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Cascade Physics at BaBar and GlueX with

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1 Cascade Physics at BaBar and GlueX with
Selected LASS-GlueX Comparisons Veronique Ziegler (SLAC) GlueX Workshop Jefferson Lab, March 6-8, 2008

2 (*)Ph.D. Thesis: SLAC-R-868
Overview Relevance of Cascades to Baryon Spectroscopy 2. Cascade Physics from Charm Baryon Decay (*) BaBar as a Charm Baryon Factory Measurement of the W- spin [PRL 97, (2006)] Motivation for quasi-two-body approach to Cascade Resonance study Application to Lc+ → K+ X(1530)0, X(1530)0 → X- p+ Measure X(1530) spin; shortcomings of quasi-two-body approach; need for understanding of entire Dalitz plot [to be submitted to Phys.Rev.D] Application to Lc+ → K+ X(1690)0, X(1690)0 → L K0 Quasi-two-body approach again inadequate; performed full Dalitz plot analysis [Proceedings of MENU & NSTAR conferences; Phys.Rev.D article in preparation] Comparison of Detector Characteristics Relevant to Cascade Physics BaBar − GlueX LASS − GlueX Possible Cascade Studies with GlueX Summary ======================================================================================================================================== Note: The inclusion of charge conjugate states is implied for BaBar analyses. (*)Ph.D. Thesis: SLAC-R-868

3 Relevance of Cascades to Baryon Spectroscopy
Quark content ( u or d, s, s )  QCD calculations easier to handle  Developments in fast algorithms raised expectations from Lattice QCD Narrow widths  reduces potential overlap with neighboring states Predictions of mass, width, spin/parity rely on model-based calculations  Experimental validations are essential  Very little known about X states which might populate the [70, 1-]1 and [56, 2+]2 of SU(6) X O(3)  Properties of X(1690) are crucial: first excited state not used as input in predictions X(1530) 3

4 Cascade Physics from Charm Baryon Decay

5 BaBar as a Charm Baryon Factory
Present data sample contains: (N = s L) > 490 M U(4S) → BB events (s = 1.05 nb) > 1500 M e+e- → qq events (s = 3.39 nb) > M e+e- → cc events (s = 1.30 nb) Charm Baryon (& Meson) Factory Excellent resolution High statistics charm baryon production Large Samples of Charm Baryon Two-body & Quasi-two-body Decays Rare Decay Modes Accessible with Reasonable Statistics Can Study Hyperon & Hyperon Resonance properties with high precision e.g. W- Spin [PRL 97, (2006)]] Hyperon & Hyperon Resonance Cottage Industry 5

6 Spin measurement of W- from Xc0 → W- K+, W- → L K- decays
Helicity Formalism Examine implications of W- spin hypotheses for angular distribution of L from W- decay [density matrix element for W- spin projection li = density matrix element for charm baryon parent ] 6

7 The X(1530)0 From Lc+ → X- p+ K+ Decay

8 Reconstructed Lc+ → X- p+ K+, X- → L p- Events
PID Information →Proton →Kaon →p+, p- 3-σ mass cut on intermediate states intermd. states mass-constrained [L, X-] p* > 2.0 GeV/c [reduces background]. LL > 2.0 mm rX > +1.5 mm [outgoing]. dE/dx & Cherenkov info (DIRC) x Lc+ p- L0 p X- K+ p+ ct = 7.9 cm ct = 4.9 cm m(X- p+) ↔ Lc+ mass-signal region  m(X- p+) ↔ Lc+ mass-sideband region m(X- p+) ↔ (Lc+) mass-sideband-subtracted ct = 60 μm Data ~230 fb-1 (Lc+)Mass-sideband-subtracted Uncorrected dominant N ~13800 events  X(1530)0 → X- p+ HWHM ~ 6 MeV/c2  Lc+ → X- p+ K+ 8 PDG mass

9 Resonant Structures in the Lc+ → X- p+ K+ Signal Region
Only obvious structure: X (1530)0 → X- p+ Lc+ signal region Rectangular Dalitz plot Note: m2(X- K+) depends linearly on cosqX

10 Using Legendre Polynomial Moments to Obtain X(1530) Spin Information
Lc+ signal region Efficiency-corrected P4 Moment Dist. efficiency-corrected unweighted m(X- p+) distribution in data  X(1530)0 wj = (7/ √2) P4(cosq) from Lc+ signal region Spin 5/2 Test PL moments (L ≥ 6) give no signal Efficiency-corrected P2 Moment Dist.  spin 3/2 clearly established  spin 5/2 ruled out wj = √10 P2(cosq) from Lc+ signal region Schlein et al. showed JP =3/2+ or JP=5/2-, and claimed J>3/2 not required. [Phys.Rev.Lett.11, 167 (1963), Phys.Rev.142,883 (1966)] “ Spin-parity 3/2+ is favored by the data” [PDG (2006)] Spin 3/2 Test  Present analysis by establishing J=3/2 will also establish positive parity by implication [i.e. P-wave resonance] 10 Other interesting aspects of Dalitz plot – not as simple as it first appears !

