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List as many different wars that you know.

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1 List as many different wars that you know.
Task List as many different wars that you know.

2 What’s in a word…….? at war with himself a war of words
the War on Drugs warring factions the Vietnam War

3 What’s in a word…….? at war with himself (intrapersonal conflict)
a war of words (conflict or competition re: an idea) the War on Drugs (attempt to eradicate a particular kind of behaviour) warring factions (competing) the Vietnam War (political entities engaged in violent conflict)

4 A definition of War “War is large-scale violent conflict between organized groups that are governments or that aim to establish a governments” (in control of a given land area.) - R. Glossop, Confronting War: And Examination of Humanity’s Most Pressing Problem, Jefferson: McFarland and Company, Inc, (1994: 9)

5 Modern Conflicts Read through the information sheets on some modern conflicts. Note down what the caused the war what happened as a consequence of war In your opinion was it a ‘just’ war

6 Homework Complete your glossary on WAR.
Read and make notes from your text books on WAR.

7 Which of the following would be good reasons for going to war?
1. Your head teacher does not like Brazil and declares war on the Brazilian people. 2. It is 1939 and Hitler is killing thousands of Jews in Europe: this must be stopped. 3. Belgium declares war on America because Belgium does not like American foreign policy. 4. The world should be cleansed of all terrorists. 5. God has told you to fight against all non-Christians. 6. The United Nations has tried to negotiate with a dictator who is killing his own people but he won’t give up his power. 7. Spain invades Portugal to gain more land and better beaches. 8. North Korea may have a nuclear weapon so Britain should drop nuclear bombs on North Korea before they can do it to Britain. 9. A dictator is not allowing their people to have human rights. 10. A country has lots of gold and oil which they won’t share with others.

8 So what are the causes of war?

9 What criteria would make this ok?
Warfare Causes of war In response to an armed invasion. To support a less powerful nation. Greed Religion Differences in politics Flashpoint situations To stop a tyrant or dictator from gaining land or ruling in bad ways. Racial problems Disagreements. Effects of war Death (civilians and soldiers) Physical and mental injury (Depression, Gulf War Syndrome, landmines etc.) Refugees and orphans Environmental damage Financial costs What criteria would make this ok? SEE PAGE ON TYPES OF WAR IN BOOKLET

10 WHAT CAN THE UN DO? LAST RESORT Through the Security Council, the UN can recommend action to stop any threats to world peace by: Imposing sanctions (for example banning trade or communications) on the countries that are threatening world peace Sending a UN peacekeeping force: Prevent the outbreak of conflict Stabilise conflict situations after a cease fire Assist in putting peach agreements into place Lead countries to stable governments based on democratic principles and economic development Authorising the use of force by countries who are members of the UN to stop an aggressor

11 Good that can be secured Evil that will most likely occur
PROPORTION Good that can be secured Evil that will most likely occur

12 Comparative Justice … is the concept that while neither side in a conflict is perfect, one is more in the right, and is more just than the other. Is the justice of our cause greater than theirs? Also, are the rights and values at state serious enough to justify war?

13 Was the Iraq War a Just War?
Annotate the sheet to come up with a critique from the perspective of JWT. See other vda sheet to fill in and see her notes too

14 What Ultimately results? Who Starts it? Has all else been Tried?
HOW TO REMEMBER? Is it for real Justice? What Ultimately results? Who Starts it? Has all else been Tried? Will there be a Winner? Can too much force be Avoided? What is the Real aim? Clappi – fill in from memory

15 Summary JWT theory is an attempt to make war ethical
All of the criteria must be met for a war to be just. There are 2 main categories: Jus ad Bellum and Jus in Bello. Main thinkers include Aristotle, Augustine, and Aquinas (you should know n 1 line the contributions they made) An example of a modern war applied to JWT

16 Just or Unjust Cause? Why? Dependent on other criteria?
To support a less powerful nation against a superior military force. Because a treaty exists which obliges you to go to war in support of another nation. To gain territory from a neighbouring nation. In response to an armed invasion. Because a country has some important natural resource such as oil/ diamonds. An unjust government have acquired nuclear weapons and are threatening to use them against your country. The leader of your country is a dictator and there is no freedom of speech, you are taxed more than you earn.

17 A: ‘a war of self defence is just’
Aquinas Aristotle Augustine A: ‘a war of self defence is just’ B: ‘justified the use of war to defend the Church against those who threatened the faith.’ C: ‘THE AUTHORITY OF THE SOVEREIGN BYWHOSE COMMAND THEWAR IS TO BE WAGED”

18 A: ‘a war of self defence is just’
Aquinas Aristotle Augustine C: ‘THE AUTHORITY OF THE SOVEREIGN BYWHOSE COMMAND THEWAR IS TO BE WAGED” A: ‘a war of self defence is just’ B: ‘justified the use of war to defend the Church against those who threatened the faith.’

Can you remember?

20 10 mark question ‘there is no such thing as a just war’ discuss.

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