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Division II Initial Eligibility

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1 Division II Initial Eligibility
Featuring Academic and membership affairs Frank Arredondo And NCAA Eligibility Center Mike decesare Holly Smith Glenn terry

2 AGENDA International Academic Certification. Amateurism Certification.
NCAA Eligibility Center Updates and Reminders.

3 International Academic Team Staff Roles
Academic and Membership Affairs Staff: Frank Arredondo Liaison to International Student Records Committee; academic and membership affairs staff contact for international issues; assists in edits to the Guide for International Academic Standards for Athletics Eligibility; staff contact for interpretive questions.

4 International Academic Team Staff Roles
Academic and Membership Affairs Staff: Doug Healey Liaison to International Student Records Committee; academic and membership affairs staff contact for international issues; assists in edits to the Guide for International Academic Standards for Athletics Eligibility; Initial-Eligibility Waiver – International lead.

5 International Academic Team Staff Roles
Eligibility Center Staff: Holly Smith Case processing specialist; Liaison to academic and membership affairs; Canadian specialist and general country specialist; research specialist; Customer service specialist and outreach representative.

6 International Statistics
Total cases processed for the 2009 calendar year: 4,420. Top 10 countries for 2009 cases: Canada, United Kingdom, splits or foreign registrants from the United States, Australia, Sweden, Germany, Brazil, Kenya, South Africa and New Zealand. 65 percent of total cases for 2009.

7 Division II International Updates
Graduation dates. The Eligibility Center’s international academic certification team determines graduation date for: The amateurism certification team; and All incoming first year and transfer student-athletes. All official academic documents in native language with appropriate certified line-by-line English translation is required. Amateurism certification processing staff applies legislation pertinent to the case.

8 Division II International Updates
International Student Records Committee (ISRC). October 2009 meeting. Serbia’s Diploma o Stechenom Crednjem Obrazovanju. India’s Senior Secondary School Certificate from the National Institute of Open Schooling. March 2010 meeting. Updated Scotland grading scales. European Baccalaureate categorization. Portugal Category 2 document and new grade nine scale.

9 Types of Documents Reviewed
Category One exams. Russia’s Attestat o Srednom Obschem Obrazovanii. Finland’s Lukion Paastotodistus or Ylioppilastutkintotodistus. Germany’s Zeugnis der Allgemeinen Hochschulreife (Arbitur). Category One transcripts. Brazil’s Certificado de Conclusao de Ensino Medio. Ecuador’s Bachiller en Ciencias. Spain’s Bachillerato.

10 Types of Documents Reviewed
Category Two exams. United Kingdom’s General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSEs). Sri Lanka’s General Certificate of Education/GCE. Ghana’s West Africa Senior School Certificate Examination/WASSCE. Category Two transcripts. Ontario’s Secondary School Diploma (OSSD). Mexico’s Bachillerato Tecnologico. Columbia’s Bachillerato Comercial.

11 Types of Documents Reviewed
Category Three exams and transcripts. Australia Capital Territory grade 10 Certificate. Alberta grade nine transcript. Czech Republic Vysvedceni (report card) from year nine of a basic school (completion of lower-secondary education). Category Four exams and transcripts. Indicates transfer status if student is attending full-time.

12 Split Files Academic credentials for a student who attended high school in more than one country (most commonly in a foreign country) followed by attendance and graduation from a high school in the United States. Processed to the point of final certification by using coursework listed on transcripts beginning with year nine and ending with the eighth semester after initial enrollment in year nine.

13 On The Horizon United Kingdom’s BTEC/GNVQ still advancing graduation dates. International Student Records Committee is continuing to discuss. Delaying impact until Germany’s transition to a 12-year system. States have completion dates over the next several years. May recruit one prospective student-athlete from a 13-year German state and another prospective student-athlete from a 12-year German state in the same recruiting cycle.

14 On The Horizon Norway. 2009 graduates and after:
Vitnemal fra den Videregaende Skolen (certificate from upper secondary school), for a utdanningsprogram (study program). Category One document: Realfag (natural science and mathematics). Sprak, samfunnsfag og okonomi (language, soc. sci. and econ). Formgivingsfag (arts, crafts and design). Idrettsfag (sports and physical education). Musikk, dans og drama (music, dance and drama).