11 Further Investigation of X0(1530) Spin
Efficiency-corrected, Lc+ Mass-sideband-subtracted cosθX Spectrum 1.51 < m(X-p+) < 1.56 GeV/c2 a (1 + 3 cos2θ) for J=3/2 hypothesis Assumption of single wave quadratic nature of distribution  rule out spin 1/2 Also rule out spin ≥ 5/2 Best fit by far is with a (1 + 3 cos2θ) but it is not a good fit! Strong interactions in the (X – p+) system  possible X(1530) interference with other (X- p+) amplitudes Dominant 1+3cos2θ structure J=5/2 hypothesis

12 Evidence for S-P wave interference in the (X- p+) system produced in the decay Lc+ → X- p+ K+
Efficiency-corrected m(X- p+) distributions weighted by P1(cosq): Classic S-P wave interference pattern as a function of m(X- p+) X(1530)0 Oscillation due to rapid Breit-Wigner P-wave phase motion & slowly varying S-wave phase. Eg. Kp scattering, [D. Aston et al., Nucl.Phys.B296, 493 (1998)] & D0→K0 K+ K- for similar behaviour in f region [Phys.Rev.D72, (2005), BABAR] Lc+ signal region Lc+ high mass sidebands little evidence of structure First clear evidence of X(1530)0 Breit-Wigner phase motion Lc+ low mass sidebands

13 Partial wave amplitude description of the (X-p+) system
produced in the decay Lc+ →→ X- p+ K+ Amplitudes of the (X- p+) system: (X(1530)) & (non-resonant) Angular distribution of the X- produced in the decay of the (X- p+) system:  Total Intensity I =

14  Helicity Formalism AJl in terms of S-P interf. P-D interf.
Relationship between |L, S> states & helicity states [M. Jacob & C.G. Wick On the General Theory of Collisions for Particles with Spin Annals of Physics 7, 401 (1959)] AJl in terms of S, P, D waves S-P interf. P-D interf. J=1/2 J=3/2 Interference (Assuming r1/2= r-1/2) Cannot distinguish between (S1/2 + P3/2) nor between (P3/2 + D3/2) ~ however strong P3/2 wave suggests term containing S1/2, P3/2 amplitudes dominates [ Minami ambiguity ] Try simple model assuming only S1/2 and P3/2 amplitudes

15 Amplitude Analysis Assuming S and P Waves
√2 P0(cosq) moment √10 P2(cosq) moment - = Unphysical √10 P2(cosq) moment projects too much signal!! need more than S and P waves

16 Or (K+p+) I=3/2 amplitude
Implication of Fits to the X(1530)0 Lineshape Efficiency-corrected P2(cosq) moment Efficiency-corrected P0(cosq) moment p.q S ai mi 4 i = 1 P-wave BW PDG ( m, G ) Residuals Residuals Data - Fit Data - Fit Data - Fit Data - Fit Poor fit due to interference with other waves? Expected improvement in fit quality not realized Effect should disappear in P0(cosq) moment distribution Structure in X- K+ i.e. another isobar ? Or (K+p+) I=3/2 amplitude contribution?

17 Does a small X(1690)0 → X- p+ decay rate make sense?
Evidence for S-P wave interference in the (X- p+) system produced in the decay Lc+ → X- p+ K+ Efficiency-corrected P1(cosq) moment Background-subtracted Efficiency-corrected P0(cosq) moment X(1530)0 X(1690)0 Im A S-wave accelerates & catches up on the P-wave Dip (~1680 MeV/c2) may be due to resonant X(1690) S-wave  negative parity for X(1690)0 Speculation: non-resonant S-wave Coherent superposition of resonant S-wave i.e. slowly-varying amplitudes & phase X(1690)0 Does a small X(1690)0 → X- p+ decay rate make sense? Re A 17

