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Part 3 topics Goals: Money and banking -

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1 Part 3 topics Goals: Money and banking -
to develop an understanding of monetary policy Develop the ability to solve problems using both monetary and fiscal policies Focus on problem solving Money and banking - How banks and thrifts create money - Monetary policy - Economic growth – Deficits, surpluses, and the public debt

2 Please listen to the audio as you work through the slides.
Money and Banking Please listen to the audio as you work through the slides.

3 Money and Banking Learning Objectives:
Students will be able to thoroughly and completely explain: M1 and M2 of the Money Supply. The Demand for Money – transaction demand and asset demand for money. The impact on interest rates of changes in the demand and supply of money. The organization of the Federal Reserve System, and the functions of the Federal Reserve

4 The Functions of Money Medium of Exchange It’s what sellers generally accept and buyers generally use to pay for goods and services. Unit of Account A standard unit that provides a consistent way of quoting prices. It’s how we keep score. Store of Value An asset that can be used to transport purchasing power from one time period to another Liquidity It is portable and readily accepted and thus easily exchanged for goods and services. Money is liquid.

5 Money Supply Definition… M1 Currency – Coins Federal Reserve Notes
Little Intrinsic Value Checkable Deposits in: Commercial Banks Thrift Institutions - An organization formed as a depository for primarily consumer savings. Savings and Loan Associations (S&L’s), Credit Unions

6 = Plus... Money Supply M2 M1 Near-monies Savings Deposits – including:
Money Market Deposit Accounts (MMDAs) bank products – interest bearing accounts Smaller Time Deposits < $100,000 “CD’s” Money Market Mutual Funds (MMMFs) Mutual Fund Company products

7 Money Defined + + + + + January 2008 M1 M2 Currency 56% M1
Checkable Deposits 44% 18% Small Time Deposits + 16% Money Market Mutual Funds Held By Individuals 14% + Savings Deposits, Including Money Market Deposit Accounts 52% + Totals $1,365 Billion $7,499 Billion Source: Federal Reserve System

8 What about credit cards?
Is this money?

9 Money Supply What “backs” the Money Supply? Why is money valuable?
Nothing tangible! The full faith and credit of the USA Why is money valuable? Acceptability – we accept it Legal tender – Government designated Relative scarcity – relative to its utility 31-9

10 Money and Prices Prices affect purchasing power of money
Hyperinflation renders money unacceptable Key goal: Stabilizing money’s purchasing power Intelligent management of the Money Supply – monetary policy Appropriate fiscal policy

11 The Demand for Money To make purchases with it
What do we want to do with money? To make purchases with it To hold it as an asset or acquire interest bearing assets with it: corporate bonds – earn interest Stocks – increase in value “we hope” private or government bonds – earn interest or money – earns no interest but is most liquid Advantage of holding money as and asset Liquidity Less Risk relative to bonds, stocks or other interest bearing assets Disadvantages of holding money as an asset It earns little or no interest

12 Demand for Money Transactions demand, D1 Asset demand, D2
Determined by nominal GDP Independent of the interest rate Asset demand, D2 Money as a store of value Varies inversely with the interest rate Downward sloping demand curve Total money demand, Dm Bonds are assumed as a typical asset with lower prices associated with higher interest rates

13 Asset Demand for Money Explained:
We have a choice of which assets to hold: money, or bonds. Money earns no interest while bonds do earn interest. When interest rates are low we recognize that the opportunity cost of holding bonds is low, so we choose to hold (demand) large amounts of money. When interest rates are high, the opportunity cost of holding money is high, so we choose to hold (demand) less money (more bonds). Hence there is an inverse relationship between interest rates and the asset demand for money.

14 Demand for Money + = (c) Total demand for (a) (b) money, Dm
and supply (a) Transactions demand for money, Dt (b) Asset demand for money, Da 10 7.5 5 2.5 Sm + = Rate of interest, i percent 5 Dt Da Dm 50 100 150 200 50 100 150 200 50 100 150 200 250 300 Amount of money demanded (billions of dollars) Amount of money demanded (billions of dollars) Amount of money demanded and supplied (billions of dollars)

15 Equilibrium interest rate
Interest Rates Equilibrium interest rate Changes with shifts in Money Supply and money demand Interest rates and bond prices Inversely related Bond pays fixed annual interest payment Lower bond price will raise the interest rate

16 The Money Market ie Sm Dm Suppose the money supply is decreased
Interaction of bond prices, interest rates, And Money Supply Sm 10 7.5 5 2.5 Suppose the money supply is decreased from $200 billion, Sm, to $150 billion Sm1. ie Rate of interest, i (percent) Assume that we hold both money and bonds at the same time. Dm Amount of money demanded (billions of dollars)

