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Global Competence in the 21st Century

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Presentation on theme: "Global Competence in the 21st Century"— Presentation transcript:

1 Global Competence in the 21st Century
Jon Valentine Director of Foreign Languages Gwinnett County Public Schools 1

2 * 2

3 Approximately how many countries are there in the world?

4 Approximately how many countries are there in the world?
B. 200 C. 2,000 D. 20,000

5 2. Approximately how many languages are spoken in the world?
50 200 1500 6500

6 3. Which country has the tallest building in the world?

7 3. Which country has the tallest building in the world?
USA United Arab Emirates Saudi Arabia Malaysia Japan China India

8 4. What color does a bride wear in Korea?
White Black Blue Red Yellow

9 5. Which country is the wealthiest?
Japan China USA Qatar France Singapore Germany

10 Approximately how many countries are there in the world?

11 Approximately how many countries are there in the world?
B. 200 C. 2,000 D. 20,000

12 2. Approximately how many languages are spoken in the world?
50 200 1500 of these langauges have less than 1000 speakers

13 3. Which country has the tallest building in the world?

14 3. Which country has the tallest building in the world?
USA United Arab Emirates Saudi Arabia Malaysia Japan China India


16 4. What color does a bride wear in Korea?
White Black Blue Red Yellow

17 4. What color does a bride wear in Korea?
White Black Blue Red Yellow


19 5. Which country is the wealthiest?
Japan China USA Qatar France Singapore Germany

20 Which country is the wealthiest?

21 Wealth = GDP per capita Where are WE?!

22 This is our world...

23 Wealth Distribution (based on overall GDP)
Where is the money NOW?

24 Wealth Distribution Where is the money GOING to be?


26 Our nation’s place in the world was different 60 years ago.

27 Our nation’s place in the world was different 60 years ago.

28 Today. 2016. After the Recession. - The myth of the “best language”
1945 2011 * 28

29 Goal: Every student and teacher should be able to answer the following questions: Student: What is the relevance of the subject you are studying? Teacher: What is the relevance of the subject you are teaching? WHY ARE WE HERE?!?!?!


31 Competitive Advantage
How does your job application or college application get to the top of the pile? * 31

32 Job One: Real Proficiency
12* (C2) Speaking: Adv. High Listening: Reading: Adv. Low Writing: 11* (C1) Speaking: Adv. Mid Listening: Reading: Int. High Writing: Adv. Low 10* (C1) Speaking: Adv. Mid Listening: Reading: Int. High Writing: Average High School Graduate With Two Years of Language Study 9* (C1) Speaking: Adv. Low Listening: Reading: Int. Mid Writing: Int. High 8* (B2) Speaking: Int. High Listening: Reading: Int. Mid Writing: 7* (B2) Speaking: Int. High Listening: Int. Mid Reading: Int. Low Writing: 6* (B2) Speaking: Int. Mid Listening: Reading: Int. Low Writing: 5* (B1) Speaking: Int. Low Listening: Int. High Reading: Nov High Writing: Int. Mid 4* (B1) Speaking: Int. Low Listening: Int. Mid Reading: Novice Mid Writing: High School Level 3 High School Level 2 High School Level 1 College Level 1 High School Level 7 High School AP High School Level 6 High School Level 5 High School Level 4 College Level 2 College Level 3 College Level 4 3 (A2) Speaking: Novice High Listening: Intermediate Mid Reading: Novice Mid Writing: 2 (A2) Speaking: Novice High Listening: Intermediate Low Reading: Novice Low Writing: 1 (A1) Speaking: Novice High Listening: Reading: Novice Low Writing: Novice Mid K (A1) Speaking: Novice Mid Listening: Reading: Novice Low Writing: University Professor Doctor Sales Representative Social Worker Health Care Worker Police Officer School Teacher Aviation Personnel Receptionist Telephone Sales Representative Tour Guide Cashier * 32

33 Job one: Get thee overseas….

34 What is the Most Important Language?
French German English Mandarin Arabic Portuguese Spanish * 34

35 Answers U.S. Business Person Japanese Business Person * 35

36 Answers U.S. Business Person ENGLISH Japanese Business Person * 36

37 The Language of the Customer
Answers U.S. Business Person ENGLISH Japanese Business Person The Language of the Customer * 37

38 Two things Foreign Language is a Competitive Advantage
It’s not that the US is doing any worse – it’s that other countries are doing well too!

39 Die Grenzen meiner Sprache bedeuten die Grenzen meiner Welt.
-Ludwig Wittgenstein

40 The borders of my language determine the borders of my world.
-Ludwig Wittgenstein

41 Language = Life X 2

42 Language = Life X 2 … X 3… X4… X5…

43 What is Global Competence?
Investigate the World Weigh Perspectives Communicate Ideas Take Action 5. Apply Disciplinary and Interdisciplinary Expertise

44 So where does this leave you?

45 So where does this leave you?
How will learning a foreign language affect my life?

46 Global Competence in the 21st Century

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