18 X(1690)0 Decay to X- p+ 345 GeV/c S- beam on Cu and C G = 10 ± 6 MeV
M.I. Adamovich et al. Eur.Phys.J. C5, 621 (1998) M = 1686 ± 4 MeV/c2 G = ± 6 MeV This X(1690) decay mode exists Product of the production cross section and branching fraction, s.BF, is small compared to that for X(1530)0: consistent with BaBar values X(1530)0 X(1690)0 X(1690)0 Interesting to pursue the X- p+ S-P wave amplitude analysis Evidence for negative parity would contradict present theoretical expectations, except for:

19 The X(1690)0 From Lc+ → L K0 K+ Decay

20 Reconstructed Lc+ → L KS K+ Events
π- Λ0 K+ p Ks0 x Λc+ π+ Data ~200 fb-1 N ~2900 events HWHM ~ (3.1 ± 0.5) MeV/c2 ct = 7.9 cm ct = 2.7 cm ct = 60 μm Selection Criteria: PID Information →Proton →Kaon →p+, p- 3-σ mass cut on intermediate states intermd. states mass-constrained [L , KS] p*(Lc+) > 1.5 GeV/c (reduces background) LL, LKs > +2.0, +1.0 mm [sign  outgoing]. Likelihood Selectors dE/dx & Cherenkov info (DIRC)

21 The X(1690)0 from Lc+ → (L KS) K+ Decay
m(L KS) ↔ Lc+ mass-signal region  m(L KS) ↔ Lc+ mass-sideband region m(L KS) ↔ (Lc+) mass-sideband-subtracted Uncorrected Uncorrected (Lc+)Mass-sideband-subtracted N ~2900 events  X(1690)0 → L KS HWHM ~ (3.1 ± 0.5) MeV/c2 Lc+ Low-mass sideband limit Note skewing

22 Using Legendre Polynomial Moments to Obtain X(1690) Spin Information
▬ efficiency-corrected, background-subtracted unweighted m(L KS) distribution in data X(1690)0 → wj = (7/ √2) P4(cosq) from Lc+ signal region Efficiency-corrected P4 Moment Dist. Spin 5/2 Test Suggest J(X[1690]) =1/2 efficiency-corrected, bckgr.-subtracted dist. in data for 1.665<m(L KS)<1.705 GeV/c2 wj = √10 P2(cosq) from Lc+ signal region Efficiency-corrected P2 Moment Dist. Spin 3/2 Test …however cosqL clearly not flat as expected for J = 1/2 WHY? 22

23 Dalitz plot for Lc+ → L KS K+
Accumulation of events in KSK+ near threshold  evidence of a0(980)+ Rectangular Dalitz plot Easy background (Lc+ mass sidebands) parametrization Same kinematic variables used for efficiency parametrization Phase-space is: where p = momentum of K+ in Lc+ rest-frame; and q = momentum of L in (L KS) rest-frame. cosqL m(L KS) (GeV/c2) a0(980)+ 23 X(1690)0

24 Isobar Model Description of the Lc+ → L K0 K+ Dalitz Plot
pL. ql 2l+1 2l+1 Fit for m0 & G(m0) with L=0, l=0 ma = 999 MeV/c2 rj(m) = 2qj/m r = gKK/ghp Fit for gKK & r with ma fixed ghp = 324 ± 15 MeV [Crystal Barrel Exp.] gKK = 473 ± 49 MeV [BaBar Exp.]

25 Isobar Model Description of the Lc+ → L K0 K+ Dalitz Plot
relative strength Under the assumption of spin 1/2 for the X(1690): La0(980)+ - X(1690)0K+ Interference Weak decay yields 4 terms with same structure but different amplitude and phase Hence define: effective scale effective phase where p’ = momentum of K+ in (L KS) rest-frame. Individual Breit-Wigner Intensity Contributions

26 Comparison of Max. Likelihood Fit Result to the Signal Projections
For J(X[1690]) = 1/2 1.615 < m(LKs) < GeV/c2 Excellent reproduction of skewed lineshape and of cosqL distribution Background-subtracted, efficiency-corrected data ― Integrated signal function smeared by mass resolution [Histogram] ― Signal function with no resolution smearing ― |A(a0(980)|2 contribution ― |A(X(1690)|2 contribution ― Interference term contribution c2/NDF = 188.4/192 C. L. = 56.4 %

27 Fit Results X(1690)0 signal region 27 For J(X[1690]) = 1/2
Actual X(1690) signal significantly smaller (~25%) than apparent signal because of interference effects 27

28 Fit Results‡ (different relative intensity scale)
‡ no smearing Signal function |A(a0(980)|2 contribution Interference term contribution |A(X(1690)|2 contribution Region of destructive interference 28

