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Presentation on theme: "TRADE?."— Presentation transcript:


2 LI: To investigate what is meant by globalisation and interdependence.

3 Do you feel connected to the rest of the world? How?



6 Top UK IMPORTS 2009 TOP UK IMPORTS: 1- Pharmaceutical Preparations 2- Non-Monetary Gold 3 - Civilian Aircraft Engines 4 - Computer Accessories

7 Get Trading! Class split into 5 groups:
UK, China, Colombia, Saudi Arabia and Ghana. Possible exports: Gold, Oil, Lumber, Electronics and Coffee

8 Each student should aim to get the most points by trading their country’s goods for products from another country. The game allows for “free trade,” meaning any country (group) can trade with another and any item and/or amount of product can be traded for another.

9 The Goods! a. Gold – five points per unit
b. Oil – four points per unit c. Lumber – three points per unit d. Electronics – two points per unit e. Coffee – one point per unit

10 WORLD SITUATION: The world is running out of oil, making oil extremely rare and much more expensive. OUTCOME: The worth of oil increases by two points

11 The End…

12 Ghana takes one electronic unit from each country.
Not Quite… WORLD SITUATION: Ghana learns to make counterfeit electronics, making their electronics cheaper. OUTCOME: Ghana takes one electronic unit from each country.

13 Tally Up Scores!

14 Q + A = Understanding! Did any countries end the game richer or poorer than they started? What was it like to be a rich country? A poor country? Was it easy or difficult to trade? Why? Did any countries feel especially powerful or powerless? Which items were most popular? Which were least popular? Why?

15 The Great Divide

16 Globalisation has brought better health opportunities to the world

17 Globalisation has made societies fight for more democracy and greater social justice

18 Globalisation improves the skill base of developing countries

19 Globalisation allows us to build a world where we know each other better

20 Globalisation has not improved the position of the world’s poor

21 Globalisation leads to low-paid sweatshop workers

22 Globalisation causes job losses in industrialised economies like Britain and the USA

23 The Critics? The Supporters?
Who do you agree with? The Critics? The Supporters?

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