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Adjutant General Captains Career Course and Decorations Program

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1 Adjutant General Captains Career Course and Decorations Program
Manage Awards and Decorations Program July 2017

2 What Would You Do? You are a Brigade/Battalion S-1 and you are preparing for the command and staff briefing tomorrow. You notice that there are multiple discrepancies between your award tracker and the data depicted on your command and staff briefing slides from your subordinate units: How would you remedy this situation? COA 1: Brief your command team during the command and staff that your subordinate units are not meeting the standard? COA 2: Notify your subordinate units about the discrepancies this evening and attempt to rectify the problems tonight prior to the command and staff briefing? COA 3: Do nothing and attempt to fix the problem on the next command and staff briefing.

3 Terminal Learning Objective
Action: Manage Awards and Decorations Program Conditions: Given AR , applicable MILPER Messages, and an awareness of the Operational Environment (OE) variables and actors. Standards: Students will meet the standard by scoring 80% or higher (70% for international students) on a knowledge based exam within the Provide HR Services End of Module Assessment which includes: State the objectives of the Army’s Awards and Decorations program 2. Identify eligibility for awards, badges and tabs 3. Identify processing requirements and procedures for award recommendations

4 AR 600-8-22, para 1-1 and para 1-12 (a)
Army Awards Program Goals and Philosophy: Objective - To provide tangible recognition for: To foster mission accomplishment Recognize excellence of both military and civilian members Motivate personnel to high levels of performance and service Acts of valor Exceptional service or achievement Special skills or qualifications Acts of heroism not involving actual combat AR , para 1-1 and para 1-12 (a)

5 Ethics and Values A decoration and decision as to which award is appropriate are both subjective decisions made by the commander. Awards will not be based upon grade Awards should reflect both the level of responsibility and manner of performance Predominant factor to consider is the degree of achievement or effectiveness on the unit Awards are not automatically entitled to an individual upon departure from an assignment Certificates / letters are appropriate for departing individuals Awards will not be used as prizes in contests Limiting awards to a specific number per unit is not authorized AR , para 3-1

6 Standards of Service Awards and decorations are a wartime and peacetime military personnel function Recommended decorations will be expeditiously processed, and recorded in military orders and certificates by the final approving authority within 60 days Typed recommendations will be the norm during peacetime. Handwritten printed recommendations are acceptable during wartime conditions A final record of each recommendation and the resulting decision will be maintained for historical purposes Recipients of awards should receive at presentation, award emblems and the elements (medal, certificate, and orders) before leaving an assignment or transition from active duty Award authorities may use Awards and Decorations Boards to advise them on appropriate levels of recognition (optional) AR , para 1-11

7 AR 600-8-22, para 1-14 a, 1-15, 1-17 a & b , 1-18, 1-19 a, and 1-23 b
Awards – Basics (1 of 2) Awards must be submitted within two years of the act, achievement, or service to be honored If an award is lost, it may be resubmitted provided that there is conclusive evidence of submission and of loss/failure to act on recommendation Soldiers who are flagged for weight control and/or APFT failure can receive awards if they are submitted for valor, heroism, or retirement awards. Period of an award recommendation is limited to the period of service during which the individual served under the recommending command Only one decoration is authorized to be given to an individual for the same act, achievement, or period of service Awards for Retirement may reflect last 10 years of service AR , para 1-14 a, 1-15, 1-17 a & b , 1-18, 1-19 a, and 1-23 b

8 Awards – Basics (2 of 2) Disapproved / Downgraded Awards
Requests for reconsideration or appeal must be submitted within one year from the date of the awarding authority’s decision Recommendations are resubmitted only if new, substantive and material information is furnished Requests must be forwarded through the same official channels as the original recommendation For wartime awards, the above applies but if the wartime awards approval authority does not wish to act on the reconsideration, it is forwarded to the Military Awards Branch (HRC) for final decision Interim Awards To ensure recognition, the appropriate authority may award a suitable lesser military decoration pending final action on the recommendation for higher award Example: The Army Commendation Medal may be awarded as an interim award for heroism and for which a recommendation for the award of the Distinguished Flying Cross or the Soldier’s Medal has been submitted AR , para 1-16 and 1-20

9 Odds and Ends for Bde S-1s
Recommendations for awards being submitted to USA HRC for final action will be initiated sufficiently in advance to arrive not less than 60 days before the desired presentation date Approval Authority – Peacetime Awards (para 3-5g-h) Attached USAR and AGR Soldiers must have HRC approval State AGs, ARNG and USAR CDRs have approval authority for Active Army and full-time AGR personnel performing full time duties under their command Quarterly awards statistical reports – a breakdown by award showing gender and ethnic distribution Management Tools (timeliness) Tracking sheet Orders # log Can be combined