17 Rate of interest, i (percent) Amount of money demanded
The Money Market Sm1 Sm 10 7.5 5 2.5 A decrease in the supply of money creates a temporary shortage of money. We will require the sale of some assets to meet our need. ie Rate of interest, i (percent) People and institutions try to gain More money by selling bonds. The supply of bonds increase, and the prices of bonds decrease. Interest rates increase. At higher interest rates, people reduce the amount of money they want to hold Dm Amount of money demanded (billions of dollars)

18 Rate of interest, i (percent) Amount of money demanded
The Money Market Sm 10 7.5 5 2.5 Suppose the money supply is increased from $200 billion, Sm, to $250 billion Sm2. ie Rate of interest, i (percent) Dm Amount of money demanded (billions of dollars)

19 Rate of interest, i (percent) Amount of money demanded
The Money Market Sm Sm2 A temporary surplus of money will require: 1. the purchase of some assets to meet the de- sired level of liquidity. 10 7.5 5 2.5 ie Rate of interest, i (percent) 2. Increased demand for Bonds causes the price of Bonds to rise and interest rates To fall. 3. We re-adjust our holdings of money and bonds to fit our Liquidity preference. Dm Amount of money demanded (billions of dollars)

20 The Federal Reserve and the Banking System
Centralization and Public Control Board of Governors – 7 members, appointed by president & confirmed by Senate, 14 year terms. Assistance & Advice Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) – 12 people advise on the buying & selling bonds Meet every 6 weeks The 12 Federal Reserve Banks Central Bank Role Quasi-Public Banks Banker’s Banks Supervise Commercial Banks & Thrifts

21 Federal Reserve System
Board of Governors Federal Open Market Committee 12 Federal Reserve Banks Commercial Banks Thrift Institutions (Savings and Loan Associations, Mutual Savings Banks, Credit Unions) The Public (Households and Businesses)

22 Federal Reserve System
The 12 Federal Reserve Banks Source: Federal Reserve Bulletin

23 Issuing Currency (not manufacturing it)
FED Functions & the Money Supply Issuing Currency (not manufacturing it) Setting Reserve Requirements & Holding Reserves Lending Money to Banks & Thrifts Discount Rate Providing for Check Collection Acting as Fiscal Agent for the Government Supervising Banks Controlling the Money Supply

24 Some recent developments in the financial services sector.
Relative Decline of Banks and Thrifts – decline in their % of assets held Financial Services Industry – changes in composition Consolidation Among Banks and Thrifts Convergence of Services Provided by Financial Institutions Globalization of Financial Markets Electronic transactions Deregulation and creation of new products

25 Major US financial institutions
Commercial banks Bank of America, Wells Fargo JPMorgan Chase Bank Thrifts – S&L’s, mutual saving banks, credit unions Insurance companies – Prudential, New York Life, Mutual fund companies – Fidelity, Putnam, and many more Pension funds TIAA-CREF, Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association, College Retirement Equities Fund (TIAA-CREF), Teamsters union CalPERS – California Public Employees Securities firms Merrill Lynch (part of Bank of America), Charles Schwab, Bear Stearns, Goldman Sachs – global investment banking and securities firm.

26 History of banking regulation

27 1913: Federal Reserve Act creates national banking system.
1914: Federal Trade Commission Act prohibits unfair or deceptive business practices. 1933: With memories of 1929 stock crash still fresh, Glass-Steagall Act separates "commercial banks" focusing on consumer activities (checking, savings) from "investment banks," which deal with speculative trading and mergers.

28 Sept 1987: Drexel Burnham Lambert, home to "junk-bond king" Michael Milken, creates "collateralized debt obligations" (CDOS)—securities made up of myriad loans and bonds with different risk levels. April 1998: Citicorp and Travelers announce biggest-ever corporate merger ($70 billion); transaction technically illegal under Glass-Steagall; CEO Sandy Weill launches $12 million campaign to repeal law. June 1998: Conseco purchases mobile home lender turned subprime powerhouse Green Tree in $6 billion deal.

29 Nov 1999: Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act guts Glass-Steagall, setting off wave of megamergers among banks and insurance and securities companies. Driving force is Sen. Phil Gramm (R-Texas), who has received $4.6 million from FIRE sector over previous decade. Dec 14: As Congress heads for Christmas recess, Sen. Gramm attaches 262-page amendment to an omnibus appropriations bill. Commodity Futures Modernization Act will deregulate derivatives trading, give rise to Enron debacle, and open door to an explosion in new, unregulated securities April : Fed chair Alan Greenspan signals concern with "abusive lending practices that target vulnerable segments of the population and can result in unaffordable payments, equity stripping, and foreclosure."

30 Oct 7 2002: Swiss investment bank UBS announces that Sen
Oct : Swiss investment bank UBS announces that Sen. Gramm is joining it to "advise clients on corporate finance issues and strategy"; he will also lobby Congress, Treasury, and Fed on banking and mortgage issues as industry pushes to eliminate predatory-lending rules.

31 The Recent Financial Crisis
Topics Causes Impacts Government responses

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