29 X(1690)0 Spin Study Conclusions
Model based on coherent superposition of amplitudes describing Lc+ isobar modes J[X(1690)] = 1/2 favored by the data (C.L. 56.4%) J[X(1690)] = 3/2 (C.L. 1.9%) & 5/2 (C.L. 17.4%) yield poorer fits and systematically fail to reproduce the skewed X(1690)0 lineshape Discrimination should be improved with final BaBar statistics

30 Comparison of Detector Characteristics Relevant to Cascade Physics

31 BaBar-GlueX Comparisons
Reminder: X topology Diagram (*) Would also like to reconstruct X0. [Note: 1st W- event in BC was W- → X0 p-] Large acceptance, multi-pupose detector Acceptance: < cosq* < (q* : c.m.s. polar angle w.r.t. collision axis) Excellent charged particle tracking (SVT & Drift Chamber) and P.I.D. (& DIRC) Excellent g measurement (i.e. p0 → g g, h → g g, etc.) in EMC

32 Excellent Vertex Reconstruction Capability (1)
233 fb-1 e+ e- data SVT e- e+ SVT support tube DCH inner wall beampipe z profile e- side Ta Be -0.2 < y < 0.7 cm -3.1< x < -2.2 cm Fe p KS pKS0 Vertex + - DOCA < 3 mm KS0 FL > 2 mm

33 Excellent Vertex Reconstruction Capability (2)
SVT Layer 1 Inner SVT r.f. shield x (mm) y (mm) Ta foils Beampipe

34 Excellent Vertex Reconstruction Capability (3)
(10 mm) (10 mm) Radial Vertex Resolution ~ 90 mm ○ measured + fit

35 Very uniform Lc+ → L K0 K+ Dalitz Plot Acceptance
Efficiency Parametrization as a Function of m(LKS) E0 = Average Efficiency E1 E2 E3 Smooth efficiency as a fcn of ( m, cosq ) E4 E5 E6 Ei = fcn(mass) = 2nd order polynomial Weak dependence on cosqL

36 Very Good Invariant Mass Resolution
e.g. for L K0 in Lc+ → L K0 K+

37 Very Good Particle I.D. 37

38 Q: How do BaBar and GlueX Compare ?
Multiple purpose Yes Acceptance > cosq* > -0.92 Charged-particle tracking Excellent Photon detection Excellent Vertex resolution Excellent Mass resolution Excellent Particle ID Excellent Use Inclusive charm baryon production; high multiplicity environment  select large p* events; single production mechanism; no initial polarization, etc… Yes ~4p; problem with low polar angle charged tracks? Very good Good (?) Inclusive AND Exclusive Production; constrained kinematic fits improve substantially; multiple production mechanisms; polarization information. For X Studies A: Very well Overall !

39 LASS-GlueX: A More Direct Comparison [ SLAC-R– 298, (1986) ]
11 GeV/c Innovations: Solenoid (2.2 T) + Dipole (30 kG m) ~ 4p Acceptance and Trigger Run in "Interaction Mode“ ; ~ Electronic Bubble Chamber First use of microprocessor farm in HEP : E processors built by Paul Kunz + 1 Tech. E processors later for MC and kinematic fitting First use of a Solenoidal Vertex magnet + detector in a fixed target experiment.

40 Example of Data Quality K- p  K0S p- p at 11 GeV/c : ~ 100 k evts
Presented to Prof. Dalitz on his retirement (1990) First use of colored scatter plots in HEP (?) (Very primitive) No printer; 35 mm slide of IBM 5080 monitor + off-site creation of transparencies and prints

41 Chew-Low Plot Acceptance
K- p → X L ( 11 GeV/c ) X = p+p- K- p → X L ( 11 GeV/c ) g p → X p ( 9 GeV/c ) X = p+p- -u≤2(GeV/c)2 (~34 k events) SLAC-R-421 Baryon exchange Meson exchange -t=2(GeV/c)2 41

42 Peyrou Plot for p+ in K- p → K- p+ n pT (GeV/c) pz (GeV/c)
The Need to Reconstruct Tracks Backward-going in the Lab Peyrou Plot for p+ in K- p → K- p+ n pz = 0 pT (GeV/c) Backward in Lab Frame pz (GeV/c)

43 Q: How do LASS and GlueX Compare ?
Multiple purpose Somewhat Acceptance ~4p; dipole covers low q Charged-particle tracking O.K. (2mm wire-spacings P.C.’s) Photon detection Non-existent Vertex resolution O.K. Mass resolution O.K Particle ID Very Limited Inclusive: large flight length required (>2 cm) Exclusive: substantial gains from overall fits to topology and kinematics; multiple production mechanisms; polarization information [no g detection] Yes ~4p; problem with low polar angle charged tracks? Very good Good (?) Inclusive AND Exclusive Production; constrained kinematic fits improve substantially; multiple production mechanisms; polarization information. [p0 from missing mass] For X Studies A: GlueX should do much better than LASS ! 43

