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Alexander’s relationship with the Macedonians

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1 Alexander’s relationship with the Macedonians
New topic: Alexander’s relationship with the Macedonians Read p. 88 paul artus: ‘Introduction’

2 Alexander’s relationship with the Macedonians
See Handout: Alexander’s relationship with the Macedonians Alexander’s relationship with the Macedonian nobles and soldiers varied. At the start of his reign, he enjoyed total loyalty and devotion but by the end there was resentment and open opposition. There are a number of reasons why this relationship deteriorated.

3 Macedonian monarchy differed from that of the Persian monarchy:
In Macedonia, king and nobles were very close. The king was ‘first among equals’. Nobles gave their support and loyalty; in return he sought their advice. In Persia the ‘Great King’ had an exalted status. He was above all others and even though not considered a god, there was a certain ‘aura’ surrounding him. Alexander began as ‘first among equals’ but after Darius’ death, became the ‘Great King’. Most Macedonians were willing to accept this and happily adopted the luxury associated with a Persian King. They did, however, feel Alexander was elevating himself to too high a status. Also, many did not share Alexander’s vision of an empire where Macedonians and Persians lived in harmony. Macedonians saw themselves as victors and looked with contempt on the defeated Persians. It became difficult for Alexander to combine the roles of King of Macedonia and Great King of Persia. He was not, however, insensitive to the feelings of the Macedonians, even if he was determined to have his own way.

4 Alexander and Macedonians
The policy of fusion

5 The policy of Fusion As Alexander advanced through Asia his view of the empire and his position with regard to the conquered people changed. To achieve security and permanence of his empire he adopted a policy of fusion. According to the policy: Persians and macedonians were to live in harmony Persian soldiers would fight for alexander Persian religious practices would be tolerated Some Persian customs were adopted It created some serious problems between Alexander and some Macedonians, who resented his new approach. See handout

6 The policy of fusion Read page 88 ‘Policy of fusion’
This was a policy that Alexander introduced. His idea was to fuse the macedonian culture and Persian culture together. This policy involved: Macedonians dressing in Persian clothes Persian satraps used to run the places Alexander had taken over Marrying Macedonians to Persians Macedonians doing Persian cultural practices He wanted them to be joined and unified as one race. Yellow book p read

7 Problems caused by the Policy of fusion:
Macedonians and Greeks believed that they were a superior race. They did not understand Alexander’s tolerance of Persians. Many were offended by his actions. As a result, their relationship was damaged. A number of events relate to the conflict between Alexander and his men: Death of Philotas & Parmenio video clip #22 Death of Cleitus Callisthenes and proskynesis Royal Pages conspiracy Mutiny at Opis

8 Philotas and Parmenio 330 to 329BC
Alexander and Macedonians Philotas and Parmenio to 329BC

9 330BC – after the death of Darius before the campaign in the North East.

10 Dimnus invited his lover, Nicomachus, to kill Alexander
Alexander is a dork We should kill him! I dunno aye. Killing is pretty full on. Dimnus Nicomachus

11 Nicomachus, who was horrified, told his brother, Cebalinus.
Bro! guess What, my Lover Dimnus Wants to kill Alexander. Crazy ay. Real? Bad! Brothers Cebalinus Nicomachus

12 Cebalinus told Philotas, WHO DID NOTHING.
There are People Planning To kill Alex! We need To tell Alex. Let Us! M’eh. Alex Is too Busy to See you Parmenio’s Son. A key Member of the Macedonian army Cebalinus Philotas

13 The plot Dimnus invited his lover, Nicomachus, to kill Alexander.
Nicomachus, who was horrified, told his brother, Cebalinus. Cebalinus told Philotas, WHO DID NOTHING.

14 Next… Alexander found out about this.
An officer was sent to arrest Dimnus. He was killed when he resisted arrest. Philotas was also arrested and charged with treason. They were tortured to get a confession Philotas & other people involved were then stoned to death (Macedonian custom)

15 Parmenio is also killed
WHY: Alexander decided to kill Parmenio because he was Philotas’ father. Parmenio was in Ecbatana – was in charge of part of the army – He was popular with the troops and could easily take revenge against Alexander for killing his son Parmenio also opposed the policy of fusion Alexander had him killed before Parmenio found out about the death of his son Alexander saw this as necessary to protect his own life There was no public trial for Parmenio – he was popular and may have gained support This was seen as an act of cruelty

16 The sources Arrian appears to accept Philotas’ guilt:
“those who had given information of the plot came forward and convicted Philotas and his fellow conspirators with clear proofs.” Plutarch seems less convinced: “Philotas, for some unknown reason, did not … “He felt bitter … and was ready to listen to those who had long hated his friend.” “… they made dozens of false charges against Philotas.”

17 Now… Copy down ‘what does this incident illustrate?’ p. 90 Paul Artus
Find a quote from p.91 that sums up this event In your yellow workbooks p.85-87, Complete readings, question and answer worksheets and flow charts on the deaths of Philotas & Parmenio The information in the Paul Artus book, pp will help you answer the questions & fill in the flow charts above

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