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Social critics in France during the enlightenment

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1 Social critics in France during the enlightenment
Philosophes Social critics in France during the enlightenment

2 5 Important Philosophe Concepts
1) Reason 2) Nature 3) Happiness 4) Progress 5) Liberty

3 Voltaire French author of over 70 political writings
Served time in prison for his writings (satire) Never stopped fighting for tolerance, reason, freedom of religion, and freedom of speech

4 Montesquieu French Writer
Believed Britain was the best governed nation Believed in separation of powers: power of gov’t should be divided into three branches (legislative, executive, judicial) Each branch should check the other (checks and balances)

5 Rousseau Argued that civilization corrupted people’s natural goodness
Becoming civilized forced everyone to obey unjust laws Believed only good gov’t was one that was freely formed and guided by the people (direct democracy)

6 Beccaria Italian philosophe who believed laws existed to preserve social order, not avenge crimes Argued against torturing of witnesses, cruel and unusual punishments Argued for speedy trials Capital punishment should be abolished

7 Mary Wollstonecraft Writer who worked to improve status of women
Argued women, like men, need education to become virtuous and useful Believed women should have the opportunity to become doctors and politicians

8 The Enlightenment allowed people to believe in progress, to “think outside the box,” and it led to the rise of individualism

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