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Michelle M. Currier, DAU Professor of Contract Management

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1 Best Value Trade-Off Incorporating Value Adjusted Total Evaluated Price (VATEP) Procedures
Michelle M. Currier, DAU Professor of Contract Management Katy Hurd, Peggy Smith and Nick Pierce Infantry Combat Equipment Ground Combat Element Systems, Marine Corps Systems Command

2 Definitions VATEP VATEP is an Evaluation Methodology
Source selection evaluation methodology that allows for offeror’s total proposed price to be adjusted (for evaluation purposes only) based on the ‘value’ placed on better performance/capability as identified in the solicitation Removes some subjectivity from the best value evaluation Objectivizes trade space between threshold (minimum) and objective (maximum) for specific evaluation criteria by assigning monetary value to them Communicates to industry the value the Government places on better performance/capability for specific requirements Not a performance incentive VATEP is an Evaluation Methodology 2

3 Definitions, cont’d Valued Requirement
Evaluation criteria with defined threshold (minimum) and objective (maximum) with assigned VATEP adjustment value Evaluated on Acceptable/Unacceptable basis Offerors must propose at least threshold (minimum) as specified in RFP to be determined Acceptable; not required to propose beyond threshold (minimum) Downward adjustment to offerors’ total proposed price for above-threshold (minimum) up to objective (maximum) proposal No additional adjustment for exceeding objective (maximum) established in the RFP 3

4 Definitions, cont’d Valued Requirement, cont’d
Not included in Source Selection Authority’s (SSA’s) tradeoff decision beyond Acceptable rating Award decision cannot include/consider whether offeror proposed above threshold or not, or how far above threshold Evaluation credit received through potential for downward adjustment for evaluation purposes, not through tradeoff consideration 4

5 Definitions, cont’d Affordability Cap
Approved cost constraints or funding allocated for the acquisition Proposals exceeding affordability cap may not or will not be eligible for award (unaffordable) Source Selection Plan must address decision to use/not use affordability cap with supporting rationale and explain how it will be applied (AFFARS MP5315.3) RFP must state if proposals exceeding the affordability cap may not or will not be eligible for award 5

6 Definitions, cont’d Adjustment
Reduction of offeror’s total proposed price, for evaluation purposes only, for proposal that is above-threshold (minimum) up to objective (maximum) for valued requirements No additional adjustment or evaluation credit given for exceeding objective (maximum) Adjustment value and methodology specified in RFP Dollars, percentage of proposed price, or formulas 6

7 Definitions, cont’d Total Proposed Price (TPP)
Total value of offeror’s proposal as submitted Price against which VATEP adjustments are applied for fixed price contracts VATEP adjustments applied against Probable Cost for cost type contracts Price at which contract will be awarded Total Evaluated Price (TEP) Offeror’s TPP less VATEP adjustments and any other adjustments (calculated IAW the RFP) Used for evaluation purposes and SSA award decision only

8 Applicability VATEP may be appropriate when
Requirements Owner wishes to optimally balance price and performance/capability beyond threshold (minimum) requirements to maximize achievement of program objectives Funding available to pay for increased performance/capability beyond threshold (minimum) requirements Threshold (minimum) and objective (maximum) can be clearly identified and defined and objectively evaluated (Acceptable/Unacceptable) Value between threshold (minimum) and objective (maximum) can be quantified

9 Roles and Responsibilities
Requirements Owner Assist with selection of tradeoff methodology Identify specific, measurable above-minimum performance parameters for VATEP Determine what the Government is willing to pay for higher quality performance between threshold (minimum) and objective (maximum) Determine adjustment value assigned to valued requirements for evaluation purposes Know funding constraints/program budget

10 Roles and Responsibilities, cont’d
Contracting Officer Business Advisor Understand and advise Source Selection Team on risks, benefits and drawbacks Participate in discussions with industry during strategy development Ensure 100% clear, objective criteria in RFP Ensure source selection evaluation follows RFP language Contracting Officer Does Not Determine Adjustment Value

