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Letters and Reports: revision 3

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1 Letters and Reports: revision 3
Friday, 21 September 2018 jonathan peel sgs 2012

2 Letters and Reports: revision 3
FOCUS: English Language Unit 2 TRANSACTIONAL WRITING 2 tasks 1 hour jonathan peel sgs 2012

3 Transactional writing
“real life writing” A clear relationship between writer and reader A clear purpose to the work A clear format to the work jonathan peel sgs 2012

4 Types of task Letters - formal and informal Reports Reviews Speeches
Leaflets articles jonathan peel sgs 2012

5 LETTERS I’m sure we know the layout, but it must be evident for the examiner to award high marks formal letter pro forma.docx Organisation and clarity will be the key to a successful formal letter. jonathan peel sgs 2012

6 I’m not psychic… So I can not comment on what you will get in June, but remember the mock exam? Formal Letter of Application… What sort of job is it? What do you need to show? Is this really the place to outline your dreams for the future of the company? jonathan peel sgs 2012

7 Informality We don’t write letters any more. Why?
However, the outline is the same – organise your thoughts into a clear structure. What changes is the tone - jonathan peel sgs 2012

8 Informal tone Keep your address and the date.
Salutation will use a forename or nickname if the letter is truly informal – you need to consider whether letters to a parent or an adult relation are truly informal. Writing can use slang and shortened forms Sign off can be relaxed down to “yours”, “lots of love”, “see you next week”… jonathan peel sgs 2012

9 REPORTS The most formal of the tasks and the clearest format.
jonathan peel sgs 2012

10 What is a report? One of the transactional writing types you need to master for GCSE English Language. A formal means of conveying information to a specific client. A logically structured document carrying fact and opinion in an analytical framework jonathan peel sgs 2012

11 STRUCTURE 1 Title of report Name of author Name of Client Date
These should be clear at the head of your work, rather like the letterheads used for formal letter writing. jonathan peel sgs 2012

12 STRUCTURE 2 Abstract or Summary. In this paragraph you lay out the purpose and THEMES of the report, the key findings and key conclusions Brief description of resources/sources. A discussion of your results. By all means use sub-headings to clarify your work. Each theme discussed MUST have evidence provided to support it. Conclusions and advice. Referring back to the body of the work and tying it neatly together. jonathan peel sgs 2012

13 TASK Write a report for the Department of Education which considers the impact and implication of the possible removal of homework from your school report proforma.docx jonathan peel sgs 2012

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