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Telehealth and Telecare Effective Practitioner

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Presentation on theme: "Telehealth and Telecare Effective Practitioner"— Presentation transcript:

1 Telehealth and Telecare Effective Practitioner
Learning Activity Kirstin James Falls Co-ordinator Edinburgh CHP Tel:

2 Presentation outline:
Need for the project Goals of project Development of the pathway Who was involved The Learning Activity What impact might this have? How can it be evaluated? What’s next?

3 Project origins Ageing population Long term conditions
Telehealth and telecare as part of solution

4 Project Goals To engage Allied Health Practitioners to consider telehealth and telecare as part of their practice To develop a process pathway for AHPs to deliver telehealth and telecare To develop a learning activity to connect with the pathway To raise the profile of ‘Effective Practitioner’ as a learning resource

5 Pathway development


7 Who was involved? IT specialists from Fife NHS
Small development team in NHS Lothian Health and social cre practitioners-small focus group NES

8 Learning activity

9 What do you like about the pathway?
What do you not like about the pathway? How useful is the format of the pathway (use of pictograms etc)? Is this an understandable and a useful way to depict the steps? It might be possible to attach information to the pathway steps. What would you find useful to have attached? How might this pathway apply to your service users? How might this pathway apply to your team? Where might you find information related to telehealth and telecare ? Who might review telehealth and telecare needs? How frequently? 'What do you understand the screening process to be? How frequently to do you refresh your telecare knowledge? Where would you guide patients, family or carers for information on telecare? If the pathway evolved to include local contact details and referral forms, is this a tool that you would regularly access?

10 Impact: What was learnt?
About AHPs? My learning

11 Evaluation NES website

12 What’s next? Evaluation of pathway Development for other sites


14 Thank you for listening Any questions?

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