11 Challenges Valued requirements must be objective
Clearly defined threshold (minimum) and objective (maximum) Evaluated on Acceptable/Unacceptable basis Threshold = Acceptable Potential for downward adjustment is the only evaluation credit/consideration given to valued requirements No “extra credit” for proposing beyond objective (maximum) Consideration of technical risk Acceptable/Unacceptable rating definitions do not include consideration of technical risk Can include risk in assignment of Acceptable/Unacceptable rating if appropriate language included in RFP Can evaluate technical risk on a standalone basis

12 Challenges, cont’d Quantifying adjustment value Complexity
Difficult to enumerate dollars/percentages between threshold (minimum) and objective (maximum) Not generally a core competency for Requirement Owners Industry input during acquisition planning is critical Gain deeper insight into Government requirement Assist in defining realistic objectives and adjustments Drive/achieve greater technical capability or miss optimal technical solutions Complexity Multiple valued requirements with different adjustment methodologies increase complexity No more than two to three valued requirements Simple adjustment methodologies

13 Challenges, cont’d Valued requirements not part of tradeoff decision
Example: If range is most important but is established as a valued requirement, SSA cannot include it in tradeoff decision Carefully determine most appropriate methodology for each evaluation criteria Potential Impact to competition Offerors may not propose if they believe valued requirements and/or adjustment methodologies favor a specific offeror or put them at a competitive disadvantage

14 Using VATEP Section L Request offerors provide proposed level of performance/capability and provide their technical approach Recommend no more than two to three valued requirements Missile X Gov’t Threshold Gov’t Objective Offeror Proposal Range 90 nm min 115 nm 100 nm Weight 75 kg max 70 kg 72.8 kg Power 88 GJ min 99 GJ 94 GJ

15 Range (Rounded to Nearest whole Nautical Mile)
Using VATEP, cont’d Section M Provide the specific evaluation credit and adjustment methodology for exceeding threshold (minimum) up to objective (maximum) for each valued requirement Clearly state that no additional evaluation credit is given for exceeding objective Missile X Gov’ t Threshold Gov’t Objective Proposed Solution VATEP Adjustment Range (Rounded to Nearest whole Nautical Mile) 90 nm min 115 nm 90+ nm $0 95+ nm ($1,000,000) 100+ nm ($3,000,000) 105+ nm ($5,000,000) 110+ nm ($7,000,000) ($9,000,000)

16 Using VATEP, cont’d No Additional Credit Received Beyond Objective
Missile X Threshold Objective Propo sed Soluti on VATEP Adjustment Weight (Rounded to Nearest Tenth of a Kilogram) 75 kg max 70 kg 74-75 kg $0 kg ($1,000,000) kg ($2,000,000) kg ($3,000,000) kg ($4,000,000) Power (Rounded to the Nearest Gigajoule) 88 GJ min 99 GJ 88 – 90.9 GJ 0% 91 – 93.9 GJ (1%) 94 – 96.9 GJ (2%) 97 – 98.9 GJ (3%) (4%) No Additional Credit Received Beyond Objective

17 Using VATEP, cont’d Example
“The Government will select the proposal with the lowest Value Adjusted Total Evaluated Price (VATEP) from among those with Acceptable Past Performance, Acceptable Technical ratings, and Low or Moderate Risk ratings.” Lowest TEP Low or Moderate Technical Risk Acceptable Technical Factor AWARDEE Acceptable Past Performance Proposals All Responsive Proposals

18 Summary VATEP is an evaluation methodology
Requirements Owner identifies valued requirements, thresholds (minimums) and objectives (maximums), and associated value Offerors must propose Acceptable approach to at least meet specified threshold (minimum) Potential downward adjustment to TPP is the only evaluation consideration for valued requirements Valued requirements not included in SSA’s award decision

19 Summary, cont’d Contract awarded at offerors’ final TPP, not TEP
TPP cannot be taken into consideration by SSA Affordability cap is very important – we can’t buy what we can’t afford Multiple evaluation methodologies, valued requirements, adjustment methodologies, and numerous evaluation criteria drive complexity

