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Assessing the Impacts of Commuter Shuttles in San Francisco

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1 Assessing the Impacts of Commuter Shuttles in San Francisco
Joe Castiglione, SFCTA SAN FRANCISCO COUNTY TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY TRB Planning Applications Conference May 16, 2017 Raleigh, NC

2 Acknowledgements Yiyan Ge, SFCTA Camille Guiriba, SFCTA
Rachel Hiatt, SFCTA Francesca Napolitan, SFMTA John Knox-White, SFMTA

3 Controversy in SF Traffic congestion Neighborhood safety Environment
Public transportation Displacement Gentrification Listening-to-the-many-sides-in-the-great-tech php

4 Commuter Shuttle Program
Pre-2014: no shuttle regulation, >250 stops Jan 2014: Shuttle Pilot program launch manage curb space Limit streets April 2016: Revised pilot program Further street restrictions Labor issues April 2016: Assess an alternative reduced- stop, hub-based approach

5 Challenges Limited Data Supply Uncertainty Who are shuttle riders?
Where are they going? Who isn’t riding shuttles? Supply Uncertainty Would providers continue to participate? How would service be restructured?

6 Evaluation & Alternatives
Mode shift & VMT Safety Non-arterial volumes Transit conflicts Enforcement Parking Alternatives Consolidated (17 hubs) Freeway-oriented (9 hubs) BART-oriented (5 hubs) Single hub (1 hub)

7 Mode Choice Adapted from SF-CHAMP work tour mode choice model
Simplified alternatives Simplifies specification Use time-specific skims Limitations No info on actual size of the tech shuttle market No individual attributes No HH attributes No home locations Limited work locations Impedances InVehicleTime WaitTime DestWalkTime OrigWalkTime XferWalkTime OPCIncome60k TransitXfers Fares / costs

8 Network Impedances Use Google Maps Directions API to calculate impedances Mode specific Departure time specific (minute-level) Route specific

9 Findings Significant shift to driving in 1-hub scenario
Current Program Single-hub BART-Oriented Freeway-Adjacent Consolidated Network Mode Share Shuttle Trips 100% 55% 73% 72% 76% Drive Trips 0% 41% 24% 25% 22% Transit Trips 4% 3% 2% Number of Trips 8,200 4,500 6,020 5,930 6,230 3,330 1,960 2,050 1,780 370 220 190 Significant shift to driving in 1-hub scenario Modest shift to driving in other scenarios Virtually no shift to transit Increases in VMT under all scenarios Current Program Single-hub BART-Oriented Freeway-Adjacent Consolidated Network VMT 7,970,772 66,062,924 41,628,833 42,744,989 42,213,430 GHG (Tons of CO2) 15,412 38,671 27,515 28,034

10 contact:

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