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Im blind lol boi L Oedipus the King Group 4.

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1 im blind lol boi L Oedipus the King Group 4

2 The Literal Meaning of your topic
Our prompt: In “Oedipus the King” identify the mystery and explain how the investigation illuminates the meaning of the work as a whole The prompt is asking the students to analyze the mystery present throughout the novel, which is unveiled when Oedipus discovers he is married to his mother and killed his father. Additionally, the prompt asks the students how this mystery affects the meaning of the play.

3 Historical meaning and importance of Oedipus Rex
The importance of Oedipus Rex can be recognized by the fact that we as a society are still referencing it 2500 years later. Sophocles’ desire to present Oedipus Rex in greek theater was likely a form of social commentary; he believes that people can become too egotistical and this will never lead to good things.

4 Literary Devices 1: Dramatic Irony
Dramatic irony is used throughout the novel and illuminates the work as a whole by showing the audience one of the moral messages of the novel, that sometimes people can’t see the truth even when it’s right in front of them. For example, this use of dramatic irony is present when Oedipus is insulting Tiresias by saying that he basically doesn’t know anything because he is blind. This is dramatic irony since Tiresias is the only one who can actually see the truth for what it is even though he is the only one who can’t see, while Oedipus only truly accepts the truth after he is blind like the prophet. “It has, except for you. You have no power or truth. You are blind, your ears and mind as well as your eyes.”

5 Literary Devices 2: Archetype - Father-Son Conflict
The Father-Son Conflict is present since Oedipus meets his dad, unknowing, for the first time after trying to escape the prophecy he was foretold.The Father-Son conflict archetype illuminates the work and mystery as a whole since Oedipus throughout the novel finds out that he killed his father without even knowing it. This helps the mystery of the novel as well since Oedipus starts to become more suspicious since he claims he killed a group of men at the exact time and place where Laius had died. This conflict is the entire reason the kingdom of Thebes is suffering and at this point in the novel Oedipus sees that he could possibly have killed the last king and may have to be subjected to exile from his own kingdom. “The driver, and the old man himself, tried to push me off the road. In anger I struck the driver as he tried to crowd me off. When the old man saw me coming past the wheels he aimed at my head with a two-pronged goad, and hit me. … I killed the whole lot of them.”

6 Literary Devices 3: Foreshadowing
Foreshadowing is used during the mystery of the novel and illuminates the work as a whole by showing that some people can’t see the truth for what it really is. The use of foreshadowing is used to raise the suspicion that Oedipus was truly the murderer of Laius and that he already fulfilled the prophecy foretold by the prophet, where Oedipus would kill his father and marry his mother. This exact use of foreshadowing is present when Tiresias warns Oedipus that he has already fulfilled the prophecy without even knowing anything about the truth. “I say that without knowing it you are living in shameful intimacy with your nearest and dearest. You do not see the evil in which you live.”

7 Examples from text for literal meaning of topic
In “Oedipus the King” identify the mystery and explain how the investigation illuminates the meaning of the work as a whole. “Here is what I was told by the god Apollo. He ordered us, in clear terms, to drive out the thing that defiles this land, which we, he says, have fed and cherished. We must not let it grow so far that is beyond cure” (Sophocles 6). The mystery in the play is the cause of the city of Thebes’ suffering. This also leads into the mystery of Oedipus’ father and mother.

8 Examples from the text cont...
In “Oedipus the King” identify the mystery and explain how the investigation illuminates the meaning of the work as a whole. “Therefore we must call no man happy while he waits to see his last day, not until he has passed the border of life and death without suffering pain” (Sophocles 108). The investigation illuminates the meaning of man can’t change his fate. The investigation provides us with evidence that no matter how hard a person tries to change his/her fate, god is the most powerful.

9 Significant moment #1 “CREON: Banishment- or repaying blood with blood. We must atone for the murder which brings this plague-storm on the city.” (pg. 7) Oedipus is told that the murderer of king Laius (his father) will have to be brought to justice in order to save Thebes, when Oedipus is the actually one who murdered him. This moment is significant because even though Oedipus is promising the people of Thebes that he will be their salvation, he’s actually the one Apollo demanded to be punished, which is why they’re all suffering. This moment relates back to the investigation illuminating the meaning of this story, that’s already displaying Oedipus’s flaws that lead to his downfall, he’s naive to his own sins throughout the story and is far too foolish to grasp the concept of the might of the Gods.

10 Significant moment #2 “OEDIPUS: When I heard that, I ran away.” (pg.56) Apollo tells Oedipus of his shameful prophecy which he, upon hearing this, runs away in cowardice. This moment is significant because by having Oedipus run away from his destiny, the author is displaying Oedipus’s character traits such as cowardice and denial which are recurrent elements in this story, further building towards Oedipus’s inevitably tragic fate. This moment relates back to the investigation illuminating the meaning of this story, already showing the beginning of the end for Oedipus, in rejecting his fate, his only next course of action is to yield to the will of the gods and suffer just as the prophecy stated. This book is basically a case study in what not to do in the event of a prophecy.

11 Significant moment #3 “SHEPHERD: It was the son of Laius, so I was told. But the lady inside there, your wife, she is the one to tell you.” (pg.87) Jocasta is revealed to be Oedipus’s mom! This moment is significant because though Oedipus tried restlessly to avoid the prophecy coming true, but by doing so, he only helped to hasten its fulfillment. This can easily be compared to the tale of Sisyphus. This moment relates back to the investigation illuminating the meaning of this story, for it is a cautionary tale stating that man can’t change his fate, for that is up to the Gods to decide. To try is to fail under the wrath of their strength.

12 #15 Burger king foot lettuce. The last thing you'd want in your Burger King burger is someone's foot fungus. But as it turns out, that might be what you get. A 4channer uploaded a photo anonymously to the site showcasing his feet in a plastic bin of lettuce. With the statement: "This is the lettuce you eat at Burger King." Admittedly, he had shoes on. But that's even worse. The post went live at 11:38 PM on July 16, and a mere 20 minutes later, the Burger King in question was alerted to the rogue employee. At least, I hope he's rogue. How did it happen? Well, the BK employee hadn't removed the Exif data from the uploaded photo, which suggested the culprit was somewhere in Mayfleld Heights, Ohio. This was at 11:47.

13 2017 Prompt: “Oedipus Rex” features a character whose origins are unusual or mysterious. Analyze how these origins shape the character and that character’s relationships, and how the origins contribute to the meaning of the work as a whole. Although son of Jocasta and Lauis, the prophecy leads Oedipus to be adopted by the king and queen of Corinth. Unknowing of his past and origin, he was treated as their own yet, others knew of the truth and treated him differently as a result. Later on, Oedipus becomes aware of the prophecy and leaves Corinth to arrive in Thebes and upon his victory over the Sphinx he is able to become king. His unexpected and unusual arrival allow him to complete the prophecy unaware of what his actions implicated in a larger scale.

14 1977: Identifying A Nostalgic Character
Oedipus becomes the primary nostalgic character within the play whenever he gouges out his eyes. This action represents his regret over ignoring the truth of his fate, and shows how he, almost instantly, starts to long for the past. In addition, his sense of nostalgia comes with a sense of irony, considering how he was blind to the truth throughout most of the play, then becomes physically blind once he sees the truth. He expresses his nostalgia furthermore whenever he leaves Thebes with his two daughters, depressed that he has to leave his two sons behind.

15 *Citations*

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