44 Effect of Constrained Kinematic Fits
LASS: K- p → L KS KS Inclusive L and KS studies required flight length > 2 cm. For this exclusive reaction, after kinematic and topological fit, no flight length requirements necessary. [Nucl.Phys.B 301, 525 (1988)] ← f2’(1525) Low statistics, but very clean ! f0(980) a2(1320)

45 Possible X Studies with GlueX
Survey Processes to Provide an Overview of X(*) Photoproduction Inclusive X- (X0 ?) Production Feynman x and pT2 distributions Chew-Low plot(s) Polarization measurements Etc… Similar Studies for Cascade Resonance Production (e.g. X(1530)→X-p+) and Associated Spectra Note: In the LASS search for W*- states, the inclusive mass distribution for (X-p+K-) showed nothing; however when the (X-p+) was selected to correspond to the X(1530)0, a signal for the W(2250)- was observed.

46 Possible X Studies with GlueX (ctd.)
Exclusive t-channel (i.e. meson exchange) Processes Production of two-body systems with a X e.g. g p. → K+ (X- K+) → K+ (X0 K0) → K0 (X0 K+) would enable the study of high mass L* and S* states decaying via these X modes. p → K+ X X = X-K+

47 Possible X Studies with GlueX (ctd.)
Production of three-body systems with a X, or a X* system with two-body decay: with a forward K0: e.g. g p. → K0 (X- p+) K+, K0 (X0 p0) K+, K0 (X0 K0) p+ → K0 (L K0) K+ with a forward K+: e.g. g p. → K+ (X- p+) K0, K+ (X- p0) K+ → K+ (X0 p-) K+, K+ (X0 p0) K0 → K+ (L K-) K+ Interesting four-body possibilities when add pion e.g. g p. → K+ (L K- p+) K+, accessible at BaBar via Xc0→ LK-p+, complicated Dalitz plot S*, L* p → K0 X X = X- p+ K+ States analyzed in Lc+ decay - can observe in a totally different context m(Lc+)

48 Possible X Studies with GlueX (ctd.)
Exclusive u-channel (i.e. baryon exchange) Processes All of the t-channel processes discussed have corresponding u-channel counterparts in which the bachelor K+ or K0 is attached to the proton vertex At 9 GeV/c, such processes should have small cross section values; however with very large statistics and an interaction trigger, interesting results may be obtained. E.g. in LASS, the forward-produced K+K- system in K-p → L(K+K-) was studied, but when K-p →(L K-)fwd K+ was examined, a nice X(1820) signal was observed. So in g p → (X- K+)fwd K+ may see some interesting L*/S* distributions! K-p → (L K-)fwd 11GeV/c (4c fits) ← X(1820)

49 SUMMARY Three-body systems involving two-body Cascade resonance decays require analysis of the entire Dalitz plot when the statistical level is such that the shortcomings of a quasi-two-body approach become apparent. GlueX should be in this statistical situation. In terms of acceptance, track and vertex reconstruction (after kinematic fits), and particle identification capability, GlueX should be able to perform Cascade studies of the kind suggested in section 4) provided the relevant cross section values are large enough.


Fit c2/NDF = 188.4/192 Prob.. = 56.4% SLAC-R-868

52 Fit Results: (K+ KS) & (L KS) Mass Projections
m(L KS) mass cut-off [1.62 < m(L KS) <1.765 GeV/c2] introduces a kink because of restricted range of (L K+) helicity cosine 52

53 Comparison of Max. Likelihood Fit Result to the Signal Projections
Under the assumption of spin 3/2 for the X(1690): c2/NDF = 234.3/192 C. L. = 1.9 % 1.615 < m(LKs) < GeV/c2 Interference term very small  Equiv. to incoherent superposition of amplitudes Lineshape skewing not reproduced!

54 Comparison of Max. Likelihood Fit Result to the Signal Projections
Under the assumption of spin 5/2 for the X(1690): c2/NDF = 210.3/192 C. L. = 17.4 % 1.615 < m(LKs) < GeV/c2 Net interference term very small  Equiv. to incoherent superposition of amplitudes Lineshape skewing not reproduced!

55 Summary of Results & Systematic Uncertainties
Spin 1/2 Spin 1/2 favored Poor C.L. Accept. C.L. Fail to reproduce skewed lineshape; fit mass value moves higher in attempt to compensate 55

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