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Atkins overview Highlights:

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2 Atkins overview Highlights:
Our work includes water, energy, environment, federal, buildings, and significant activity in transportation (highways, rail, aviation and ports). Highlights: 2,500 employees in the United States 17,700 employees worldwide 70 U.S. offices 200 offices in Europe, Middle East, and Asia Pacific Nearly 100 employees in Southern California Providing services to California clients for more than 50 years 27 US states and the territory of Puerto Rico. But they usually say: Offices throughout North America and the Caribbean.

3 Water, Recycled Water, Wastewater Planning, Water & Wastewater Design

4 Environmental

5 Flood Mapping; Stormwater
Engineering and GIS support for FEMA Region IX Assist the Region with the implementation of the National Flood Insurance Program in AZ, CA, NV, and HI Identify and manage flood risks Complete assessments that support the Region in its quest to make data- driven decisions

6 GIS & Aviation

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