10 Awards Tracking Tool Example

11 Awards Submission Timelines
Example Army Commendation Medal Meritorious Service Medal Submit to Brigade 75 Days prior to presentation date Submit to Brigade 45 Days prior to presentation date Loss Date Goal is for the Soldier to PCS and/or ETS with Award Presentation date may differ from through date of award Brigade must submit MSMs to HQ 60 days prior to presentation date for GO consideration

12 Deployment Planning Considerations
Current Award Policies Commander’s Award Philosophy Items to pack Training Requirements Task Organization once deployed Unit Awards / Campaign Credit Individual Records updated 12

13 Categories of Individual Awards
Decorations Army Good Conduct Medal Campaign / Service Medals Service Ribbons / Badges / Tabs Certificates / Letters Foreign Awards AR , para 1-13

14 Service Medals and Ribbons
Service (campaign) medals and service ribbons denote honorable performance of duty within specified limited dates in specified geographical areas. National Defense Service Medal Southwest Asia Service Medal Afghanistan Campaign Medal Iraq Campaign Medal Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal Global War on Terrorism Service Medal AR , Chapter 2 & 5

15 Afghanistan and Iraq Campaign Medal Service Stars
One Bronze Service Star is authorized for wear on the ACM/ICM for one or more days of participation in each campaign designated below. OEF Liberation of Afghanistan Consolidation I Consolidation II Consolidation III Transition I Transition II 11 Sep Nov 01 1 Dec Sep 06 1 Oct Nov 09 1 Dec Jun 11 1 Jul 11 – 31 Dec 14 1 Jan 15- TBD OIF Liberation of Iraq Transition of Iraq Iraqi Governance National Resolution Iraqi Surge Iraqi Sovereignty New Dawn 19 Mar May 03 2 May Jun 04 29 Jun Dec 05 16 Dec Jan 07 10 Jan Dec 08 1 Jan 09 – 31 Aug 10 1 Sep Dec 11 AR , para 2-16 and 2-17

16 The Inherent Resolve Campaign Medal (IRCM)
Individuals authorized the IRCM must have served in direct support of Operation Inherent Resolve (OIR) on/after 15 June The Area Of Eligibility (AOE) covers the land areas of Iraq and Syria. OIR Abeyance Intensification 15 Jun Nov 15 25 Nov 15 - TBD NOTE: Per MILPER Message , The Inherent Resolve Campaign Medal (IRCM) was authorized by Executive Order on 30 March Individuals authorized the IRCM must have served in direct support of Operation Inherent Resolve (OIR) on/after 15 June The AOE encompasses the land area of the countries of Iraq and Syria, the contiguous waters of each extending out to 12 nautical miles, and the airspace above the land area and contiguous waters. The IRCM period of award is from 15 June 2014 to a future date to be prescribed by the Secretary of Defense. MILPER Message

17 Wartime Decorations & Approval Authority
The awards depicted are awarded for wartime valor, service or achievement It is delegated by the Secretary of the Army Wartime awards delegation given to the theater commander terminates 180 days after completion of all wartime activities Wartime Awards Approval Authority is not automatic Current delegation may be found at the DA awards website Approval for any wartime award for Airman must be obtained from the United States Central Command Air Forces (USCENTAF) Approval for any wartime award for a Sailor must be obtained from Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) and for a Marine is the Commandant of the Marine Corps (CMC) 2 3 7 5 13 12 6 11 9 8 10 4 1

18 C&R Devices - Army Awards (1 of 2)
Military Decorations and Awards Review (MDAR) determined Soldiers should receive appropriate, distinct recognition for qualifying meritorious service or achievement performed under combat conditions or for impacting combat operations from a remote location Department of Defense Instruction dated 21 December 2016 authorized two new combat related devices for military awards. They are: The “C” device which recognizes meritorious service or achievement performed under combat conditions for qualifying Service members who are personally exposed to hostile action or are at significant risk of exposure to hostile action The “R” device recognizes qualifying exceptional achievements that have a direct and immediate impact on the outcome of a combat engagement or other military operation, from a location where the Service member was neither personally exposed to hostile action, nor at significant risk of exposure to hostile action MILPER Message provides detailed guidance, including the following:

