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Universalizing religions

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1 Universalizing religions
The big 3 Christianity, Islam, Buddhism The attempt to be global and appeal to all people no matter where they are.

2 Ethnic religions Appeal primarily to only one group of people living in one place. Hinduism Confucianism Daoism. (Taoism) Shintoism Judaism Ethnic African religions (Animism)


4 Christianity Roman Eastern Protestant Catholic Orthodox 52% 10% 21%

5 Other Christians 22% of Christians belong to churches not affiliated with the previous three. 5% are self confessed Christians who have no church affiliation. This equals 110% because 10% have been baptized in more than one church.

6 Europe geography demographic
protestant Roman catholic Eastern orthodox

7 Western hemisphere About 90% of people living there are Christian.
Sharp boundaries still exist as in Europe. Roman Catholics – 93% in Latin America Roman Catholics - 29% in North America Within North America RC’s clustered in south western and Northeastern U.S. and Quebec.

8 Western hemisphere Protestant churches – 28% of U. S. population.
Baptists make up the largest group 35 million. The next three largest are: Methodist, Pentecostal and Lutheran. Baptists – clustered in the southeast Lutherans – upper mid west The rest are scattered somewhat evenly.

9 Smaller Christian branches
Isolated at the beginning of Christianity Because of doctrine and Islamic influence. The Coptic church of Egypt and the Ethiopian church split from the ECC in and trace roots to shipwrecked Christians in the 4th century who were enslaved in Ethiopia. Egyptian Coptic Church – NE Africa.

10 Church of Latter-day saints
Mormons regard themselves as Christians, a separate branch of Christianity.

11 Islam Predominantly clustered in the middle east, north Africa and Central Asia. Half the world’s Muslims live OUTSIDE the middle east.- Indonesia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and India. Islam means – submission to the will of God. Muslim in Arabic means “one who surrenders to God. Follow the five pillars of faith

12 Branches of Islam Sunni and Shiite Sunni – (orthodox) 83% of Muslims
Shiite (sectarian) 16% of Muslims clustered in a handful of countries 30% Iran , 90% of the population, more than half live in Azerbaijan. 15% Pakistan 10% Iraq

13 Muslims Europe 5% France has the largest population approx. 4 million.
Germany – 3 million. Albania, Bosnia, Serbia about 2 million each. US and Canada have approx. 5 million US has “Nation of Islam” Malcolm X.

14 Buddhism About 400 million people Clustered in china and SE Asia.
Follow the four noble truths


16 Buddhism Differs from other religions in western world,
Someone can be a Buddhist and a believer in eastern religions, whereas Christianity and Islam require strict and exclusive adherence. China and Japan are an example of places where some believe in Buddhism and an ethnic religion.

17 Other universalizing religions
Sikhism 25 million – founded by Pakistani. First guru named Nanak God was revealed as the One Supreme Being. People can grow by taking responsibility for deeds and actions on earth. Adore and surrender to one God. Baha'i’ 8 million – founded in Iran by Siyyid Ali Muhammad belief that a prophet” Bahaullah” established the faith to overcome disunity of religions and establish a faith that abolishes race class and religious prejudices.

18 Any paper with a symbol (&) for a word will be given a zero (0) grade.
Grammatical issues Any paper with a symbol (&) for a word will be given a zero (0) grade.

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