct Report, and they are now showing up under the Direct Reports list on my Dashboard.

78 How to Add a Direct Report in IAMS Workflow System
What if the Direct Report I want to claim, already has a Manager?

79 How to Add a Direct Report in IAMS Workflow System
Search for the employee or contractors name in the User Search bar.

80 How to Add a Direct Report in IAMS Workflow System
Once the Manager selects this user, their User Info fields will be auto filled. Note that because this employee is ALREADY assigned as another Manager’s direct report, that Manager must approve this request for the Manager to add this employee as their direct report. Manager should still click Submit

81 How to Add a Direct Report in IAMS Workflow System
Once the Manager selects this user, their User Info fields will be auto filled.

82 How to Add a Direct Report in IAMS Workflow System
Recap of Details Covered in this Walkthrough! All Managers logging into IAMS Workflow System for the first time, should be sure and add all of the employees that report to them, to their list of Direct Reports. Navigate to the “Update My Direct Report” widget on your Dashboard, and search for your Direct Report’s name, using their First & Last Name, or BSC ID Once you’ve found your Direct Report, and you’ve reviewed their employee information to confirm it is correct, click Submit! That user will then show up on your Dashboard page, under your list of Direct Report’s. You should repeat this process for until all of your Direct Report’s have been added to your Direct Report list. Reach out to the IAMS team at with any questions about how to add users to your list of Direct Reports within the IAMS Workflow System application.

83 Resources Available The following resources are available to assist with questions about IAMS Workflow System IAMS Workflow System FAQs Manager Reference Guide

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