19 C&R Devices - Army Awards ( 2 of 2)
Retroactive on or after 07 January 2016 Commanders are authorized to award “C” devices commensurate with their delegated wartime awards authority Commanders are authorized to award the “R” device commensurate with their peacetime awards approval authority or delegated wartime awards approval authority When Soldiers are still assigned to the wartime command that issued the original award, the appropriate commander will award the "C" or "R" device as appropriate by amending the original order to reflect award of the device provided the criteria When Soldiers are no longer assigned to the command that issued the original award, requests for determination of award of the "C" or "R" device will be submitted to the current chain of command for approval and amendment of the original order, per normal awards authority (AAM = O5; ARCOM = O6, etc.) Veterans, Retirees, or primary next of kin of deceased Soldiers will submit their requests for award of the “C” and “R” devices to Commander, U.S. Army Human Resources Command, Awards and Decorations Branch

20 Army Awards and Authorized Uses
Title of Decoration Valor Only Valor “V” device “V” Device Meritorious Service or Achievement Under Combat Conditions. “C” Device Remote Combat Impacts “R” Device Non-Combat Heroism Other Specific Achievement Other Meritorious Service Medal of Honor1 Distinguished Service Cross1 Distinguished Service Medal Silver Star1 Legion of Merit Distinguished Flying Cross Soldier’s Medal2 Bronze Star Medal3 Purple Heart4 N/A Meritorious Service Medal5 Air Medal Army Commendation Medal Army Achievement Medal 1These awards are by definition valor awards. The “V” and “C’ devices are not authorized. 2The “V” and “C’ devices are not authorized; The Soldier’s medal is only awarded for non-combat heroism 3The “C” device is not authorized because the BSM is a combat related award and service or achievement under combat conditions is inherent to the medal. All awards for non-valorous achievement or service must satisfy the requirements for personal exposure to hostile action or significant risk of exposure to hostile action. 4For wounds received as a result of hostile action. No combat devices are authorized. 5The “V” and “C” devices are not authorized. The MSM may be awarded for outstanding achievement or service in a combat zone, combat zone tax exclusion area and areas authorized for HFP, IDP, or HDP if the achievement or service is not combat related. The BSM is the appropriate equivalent-level award to recognize meritorious achievement or service under combat conditions.

21 Army Good Conduct Medal
Awarded for exemplary behavior, efficiency, and fidelity throughout a specified period of continuous enlisted active Federal military service Eligible personnel: Active Component enlisted Soldiers Active Guard Reserve (AGR) enlisted personnel Retroactively to eligible Army of the United States (AUS) enlisted Other Army enlisted as directed by the Secretary of the Army Ready Reserve enlisted ordered to AD under Title 10, USC S1s generate an eligibility report and forward to units Company commanders are the approval authority and are authorized to award the AGCM to enlisted personnel serving under their command AR , Chapter 4

22 Good Conduct Medal Roster
AAA-199 The purpose of the Good Conduct Medal Roster is to provide the commander with a list of Soldiers who are eligible to receive a Good Conduct Medal within the next 90 days. It is intended that this report be produced through the AHRS Web Portal, eMILPO Report Menu. This report displays Soldiers eligible for the Army Good Conduct Medal (AGCM) in two categories: Those eligible in three months. Those overdue. The unit commander is the approval authority for the AGCM. Remarks – This is where the commander circles (YES) or (NO) when deciding if the Soldier receives the AGCM. Signature of Unit Commander

23 Disqualification for the Army Good Conduct Medal

24 Check on Learning Q: What are the six categories of individual awards?
Q: Who is the approval authority for the Army Good Conduct Medal? Q: What are some actions the Bde S-1 Awards section must plan for in preparation for a deployment? A: Decorations, Good Conduct Medal, Service Medals/Ribbons, Badges/Tabs, Certificates/Letters, and Foreign Awards A: Company Commander A: Packing non-standard items Additional training requirements Task Org once deployed Unit Awards – writing/unit history Commander’s award philosophy

AR , Chapter 8

26 Combat Infantryman Badge
Soldier must hold an Infantry or Special Forces MOS Soldier must be personally present and under fire while serving in an assigned Infantry or Special Forces primary duty, in a unit engaged in active ground combat, to close with and destroy the enemy with direct fires. Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDS), Vehicle-Borne IEDs (VBIEDS) and the like are direct fire weapons. While no fixed, qualifying distance from an explosion of these devices can be established, commanders should consider the entirety of the combat situation when considering award of the CIB. CIB approval authority may be delegated to Army commanders, Colonel and above. AR , para 8-6