20 How VATEP Really Works….
Team Infantry Combat Equipment, Ground Combat Element Systems Marine Corps Systems Command Katy Hurd, Contract Specialist Peggy Smith, Contracting Officer Nick Pierce, Requirements Owner

21 Source Selection Strategy
Assign monetized credits to technical factor(s) Credits are the VALUE of performance to the Government Value is different than cost or price Different breakpoints for better performance Value and number of credits will vary depending on need Reduce most probable cost by credits earned FOR EVALUATION PURPOSES ONLY Contract price not affected by adjustment UNCLASSIFIED (U)

22 Pre Solicitation Engage with Program Office early
Conduct thorough Market Research Engage with Industry Draft solicitation Industry Day UNCLASSIFIED (U)

23 Go/No Go Criteria Facility Clearance
National Institute of Justice Testing Source Selection Samples (Finished Helmets) Source Selection Samples Meet Threshold Weight UNCLASSIFIED (U)

24 Evaluation Factors Factor 2: Past Performance
Factor 1: Technical Capability Subfactor 1: Ballistic and Non-Ballistic Protection Subfactor 2: Design & Workmanship Subfactor 3: Manufacturing Subfactor 4: Government Purpose Rights for Night Vision Device Bracket Hardware Design (if offered) Factor 2: Past Performance Factor 3: Small Business Participation Factor 4: Price UNCLASSIFIED (U)

25 Section L Offerors shall submit 94 finished helmets (Source Selection Samples) 22 Smalls/24 Mediums/24 Larges/22 X-Larges Offerors shall propose a claimed weight for each size finished helmets Claimed weight: Will be verified by the Government Shall meet the threshold weight requirement Should be shown on the Total Evaluated Price (TEP) Adjustment Table Should achieve the same percentage of reduction for each size UNCLASSIFIED (U)

26 Section M Factor 4: Price Total Proposed Price (TPP)
Total Evaluated Price (TEP) UNCLASSIFIED (U)

27 TEP Adjustment Table UNCLASSIFIED (U) Size TEP Adjustment
Small Weight (lbs) Medium Weight (lbs) Large Weight (lbs) X-Large Weight (lbs) Unacceptable N/A >2.94 >3.06 >3.31 >3.88 Max Acceptable $0 2.94 3.06 3.31 3.88 1% Reduction $5 2.91 3.03 3.28 3.84 2% Reduction $10 2.88 3.00 3.24 3.80 3% Reduction $15 2.85 2.97 3.21 3.76 4% Reduction $20 2.82 3.18 3.72 5% Reduction $25 2.79 3.14 3.69 6% Reduction $30 2.76 3.11 3.65 7% Reduction $35 2.73 3.08 3.61 8% Reduction $40 2.70 3.05 3.57 UNCLASSIFIED (U)

28 Step 1: Offeror Submits Claimed Weight

29 Step 2: Government Verifies Weight is on TEP Table
“In the event an Offeror proposed a claimed weight that is within the TEP Adjustment Table’s parameters but not one of the specified weights on the table, the Government will adjust the claimed weight to the closest weight shows in the TEP Adjustment Table.” UNCLASSIFIED (U)

30 Step 3: Government Verifies Claimed Weights Achieve the Same % Reduction for Each Size
“In the event the Offeror’s claimed weight reduction for one helmet size is less than any of the other helmet sizes, the Government will adjust the Offeror’s claimed weight reduction to the helmet with the lowest percentage reduction." Size TEP Adjustment Small Weight (lbs) Medium Weight (lbs) Large Weight (lbs) X-Large Weight (lbs) Unacceptable N/A >2.94 >3.06 >3.31 >3.88 Max Acceptable $0 2.94 3.06 3.31 3.88 1% Reduction $5 2.91 3.03 3.28 3.84 2% Reduction $10 2.88 3.00 3.24 3.80 3% Reduction $15 2.85 2.97 3.21 3.76 4% Reduction $20 2.82 3.18 3.72 5% Reduction $25 2.79 3.14 3.69 6% Reduction $30 2.76 3.11 3.65 7% Reduction $35 2.73 3.08 3.61 8% Reduction $40 2.70 3.05 3.57 UNCLASSIFIED (U)

