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Unit 7: The American Legal System

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1 Unit 7: The American Legal System

2 Quick Review of Ch. 19 - 20 Where do our laws come from?
Can you explain the difference between Criminal and Civil Law? What might be a possible cause of crime? Can you give a basic explanation of how our criminal justice system works?

3 Chapter 21: Civil Justice
Chapter Focus: The civil justice system works to solve conflicts between people in a peaceful, lawful way.

4 Section 1: The Role of Civil Law
The Purpose of Civil Law To solve disputes (disagreements) between people or organizations. Example: Billy Bob is roommates with Eddy Spaghetti. Billy says that Eddy didn’t pay his share of the rent for about 6 months, and now Eddy owes Billy $2,000. *There are usually over a million lawsuits filed in the United States each year. Lawsuit: case in which the court is asked to settle a dispute

5 Different Types of Civil Cases
Property Cases Someone’s tree fell on your swing set (property). Consumer Cases Someone sold you an ipad that doesn’t work. Housing Cases The landlord refuses to fix the hole in the ceiling. The tenant refuses to pay rent to the landlord. Domestic Relations Cases After a divorce, two people may need help deciding about property, money, and children. Probate Cases You rich uncle has died and he didn’t leave a will. How will the family decide how to divide up his wealth?

6 Section 2: Civil Procedure
There is a process of filing papers and obtaining evidence that takes place before civil court can begin. Usually a judge (not a jury) decides the verdict in a civil trial. Because civil trials can be expensive and time-consuming, many cases are settled before actually going to trial.

7 Section 3: Choices in Civil Justice
Because going to court can take a long time and can be really expensive, many people look for alternative solutions. *In some instances it is best that taking someone to court is the last resort, not the first.

8 Alternatives to Civil Court
Mediation A 3rd party (outsider) helps people settle a conflict Arbitration A 3rd party makes a final legal decision on a conflict Private Judge 2 people ‘rent-a-judge’ to settle their conflict Mock Trial Get an idea of what would likely happen in court, then reach an agreement w/o actually going to trial

9 Quick Review of Ch. 21 Why is there a need for civil trials?
Why might someone try to take you to civil court? Why might someone prefer not to go to civil court? How can they avoid it?

10 Chapter 21 Assessment Page 584
# 1 – 14, 17 Reviewing Key Terms Write out your answers and staple them to your question sheet. Comprehension, Critical Thinking and Activities *When finished turn in for a grade.

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