27 Combat Medical Badge Awarded for satisfactorily performing medical duties while the unit is engaged in active ground combat Must be personally present and under fire Awarded to medical personnel assigned, attached or under operational control of any ground Combat Arms units of brigade or smaller size Medical personnel, assigned, attached, or OPCON to Combat Aviation Units now qualify for the CMB, provided other criteria are met CMB approval authority may be delegated to Army Commanders, Colonel and above  AR , para 8-7

28 Combat Action Badge May be awarded to any Soldier
Soldier must be performing assigned duties in an area where hostile fire pay or imminent danger pay is authorized Soldier must be personally present and actively engaging or being engaged by the enemy, and performing satisfactorily in accordance with the prescribed rules of engagement Soldier must not be assigned/attached to a unit that would qualify the Soldier for the CIB/CMB May be awarded to members from the other U.S. Armed Forces and foreign Soldiers assigned to a U.S. Army unit, provided they meet the criteria CAB approval authority may be delegated to Army Commanders, Colonel and above. CAB approval authority may also be delegated to Regional Medical Center Commanders. AR , para 8-8

29 Purple Heart (PH) Criteria
During wartime the Secretary of the Army delegates to wartime commanders authority to award the Purple Heart (PH) A wound is defined as an injury to any part of the body from an outside force or agent sustained A key issue commanders must consider is the degree to which the enemy caused injury The PH differs from all other individual decorations in that an individual is not recommended for the decoration; rather he or she is entitled to it upon meeting specific criteria AR , para 2-8

30 Processing Procedures for the PH
Request for consideration of the Purple Heart could include:  Eyewitness statements or affidavits DA Form 1156 – Casualty Feeder Card DD Form 1380 – U.S. Field Medical Card, medical journals and/or other such documentation Retroactive requests for award of the Purple Heart are processed by the Human Resources Command Military Awards Branch AR , para 2-8

31 Army Unit Awards (1 of 2) Award Approval Authority
Presidential Unit Citation Secretary of the Army Valorous Unit Award Deputy Chief of Staff, G-1 Meritorious Unit Commendation Deputy Chief of Staff, G-1 Army Superior Unit Award Deputy Chief of Staff, G-1 Use DA Form 7594 to submit an Unit Award Recommendation Approval announced and confirmed in Headquarters, Department of the Army General Orders (DAGO) Center of Military History review Streamers, citations, and certificates issued AR , para 7-17

32 Army Unit Awards (2 of 2) PRESIDENTIAL UNIT CITATION (PUC)
VALOROUS UNIT AWARD (VUA) Wartime Award - awarded for extraordinary heroism in action against an armed enemy Display gallantry, determination, and esprit de corps Accomplish mission under extremely difficult and hazardous conditions Actions set unit apart from and above other units participating in same campaign Single or successive actions covering a relatively short period of time Degree of heroism commensurate with Distinguished Service Cross Wartime Award - awarded for extraordinary heroism in action against an armed enemy Display gallantry, determination, and esprit de corps Accomplish mission under extremely difficult and hazardous conditions Actions set unit apart from and above other units participating in same campaign Single or successive actions covering a relatively short period of time Degree of heroism commensurate with Silver Star ARMY SUPERIOR UNIT AWARD (ASUA) MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION (MUC) Wartime Award - superior performance of exceptionally difficult tasks Actions set unit apart from and above other units with similar missions Degree of service / achievement commensurate with Legion of Merit CONUS-based units not eligible Peacetime Award - outstanding performance of difficult and challenging mission Extraordinary circumstances Infrequently awarded to units larger than battalion size May be awarded to units during wartime for actions outside the combat zone

33 Campaign Credit Secretary of the Army authorized award of Campaign Participation Credit ALARACT messages detail policies and procedures HRC issues permanent orders and streamers 65% of authorized strength must be deployed to area for credit Organization must be authorized organizational color, distinguishing flag, or guidon to display streamer

34 Current Army Campaign Streamers
In recognition of deployments to other geographic regions outside of Iraq and Afghanistan, such as Kuwait, Qatar, and the Horn of Africa, units will receive a streamer in the colors of the Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal Regardless of the number of deployments, units participating in this campaign will receive only one streamer

