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Spotted Hyaena (Crocuta crocuta)

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Presentation on theme: "Spotted Hyaena (Crocuta crocuta)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Spotted Hyaena (Crocuta crocuta)
Species status assessment compiled by Stéphanie Périquet (CCF) & Lise Hanssen (Kwando Carnivore Project)

2 Population trend: DECREASING
IUCN Namibia Threats Actions Sources Global assessment Last assessment: 2015 LC since 2009 Lower Risk in 1966 Population trend: DECREASING

3 IUCN Namibia Threats Actions Sources
Southern Africa

4 Namibia . IUCN Namibia Threats Actions Sources Kunene - ??????
Etosha - ?????? (Martina Trinkel) (Current survey data available, but not analysed (Michelle Moeller) Bwabwata NP – 60 to 80 (Lise Hanssen) Mudumu/State Forest/MNC - <30 (Lise Hanssen) Eastern Chobe floodplains – < 20 (Lise Hanssen) Kunene - ?????? Khaudum/Nyae Nyae – 80 to 100 (Piet Beytell) . South West Namibia - < 30 (Ingrid Wiesel, Rudie Van Vuuren)

5 Threats Trophy hunting in and around National Parks
IUCN Namibia Threats Actions Sources Threats Trophy hunting in and around National Parks Retaliatory persecution Road mortality Emerging body part trade (feet and skins) Poisoning Snaring No conservation consideration Habitat destruction/declining connectivity

6 IUCN Namibia Threats Actions Sources
No trophy hunting of spotted hyaenas inside protected areas (at all) and buffer zones around protected areas. Traffic slowing in road mortality hotspots (often shared by other species like wild dogs). Site specific censuses and ongoing monitoring. Calibrate monitoring methods for specific sites. Adhering to zonation and land use (Human settlement). Stop timber harvesting (North East) Awareness among conservation and law enforcement about body part trade and potential poisoning. Species management plan for Namibia.

7 Sources IUCN Red List CCF (camera trapping)
IUCN Namibia Threats Actions Sources Sources IUCN Red List CCF (camera trapping) Carnivore Tracker app (sightings) Ingrid Wiesel (camera trapping + sightings) Lise Hanssen (GPS collars, spoor surveys, camera trap surveys, long-term study) Piet Beytell (GPS collars, camera trap survey in process)

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