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A review of survey data collected on the use of Applied Behavior Analytic (ABA) based instructional strategies by educators in Pennsylvania schools Eric.

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Presentation on theme: "A review of survey data collected on the use of Applied Behavior Analytic (ABA) based instructional strategies by educators in Pennsylvania schools Eric."— Presentation transcript:

1 A review of survey data collected on the use of Applied Behavior Analytic (ABA) based instructional strategies by educators in Pennsylvania schools Eric J. Bieniek, PhD, BCBA-D, Mike Monfore, PhD, Matthew Erickson, EdD, Ashlea Rineer-Hershey, PhD & Richael Barger-Anderson, EdD Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania, College of Education, Department of Special Education, Slippery Rock, Pa Qualitative Survey Results The Problem Conclusions Participant Demographics: Teaching Strategies and ABA: The purpose of this study was to provide an understanding of the current state of educator preparation in ABA and identify areas of concern with the use of ABA in the classrooms. Results indicate that, although ABA is being used in classroom settings, educators are still in need of additional training in the field of ABA. Results from the questions concerning the use of ABA shows that most educators use ABA for behavior support training and social skills, with limited use for academics and motor skills (gross and fine). When looking at the strategies most frequently used, positive reinforcement (90%) is the top rated strategy used in the classrooms. Unfortunately, it was reported that punishment (58%) was still used more often than other interventions based on ABA. Educators noted that the lack of skills and knowledge (80%) are primary barrier to the lack of ABA use in the classroom. In the area of training educators noted that most training was in the form of positive behavior supports and interventions, while limited training was provided for more individual ABA strategies (e.g., discrete trail instruction). It was also noted that most training was done through first hand experience or through the use of lectures or online videos. Only one individual completed a specialized program in ABA. As for areas of need for training, educators responded that they are in need of additional training in ALL areas of ABA, specifically antecedent and consequence strategies and task analysis. While existing research strongly supports the use of ABA as a form of academic, behavior, and social intervention (Boutot & Hume, 2012; Lambert-Lee, Jones, & Sullvan, 2015; McPhilemy & Dillenberger, 2013; Smith & Iadarola, 2015; Young-Pelton & Bushman, 2015), professionals in the field of special education nee to understand the needs of educators who are working with students with exceptionalities, while identifying ABA practices that are currently in use, and if additional training through institutions of higher education are warranted for development Used ABA To Teach (Multi Response/Rank Order) 1. Behavior Support 2. Social Skills 3. Communication/Functional Skills 4. Academics/Motor Skills Purpose of Study The purpose of this study was to identify the trends in the use of Applied Behavior Analytic practices in the support of students having exceptionalities in today’s schools. Effective ABA is not a “one-size-fits all”, therefore, it is important to have highly qualified educators who understand the use of ABA application with students. Educators need to have the training and experience to develop quality educational and support programs for school aged children. Training on ABA: Methodology Most Frequent Areas of ABA Training (Multi Response/Rank Order) 1. PBIS, FBA, BISP 2. Behavioral Monitoring 3. Verbal Behavior, Preventive/Reactive Strategies 4. TEACCH, Discrete Trial Instruction This study consisted of a cross-sectional survey to encompass the entire populations of teachers in the designated sample. The sample was made up of teachers employed in four Northwestern Pennsylvania Intermediate Units (IUs). The IU’s identified covered approximately 62 local education agencies with range of school demographics including urban, suburban, and rural. The population of this study was comprised of teachers from local education agencies during the school year. Significance of Study Today, ABA is widely recognized as a safe and effective treatment to bring about meaningful and positive change in behavior. Research has shown the benefits of combining multiple ABA techniques into comprehensive, individualized and intensive programs for children and youth with exceptionalities in a variety of educational settings. ABA principles and techniques can foster basic and complex skills that can help persons live happy and productive lives. Therefore, it is imperative that the school professionals implementing these programs have the training and experience needed to implement quality programs.

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