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The Renaissance A Review.

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Presentation on theme: "The Renaissance A Review."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Renaissance A Review

2 Characteristics of the Renaissance
Urban Society Powerful City States develop Centers of political, economic and social life Secular, worldly ideas emerge Age of Recovery Recovery from Black Death Rebirth of the Classics Rome/Greek influence Individual Achievement High regard of human worth Well-rounded individual “Universal Person” Humanism is the key

3 The Rise of City-States
Capitalism & Wealth Capitalism based on trade / investment Partnerships/Joint Stock Companies Banking Insurance Politics Milan Venice Florence Attack by more powerful monarch states New Ideology: Machiavelli Renaissance Society The Clergy: Those who prayed Nobility: Those who fought Third Estate: Those who worked

4 Renaissance and Humanism
New Ways of Thinking Humanism Artistic Achievements New Techniques Literary Achievements Impact of Printing Press Protestant Reformation Counter Reformation

5 Humanism Humanists were more concerned about life in the present
Emphasis on achievement Examination of worldly subjects rather than religious issues

6 Artistic Achievements
Impact of artists Leonardo Da Vinci Michelangelo Raphael Techniques Perspective Realism: human anatomy / attention to detail New resources

7 Literary Achievements
Invention of Printing Press Use of Vernacular Famous Writers: Dante Cervantes Shakespeare Machiavelli

8 Impact of the Printing Press
1300: papermaking & printing technology reaches Europe 1400: invention of movable type 1456: Johann Gutenberg invents printing press Books become more available Literacy increases Ideas spread rapidly

9 Protestant Reformation
Causes: The Renaissance Strong Monarchies Problems in Church Reformers: Martin Luther John Calvin Counter Reformation Council of Trent Ignatius Loyola / Jesuits

10 Effects of Reformation
Formation of Protestant Churches Religious/Political Divisions Religious Conflicts Anti-Semitism Witch Hunts

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