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Our approach to tax Introduction

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1 Our approach to tax Introduction
Cheniere is a Houston-based energy company primarily engaged in the production and marketing of liquefied natural gas (LNG) via terminals located along the Gulf of Mexico. The Company operates in accordance with the fundamental principles of honesty, loyalty, fairness and forthrightness in accordance with its established Code of Business Conduct which promotes: Full, fair, accurate, timely and understandable disclosure in all reports and documents required to be filed with governmental authorities and in other public communications; and Compliance with the applicable government and self-regulatory organization laws, rules and regulations. Tax planning We do not participate in artificial tax arrangements, but instead seek to conduct our tax affairs in an efficient manner in compliance with existing law. We seek to apply tax reliefs as intended and, where necessary, request tax rulings so that we have certainty in our tax affairs and operate compliantly. We conduct transactions between Cheniere Group companies in compliance with UK tax law and in accordance with OECD principles. Relationships with governments We are committed to complying with tax laws in a responsible manner, having open and constructive dialogue with the tax authorities in the jurisdictions in which we operate. We support the principles of co-operative compliance and hold the view that a relationship based on mutual respect and collaboration furthers the aims of the company. We actively seek to ensure that Cheniere pays the legally prescribed amount of tax. Tax risk management We do not believe that it is in the interest of the stakeholders for the company to take a high risk approach to tax. The company has controls in place to ensure timely submission of tax returns for all taxes due. We have implemented processes and procedures designed to identify tax risk and ensure such risks are managed and dealt with appropriately. Where issues are identified, we seek to disclose these promptly and make appropriate and timely changes to mitigate tax risk going forward. Governance The Chief Accounting Officer owns and implements our approach to tax which is approved by the UK Board and underpinned by a tax control framework. Controls are monitored and tested in line with this policy. This Policy is intended to comply with the requirements of paragraph 16(2) of Schedule 19 of the Finance Act 2016

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