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Increasing Performance with Nightly Inserts

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1 Increasing Performance with Nightly Inserts
Mike Rawding

2 Setting It is common to have access to a small amount of fast storage and a large amount of slow storage RAID RamDisks SSDs Networks Assumption for this project The available fast storage is large enough to store the new insertions from one business day It is not large enough to maintain entire database

3 Goals Avoid writing to slow storage during the work day
Have up-to-date access to information in the databases Seamless implementation User’s interactions with the database are unchanged

4 Schema transactions transactions transactions_main transactions_aux id
custFname custLname empID itemCode price date image Int PK Varchar Int Double Datetime BLob transactions_main id custFname custLname empID itemCode price date image Int PK Varchar Int Double Datetime BLob transactions_aux id custFname custLname empID itemCode price date image Int PK Varchar Int Double Datetime BLob

5 Implementation transactions = transactions_main + transactions_aux
30MB/s 310MB/s

6 Tools SQLAPI++ Library MySQL Connector

7 Insert

8 Insert

9 Select

10 Update

11 Update

12 Update

13 Delete

14 Delete

15 Delete

16 Transfer

17 Transfer

18 Transfer

19 Transfer

20 Results Insertion times were no better when using 8MB Blobs
Average insertion time to SSD = 1.2s Average insertion time to HDD = 1.2s Insertion times were reduced by 22% when using 32MB Blobs Average insertion time to SSD = 4.7s Average insertion time to HDD = 6.0s Select, Update, and Delete showed not appreciable difference

21 Code

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