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Canadian Civics- Intro CHV20

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1 Canadian Civics- Intro CHV20
Ms. King

2 What does it mean to be an active citizen?
Definition of citizen: “a native or naturalized member of a state or nation who owes allegiance to its government and is entitled to its protection.” - KEY OBJECTIVE OF THIS COURSE: Learning how we can make changes to things we don’t like about our democratic society. Here is how: 1. Be informed 2. Be purposeful 3. Be active

3 BE INFORMED What does it mean to be informed?
Learn the rules and procedures for collective decision making Find out your responsibilities and rights as a valued member of a group or community Know and understand who has power to make changes.

4 BE PURPOSEFUL How to be purposeful?
Be clear about what you believe would make things better. Learn how to convince others that what you would like to see happen is a good thing for the community. Communicate this information to the right people, people can help you get the job done.

5 BE ACTIVE Roll up your sleeves and work at making good things happen!
Network with others who support your cause.

6 Different levels for these goals
Throughout this course we will examine these 3 goals on a: Local Regional Provincial National and, Global level

7 Keys to success in this course:
Informed- listen to myself as well as your peers, parents, community members etc. and question what we’ve got to say! Watch the news, read the newspaper, listen to the radio so that you are able to contribute an intelligent argument and supported information. Purposeful- reflect on what you learn and be critical when forming an opinion. Try to understand where your opinion is coming from (social deconstruction) and be open minded to what others think and feel. Stand up for what you believe in and help others understand and support your cause. Active- PARTICIPATE! It will be very hard to do so without being informed and purposeful. Class discussions, debates, assignments, community events etc- get involved!

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