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Mrs. Price’s 2nd Grade Insert Class Photo.

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Price’s 2nd Grade Insert Class Photo."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Price’s 2nd Grade Insert Class Photo

2 Mrs. Price and Ms. Rall Family Education Experience

3 Morning Arrival 7:40 – Bell rings Line up on playground - #12
Morning Business –Attendance and Lunch Money Collection Head to Special Area Classes at 7:50

4 Important Announcements
There is NO student drop off on Whitten. All student drop off needs to happen in the designated drop off area in the East Parking Lot. All students should arrive to school in time to line up with their class on the playground. This is an important for routine for students. When they are running in through the front office it disrupts their start to the day, really disrupts the work in the front office, and they miss the first part of specials.

5 Related Arts Monday – Art Mrs. Pooler
Tuesday – P.E. Mrs. Levy Wear tennis shoes Wednesday – Computer Lab Thursday – Music Ms. Osborne Friday – Library Ms. Anderson

6 Classroom Management School-wide PBIS plan
Character clips in classroom Character clips calendar in BEE Binder Love and Logic approach to behavior management Rights and Responsibilities Life Skills Everyday

7 Common Core Standards Aligned with college and work expectations
Rigorous content and application of knowledge through high-order skills Informed by other top-performing countries so that all students are prepared to succeed in a global economy and society Source:

8 Why is this important? A common set of standards ensures that all students, no matter where they live, will be focused on graduating from high school. In an increasingly mobile society, families with children transferring to new schools will not have to adjust to new learning expectations. Standards will be the same for all students in states adopting them, making transitions smoother for students. All students must be prepared to compete with not only their American peers in the next state, but with students from around the world

9 Reading Reading Series-Harcourt Engage New York-Oral comprehension
CAFÉ – Independent reading & conferences focused on growth Poetry Teacher/student read aloud Reading for a purpose 5 Key Components of Reading Phonemic Awareness-individual speech sounds spoken in words Phonics-Understanding of symbol-sound relationship in written language Vocabulary-words readers recognize or use in print Comprehension-understanding the meaning embedded in text Fluency-ability to read a text with accuracy, automaticity, and expression

10 5 Key Components of Reading
Phonemic Awareness -individual speech sounds spoken in words Phonics-Understanding of symbol-sound relationship in written language Vocabulary-words readers recognize or use in print Comprehension-understanding the meaning embedded in text Fluency-ability to read a text with accuracy, automaticity, and expression 5 Key Components of Reading Phonemic Awareness-individual speech sounds spoken in words Phonics-Understanding of symbol-sound relationship in written language Vocabulary-words readers recognize or use in print Comprehension-understanding the meaning embedded in text Fluency-ability to read a text with accuracy, automaticity, and expression

11 Writing In the second grade, we focus on teaching students to write for a variety of purposes through the format of a Writer’s Workshop and/or content-integrated writing. Types of Writing as defined by the Common Core: narrative, persuasive (argument), and expository/informational Taught through Writer’s Workshop

12 Math Five Standards Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Number and Operations in Base 10 Measurement and Data Geometry Mathematical Practices

13 Math Arizona 2010 Math Standards or the Common Core
Arizona Department of Education An expectation of students at each grade level, putting, students, parents, teachers and school administrators on the same page, working toward shared goals. A progression of learning expectations

14 Math Resources Investigations 2 Activity based
A deeper understanding of math and how to apply it. Mathematical reasoning, problem solving strategies, and creative thinking skills. Fosnot Kathy Richardson Engage New York Hands on approach to teaching math Emphasis on problem solving and practice. Different types of experiences and practices in a lesson by lesson format.

15 Social Studies Place events in chronological sequence
Describe everyday life in the past Describe past events, people, and places Famous Americans Responsibilities and rights of citizenship Symbols, songs, & traditions of the U.S. Awareness of cultures and customs Geography American History -use timelines to identify sequence, European explorers and discoveries in new world, Civil War era, Civil Rights leaders, and current events World History -Ancient Greek philosophers, political and military leaders from Ancient Rome, and the exploration of Canada Civics and Government -national symbols and monuments, how communities work together, national holidays, branches and levels of government, how laws are made, citizenship, and character traits Geography-maps, characteristics of maps, locate features on maps, species and environments, and change over time Economics-resources and where they are made, ways to earn money, and costs and benefits of personal spending Responsibilities and rights of citizenship Symbols, songs, & traditions of the U.S. Awareness of cultures and customs Geography Place events in chronological sequence Describe everyday life in the past Describe past events, people, and places Famous Americans

16 Science UNITS: The Human Body Weather Insects & Mammals
Solids, Liquids & Gases


18 Arts Standards Spelling There are 5 disciplines.
Creating and Responding are the primary mediums through which the Arts are integrated into the general education classroom.

19 Arts Integration Science
Arts Integration is our school-wide approach to teaching which involves: Teaching the Arts Standards first- this gives the class common background knowledge and a common language through which to communicate their understanding in all other subject areas. Students will then learn the Math, ELA, Science, and Social Studies standards. The arts are integrated via: Warm-up/review activities Metaphors to explain new, complex concepts or ideas Practice throughout the lesson Assessment (both formal and informal) This does not happen every lesson, every moment of every day; only when appropriate.

20 Lunch 11:35 Recess before lunch 11:55 Lunch

21 Technology Develop Essential Skills Apply Technology to Everyday
Learning Conduct Research Dream box

22 Homework Sent home on Thursday
Due the next Thursday & Spelling test given Reading five nights for a minimum of 20 minutes –Child fills in the reading log and summary after they read.

23 Afternoon Dismissal Parent Pick Up
Students will wait in line by grade level under the blue ramada. If you park and pick up your child they will still be waiting by grade level under the blue ramada and need to let the teacher know they are leaving. Walkers Please have a designated meeting spot, if you are walking with your child

24 Communication Webpage: School:
Mrs Price's Class Website Communication Webpage: School: Mrs. Price: Phone BEE Communication Log Report cards

25 Volunteer in our Classroom!
Volunteers Book Orders- online Classroom Parties In the classroom help At home help Volunteers will start in the classroom after Labor Day.

26 Front Office Visitors on Campus All Non-Parent/Non-Legal Guardians
We appreciate our parent volunteers and welcome them to the Paloma campus. We ask that visitors follow Kyrene policy and schedule their visit in advance with the teacher.  Kyrene policy ensures safety, minimizes classroom interruptions, and promotes full concentration of both student and volunteers/visitors on the learning activity. Every visitor to the school campus is required to enter and exit through the front office. Every visitor will be required to exchange a picture ID for a numbered visitor’s badge. No cell phones, keys or such item will be accepted in lieu of a photo ID. All Non-Parent/Non-Legal Guardians All non-parent/non-legal guardians that wish to volunteer at school must be fingerprinted and cleared prior to volunteering at school. Please stop by the school office to complete a Volunteer Fingerprinting Form to start the process. For more information on visitors/volunteers on campus please see page 19 of the KSD Family Handbook. Pets and Other Animals For the safety of all students, please do not bring pets on campus. (Policy reference IMG, IMG-R)  For more information on Pets please refer to page 19 of the KSD Family Handbook.

27 for taking the time to attend Curriculum Night!
Thank You... for taking the time to attend Curriculum Night! Going for the Gold! I look forward to working with you and your child this year. It is going to be a wonderful year filled with exciting learning activities!

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