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Working with Community Partners

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1 Working with Community Partners
December 14, 2014 OCAq is an organization that promotes the conservation and appreciation of marine and coastal ecosystems Have been around for 20 years providing lots of educational opportunities -labs -outreach -kits -professional development Sleepovers And a variety of public programs Swell and dandy so why do we need a different approach? If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it

2 Goals for Session Identify strategies for effective communication
Explore various means of engaging community partners in student learning Get to know existing community partners on the Central Oregon Coast

3 Why use community partners?
How many people have been to Oregon? How many people have been to the Oregon Coast Aquarium? Bring up animation Most of our visitors, including school groups, are from the valley (highly populated areas) and Portland– explain the distance Even with the distance, many local students were not participating in OCAq programs– don’t appreciate what’s in your own backyard issue Beyond that, it wasn’t even that they were not only not visiting the Aquarium, students were not even going to the beach or enjoying the ocean As an organization that wants people to understand and cherish marine and coastal ecosystems, we were not serving the K12 students in our own community as well as we knew we could

4 Community partners assets…
Content expertise Facilities/sites People Shared mission Authentic audiences or issues Career connections How many people have been to Oregon? How many people have been to the Oregon Coast Aquarium? Bring up animation Most of our visitors, including school groups, are from the valley (highly populated areas) and Portland– explain the distance Even with the distance, many local students were not participating in OCAq programs– don’t appreciate what’s in your own backyard issue Beyond that, it wasn’t even that they were not only not visiting the Aquarium, students were not even going to the beach or enjoying the ocean As an organization that wants people to understand and cherish marine and coastal ecosystems, we were not serving the K12 students in our own community as well as we knew we could

5 Before seeking out collaboration…
Develop an idea Identify primary content standards to be addressed Brainstorm how you might want to utilize a community partner

6 Initiate Conversation
Communicate your learning objectives Inquire what assets they may be able to contribute Ask about timelines Inquire if they know of anyone else

7 Collaboratively Identify…
Schedule Activities Responsibilities Products Audiences

8 Think Outside of the Box
Virtual visits Multiple visits Use of volunteers ???

9 Reflect and Evaluate Curriculum committee Teacher advisory activities
Leaders within their school

10 Get to know… Brian Fowler, Oregon State Parks;
Renee O’Neill, Streamwebs; Wendy Spaulding or Rachael Bashor, Oregon Coast Aquarium; or Curriculum committee Teacher advisory activities Leaders within their school

11 Get to know… Brenda Kauffman, Drift Creek Camp; Lisa Phipps, Tillamook Estuaries Partnership; Todd Williver, OSU Extension 4H; Graham Klag, REEF Education Program; Cait Goodwin, Oregon Sea Grant/Oregon Coast STEM Hub; Curriculum committee Teacher advisory activities Leaders within their school

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