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Singles or doubles? Which matches best? 1 Corinthians 7:1-40.

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Presentation on theme: "Singles or doubles? Which matches best? 1 Corinthians 7:1-40."— Presentation transcript:

1 Singles or doubles? Which matches best? 1 Corinthians 7:1-40

2 Marriage and singleness Exploring the New Testament perspective Exploring the New Testament perspective

3 Introduction Good news, bad news Good news, bad news That girl from Corinth! That girl from Corinth! Is it better for a man not to touch a woman? Is it better for a man not to touch a woman? Isnt celibacy a holier state than marriage? Isnt celibacy a holier state than marriage? Is it possible to be a real Christian – united to Christ – and also be married – united to your husband/wife? Is it possible to be a real Christian – united to Christ – and also be married – united to your husband/wife?

4 Marriage Marriage is good Marriage is good A defence against temptation A defence against temptation Physical union reflects the mystery of spiritual union Physical union reflects the mystery of spiritual union Primary focus is to love and care for the marriage partner Primary focus is to love and care for the marriage partner

5 Divorce Wrong for Christians except on the grounds of adultery Wrong for Christians except on the grounds of adultery Separation is possible Separation is possible Mixed marriages need to be treated with understanding Mixed marriages need to be treated with understanding The so-called Pauline privilege The so-called Pauline privilege

6 Singleness Singleness is good Singleness is good A gifting from God A gifting from God Gives release to focus on the Lords work Gives release to focus on the Lords work Able to serve the Lord in both body and spirit. Able to serve the Lord in both body and spirit.

7 About unmarried daughters Its OK to find them a good husband! Its OK to find them a good husband! Its OK to delay marriage for the sake of the Kingdom. Its OK to delay marriage for the sake of the Kingdom. Its OK not to marry. Its OK not to marry.

8 Widows and widowers Marriage does not continue after death (Matthew 22:29-31 In the resurrection there is neither marrying nor giving in marriage.) Marriage does not continue after death (Matthew 22:29-31 In the resurrection there is neither marrying nor giving in marriage.) Therefore freedom to marry again so long as the marriage is to a believer. Therefore freedom to marry again so long as the marriage is to a believer. BUT worth considering staying single for the Lord. BUT worth considering staying single for the Lord.

9 Big issues Time is short Time is short The present world is passing away The present world is passing away There is so much Kingdom work that needs to be done There is so much Kingdom work that needs to be done Know your priorities Know your priorities

10 Neither marriage nor singleness is more or less holy than the other. To marry is not a sign of weakness To remain single is not a sign of super-spirituality. Marriage and singleness are equally valid for a Christian. BUT singleness leaves you less encumbered and therefore more free to serve the Lord.

11 The wonder of marriage Ephesians 5:22-33 Ephesians 5:22-33 A prophetic witness to the love of Christ for his Church every day of our lives A prophetic witness to the love of Christ for his Church every day of our lives Faithfulness and self-giving love. Faithfulness and self-giving love.

12 The privilege of singleness Able to be given more fully to the work of the Lord. Able to be given more fully to the work of the Lord. A privilege to be called, gifted and set apart for the purposes of God. A privilege to be called, gifted and set apart for the purposes of God.

13 Making the right choice Seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things will be added to you. Learn the spiritual grace of contentment with your present condition Trust God to make the best provision for your future.

14 And finally … What sort of witness?

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