31 Step 4: Government Verifies Weight of Each Source Selection Sample
Size TEP Adjustment Small Weight (lbs) Medium Weight (lbs) Large Weight (lbs) X-Large Weight (lbs) Unacceptable N/A >2.94 >3.06 >3.31 >3.88 Max Acceptable $0 2.94 3.06 3.31 3.88 1% Reduction $5 2.91 3.03 3.28 3.84 2% Reduction $10 2.88 3.00 3.24 3.80 3% Reduction $15 2.85 2.97 3.21 3.76 4% Reduction $20 2.82 3.18 3.72 5% Reduction $25 2.79 3.14 3.69 6% Reduction $30 2.76 3.11 3.65 7% Reduction $35 2.73 3.08 3.61 8% Reduction $40 2.70 3.05 3.57 UNCLASSIFIED (U)

32 Step 4: Government Establishes a TEP Adjustment for Unit Price Based on % Reduction
Size TEP Adjustment Small Weight (lbs) Medium Weight (lbs) Large Weight (lbs) X-Large Weight (lbs) Unacceptable N/A >2.94 >3.06 >3.31 >3.88 Max Acceptable $0 2.94 3.06 3.31 3.88 1% Reduction $5 2.91 3.03 3.28 3.84 2% Reduction $10 2.88 3.00 3.24 3.80 3% Reduction $15 2.85 2.97 3.21 3.76 4% Reduction $20 2.82 3.18 3.72 5% Reduction $25 2.79 3.14 3.69 6% Reduction $30 2.76 3.11 3.65 7% Reduction $35 2.73 3.08 3.61 8% Reduction $40 2.70 3.05 3.57 UNCLASSIFIED (U)



35 Award & Post Award Contract awarded at Total Proposed Price
Debriefs to each Offeror included: Offeror’s Technical Evaluation Awardee & Value of Contract Awarded UNCLASSIFIED (U)

36 Questions from Industry
4 total questions received from Industry on VATEP Pre Solicitation 3 out of 14 questions asked prior to solicitation release were related to VATEP Solicitation 1 out of 49 questions asked during the solicitation were related to VATEP UNCLASSIFIED (U)

37 Presolicitation Questions
Q: After the VATEP evaluation has been conducted, what percentage of weight reduction will offerors be held to? Per Section M, the awardee’s Government verified claimed weight will be incorporated into the Purchase Description and will become the threshold for contract performance. Q: Is the evaluation of weight in Price or Technical Factor? Per Section M, the Government will evaluate an Offeror’s weight as a Go/No Go Criteria. The Government will also evaluate the Offeror’s weight under Factor 4 – Price. Q: What are the dollar values the Government associated with the TEP based on? The dollar value represents the value to the Government for the associated weight reduction and is limited by the acceptable level of cost to the Government for the ECH. UNCLASSIFIED (U)

38 Solicitation Questions
Q; If an offeror submits a bid with four sizes, the measured weight of two of those sizes is 4 percent lighter than the threshold, the measured weight of one size is 5 percent lighter, and the measured weight of one size is 8 percent lighter, and the claimed weights are the same as the measured weights, what will be the weight reduction granted by the Government? Per Section L, the claimed weights should achieve the same percentage of reduction for each size. Per Section M, in the event the Government verified weights (referred to as “measured weight” in the question) do not achieve the same weight reduction across all sizes, the Government will adjust the Offeror’s Government verified claimed weight reduction to the helmet size with the lowest percentage reduction. In this scenario, the Government would evaluate the offeror’s weight reduction at 4%. Size Percentage Reduction S 4% M L 5% XL 8% UNCLASSIFIED (U)

39 Lessons Learned Engage with stakeholders (e.g. industry, legal, leadership, etc.) early when using a new evaluation process or tool Research the tool thoroughly and be prepared to answer questions Create a step-by-step sample of the process Keep it simple Run the hypotheticals Document the basis UNCLASSIFIED (U)

40 Email:
RFP #: M R-1122

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