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Topic 1: Hydro-meteorological hazards

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1 Topic 1: Hydro-meteorological hazards

2 Topic 1&2: Knowledge organiser

3 Topic 1: Hydro-meteorological hazards
Tropical storms: hurricanes, cyclones, typhoons. Formation: 74mph wind Water 60m deep 26.5°c Measured: Saffir-Simpson scale: measurements in pressure wind speeds, storm surge and damage potential to put hurricanes into 5 categories Eye: Middle Calm conditions Eye Wall: Outside rain, wind. Effects: Strong winds Damage buildings, bridges, power lines, crops and trees. Heavy rain fall Industries such as shipping, transport and tourism mean that millions of people along the coastline are affected. Storm surges (A storm surge is a rapid rise in sea level caused by low pressure.) These can cause the most damage, as water levels can reach 5 metres higher than normal Typhoon Haiyan, Philippines 2013 Causes Sea temperature 26.5°C Ocean 60m deep Wind speeds more than 74mph Effects $2.86 billion damage. 6300 people dead and large numbers missing. $85million farm damage. 77% if farmers & 74% fisherman lost source of income. Heavy rainfall =flash flooding 130,000 houses destroyed. Responses Short-term responses and results: The Philippines government started issuing warnings that the Haiyan was on its way on 6th November- but no where for them to evacuate to. UN appealed for £190 million for emergency aid. Looting and crime. Long-term responses and results: April 2014 services had been restored to 560 school s & 30 hospitals. Cash- for work schemes cleaning debris and managing

4 Topic 2: Tectonic hazards
Why do tectonic plates move? Magma is heated by the outer and inner core causing it to rise up. The magma spreads out causing the tectonic plate to move. The magma is then cooled and sinks. The process of a convection current repeats itself again. Haiti earthquake 2010 Causes Earthquake happened in 2010 with a magnitude of 7.0 on the Richter scale Conservative plate boundary where the Caribbean and North American plates moved past each other. Epicentre was 25km from the capital city, Port-Au-Prince. Effects 230,000 deaths 1.5 million homeless £10 billion worth of damage Damaged water supplies caused cholera to spread. Millions of people in the capital Port-Au-Prince were without food and water Homeless lived on the streets for months after Responses USA sent 10,000 troops UK sent 230 rescue teams. Oxfam and other charities distributed food and basic supplies. ‘Cash for work schemes set up’ where local people were paid to move the rubble. TEA : Distribution of volcanoes: clusters/chains of volcanoes near island chains occur on convergent plate boundaries (1) caused by oceanic crust being subducted under continental crust (1) some of the mid-ocean volcanic activity may be due to hotspots (1) which are caused by mantle plumes where the oceanic crust is very thin (1). Knowledge organiser- to print

5 Name: Knowledge organiser low Label on the map below Japan
Task: Label the on the map below the oceans of the world Label on the map below Philippines Label on the map below Japan Name: Knowledge organiser Label the eye and eye wall Names given to tropical storms? Conditions needed for a tropical storm to form? 1) 2) 3) low Explain two problems faced by people after a hurricane Develop your ideas (4marks). One problem is…_ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________another problem is.. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Describe the distribution of tropical storms (3marks) Trend;________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Evidence: (what can you see from the map to support this trend?) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Anomolie (is there anything which doesn’t fit the trend?) _______________________________________________________________

6 low Typhoon Haiyan Philippines 2013 Causes:
Effects: ( (what happened after the earthquake? low Responses: (How did people help?)

7 Name: Knowledge organiser high Label on the map below Japan
Task: Label on the map below the continents of the world Label the on the map below the oceans of the world Label on the map below Philippines Label on the map below Japan Name: Knowledge organiser Label the eye and eye wall Names given to tropical storms? Conditions needed for a tropical storm to form? high Explain two problems faced by people after a hurricane Develop your ideas (4marks). __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Describe the distribution of tropical storms (3marks) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

8 high Typhoon Haiyan Philippines 2013 Causes:
Effects: (can you divide into social/ economic/ environmental) Primary Secondary: high Responses: (short term/long term)

9 Topic 2: Tectonic hazards

10 Name: Knowledge organiser low Define the following key terms:
Type of plate boundary Type of crust Tectonic hazard Direction the plates move in Convergent Conservative Name: Knowledge organiser Define the following key terms: Friction Magma Seismic waves Focus Epicentre Convection currents Why do tectonic plates move? Explain how movements of plates can cause an earthquake at a conservative plate boundary(4marks). __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Explain two problems faced by people after an earthquake. Develop your ideas (4marks). low

11 Haiti Earthquake 2010 Causes: Effects: Responses: low

12 Distribution of tectonic hazards?
Type of plate boundary Type of crust Tectonic hazard Direction the plates move in Divergent Convergent Conservative Name: Knowledge organiser Why do tectonic plates move? Explain how movements of plates can cause an earthquake at a conservative plate boundary(4marks). __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Explain two problems faced by people after an earthquake. Develop your ideas (4marks). high Distribution of tectonic hazards?

13 high Haiti Earthquake 2010 Causes:
Effects: (can you divide into social/ economic/ environmental) Primary Secondary: Responses: (short term/long term) high

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