15 On The Horizon Online Guide is most recent and updated version.
Updated after every ISRC meeting and on an as-needed basis. Working towards a more transparent document.

16 Questions

17 Amateurism Certification
Eligibility Center: Mike DeCesare

18 This Section Will Cover:
Sharing information and reporting discrepancies. Impact of graduation date on amateurism certification. Issues unique to international prospective student-athletes through the amateurism certification process.

19 Shared Responsibility
Bylaw An institution is responsible for notifying the NCAA Eligibility Center when it receives additional information, or otherwise has cause to believe, that a previously certified PSA’s amateur status has been jeopardized. Further, an institution is responsible for promptly reporting discrepancies and information related to a SA’s amateurism certification to the NCAA Eligibility Center.

20 Graduation Date Impact: Amateurism Certification
In Division II, graduation date impacts all prospective student-athletes’ certifications, regardless of sport. Includes transfer student-athletes from two-year colleges and non-Division II four-year institutions.

21 Graduation Date Amateurism Concerns: International Prospective Student-Athletes
Timing of when graduation date can be established (i.e., British pattern not until July/August). Availability of requested documentation. Late Institutional Request List (IRL) activations.

22 Graduation Date Amateurism Concerns: International Prospective Student-Athletes
Different result for “same prospective student-athlete” in Divisions I and II (tiered systems, applicable interpretations and legislation).

23 Division II Amateurism Concerns
Facts changing after agreement: Amateurism Certification Processing Reconsideration Standard. New information must be: Newly discovered; Nonrepetitive; and Must not have been reasonably available at the time of decision for reconsideration to be appropriate.

24 NCAA Division II Proposal No. 2010-11 Amateurism Impact
Grace period extended to “one calendar year plus days/weeks/summer before the next opportunity to enroll.” Compensation “trigger” replaced by organized competition “trigger.”

25 Proposal No. 2010-11 Amateurism Impact
Postgraduate College Preparatory School exception eliminated. Remaining exceptions (i.e., U.S. Armed Services; National/International Competition; and Skiing) may apply for participation in organized competition after the grace period. Amateurism certification processing staff will review participation following grace period and prior to initial full-time enrollment for Bylaw 14 purposes.

26 Unique Issues for International Prospective Student-Athletes Through Amateurism Process
Language barriers. Increased difficulties requesting and receiving documentation from international teams/leagues/tournament organizers. “Should I stay or should I go?” (to campus). Proposal No designed to provided flexibility in this regard.

27 Unique Issues for International Prospective Student-Athletes Through Amateurism Process
Exception to the academic year in residence. A transfer student-athlete who was enrolled for at least two full time semesters or three full time quarters and has an average of 12 quarter or semester hours of transferable degree credit is not required to fulfill the residence requirement. “Institutional Contingencies”: admissions or athletics aid or I-20 sponsorship.

28 Questions

29 Eligibility Center Updates and Reminders
Glenn Terry

30 Eligibility Center Updates and Reminders
Certification Season Certification Issues. Multiple high schools. Test scores. Have your coaching staffs communicate with prospective student-athletes. The earlier the Eligibility Center receives all information, including the final high school transcript with POG, the earlier it can perform a certification.

31 Eligibility Center Updates and Reminders
Early Academic Qualifiers. November 15: final high school transcripts due. Final Academic Certifications Urgent requests for academic certification. Nontraditional Coursework.

32 Eligibility Center Updates and Reminders
Shared Responsibility. Prospective student-athlete. High school. Member institution. Eligibility Center.

33 Eligibility Center Updates and Reminders
16 Core Courses For student-athletes enrolling on or after August 1, 2013.

34 Eligibility Center Updates and Reminders
Resources: Member Institution Portal: LSDBi. High School Portal. Registration Web site: International Guide for Academic Standards. Guide for the College-Bound Student-Athlete. Roadmap to Initial Eligibility brochure. Quick Reference Sheet.

35 Eligibility Center Updates and Reminders
Contact Information: NCAA Eligibility Center P.O. Box 7136 Indianapolis, IN 877/ – Member Institution Line (8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Eastern time Monday through Friday)

36 Questions

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