35 Combat / Expert Infantry Streamer
May be awarded by commanders of divisions, corps, or armies if 65 percent or more of the TOE strength of an Infantry or Ranger unit has been awarded the Combat Infantryman Badge during military operations An embroidered star on the streamer will represent each additional award Awarded when 65 percent or more of the assigned strength of the brigade or smaller size unit is awarded the EIB during annual testing The Expert Infantry Streamer may be displayed for one year. Devices to indicate subsequent awards are not authorized AR , para 7-21 & 7-25

36 Combat / Expert Medical
Streamer May be awarded by commanders of armies, corps, divisions, or separate brigades when 65 percent or more of the TOE strength of a medical unit has been awarded the Combat Medical Badge during military operations in war Awarded when 65 percent or more of the assigned strength of the brigade or smaller size unit is awarded the EFMB during annual testing The Expert Medical Streamer may be displayed for one year Devices to indicate subsequent awards are not authorized AR , para 7-22 & 7-26

37 Combat Action Streamer
Commanders of battalions, groups, regiments and brigades are authorized to award the combat action streamer to companies under their commands Awarded when 65 percent or more of the TOE assigned strength of a unit authorized a color, distinguishing flag, or guidon has been awarded the Combat Action Badge (CAB) during military operations in war or in any military action where the CAB is authorized Effective 18 September 2001, units meeting the criteria are eligible for award of the combat action streamer AR , para 7-23

38 Check on Learning What supporting documentation is required when processing a request for award of the Purple Heart? A. DA Form 4187, Chain of command endorsement, Deployment Orders, ORB/ERB, One page narrative, eyewitness statements (or affidavits), DA Form 1156, and medical treatment documentation. Who is the current approval authority for CIB, CAB, and CMB? A. Colonel-level or higher commander. What percentage of a unit must be deployed to be eligible for campaign credit and combat streamers? A. 65 percent

39 Approval Authority for Awards for Members of Other U.S. Services
Awards for Other U.S. Service Members Approval Authority for Awards for Members of Other U.S. Services

40 Approval Authority Peacetime - Wartime
The regular Army approving authority for an award may approve the award for a member from another Service as long as the member is permanently assigned For members temporarily assigned a Letter of Recommendation (LOR) must be forwarded to the parent command for consideration Approving authority for award recommendations of the LOM and above is the respective Service Retirement awards must be forwarded to the respective Service Wartime Approval authority for all wartime awards is the service member’s respective service

41 U.S. Decorations to Foreign Military Personnel (1 of 2)
U.S. Army badges and tabs to foreign military personnel will be made only with the prior consent of their Government Badges and tabs not authorized to foreign military personnel are: CMB, EIB, Military Free Fall Parachutist and Special Ops Diver Awards to foreign military personnel require 3 to 6 months for processing by HQDA It is DOD policy to recognize individual acts of heroism, extraordinary achievement or meritorious achievement on the part of Service Members of friendly foreign nations O6 and below may be awarded: Silver Star, Distinguished Flying Cross, Soldier’s Medal, BSM, MSM, ARCOM, and AAM AR , Table 8-1 & para 1-38

42 U.S. Decorations to Foreign Military Personnel (2 of 2)
General or Flag rank or O6 holding such positions may be awarded: LM or MSM but not the ARCOM or AAM Before awarding of the SS, SM, and BSM the approving authority shall coordinate with the appropriate U.S. Embassy to ensure that the decoration is consistent with the overall interest of the U.S. The Unified Combatant Commander must request counterintelligence to conduct a records check, review / write award recommendation and citation, biographic file check, and issue a statement of concurrence or non-concurrence AR , para 1-38 &Table 3-1

43 Mass Approval for End of
Tour Awards

44 Brigade Commander’s Memo

45 Battalion and Company Commander’s Memo

46 Check on Learning Processing of awards for foreign military personnel may take _____ months. 3 – 6 months. Who is the approval authority for an ARCOM being presented to an Air Force Technical Sergeant permanently assigned to an Army unit for peacetime operations? The regular Army approval authority (O6 Commander). Can an ARCOM be awarded to a General from a friendly foreign military? A. No.

47 Log into eMILPO portal and execute Practical Exercise # 1

48 Terminal Learning Objective
Action: Manage Awards and Decorations Program Conditions: Given AR , applicable MILPER Messages, and an awareness of the Operational Environment (OE) variables and actors. Standards: Students will meet the standard by scoring 80% or higher (70% for international students) on a knowledge based exam within the Provide HR Services End of Module Assessment which includes: State the objectives of the Army’s Awards and Decorations program 2. Identify eligibility for awards, badges and tabs 3. Identify processing requirements and procedures for award recommendations

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