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The 500th Anniversary of the Reformation

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1 The 500th Anniversary of the Reformation
Martin Luther John Calvin Ulrich Zwingli The 500th Anniversary of the Reformation Session 2: Preaching the Reformation Herr Reverend Professor Doctor Dean Edward Roslof St. Alban’s Episcopal Church Washington, DC

2 Recap: European Christianity on the Brink
Christianity in Western Europe at the beginning of the 16th century was faith practiced by the living on behalf of the dead.

3 Recap: European Christianity on the Brink
Christians were responsible for their dead kin: Faith part of social scorekeeping. Dead still your kin. You needed to care for them or they would haunt you Common dead (not Saints) waited for the Last Judgment. Mortal remains in communal graves, souls purged in Purgatory for unforgiven sins. Christians expected to help deceased kin. Bought masses and indulgences to take time off their sentences in Purgatory.


5 Catholic Christianity in 1500 AD


7 Turning Points in Luther’s Life
Thunderstorm (1505) 2. Journey to Rome (1511)

8 Turning Points in Luther’s Life
Sent to Wittenberg (1511) 95 Theses (1517)

9 Indulgences: Key Points
Sacrament of Penance Contrition Confession Satisfaction Absolution Treasure of Merit Papal Indulgence

10 A clip from “Luther” (2003) Cast: Girolamo Aleander
Cardinal Thomas Cajetan Pope Leo X (aka, Giovanni di Lorenzo de' Medici) John Tetzel Hanna Martin Luther Albert Archbishop of Mainz

11 Reformation’s Five Solae
Sola fide Sola gratia Sola scriptura Solo Christo Soli Deo gloria

12 Reformation’s Five Solae
Sola fide (by faith alone) Sola gratia (by grace alone) Sola scriptura (by Scripture alone) Solo Christo (through Christ alone) Soli Deo gloria (glory to God alone)

13 Luther’s sola fide and sola gratia: Influence of Augustine of Hippo
Augustine’s theology Original Sin (Luther accepted) Two Cities (Luther modified)

14 Luther’s sola scriptura The influence of the Renaissance
Ad fontes (to the sources)

15 Watch “Crash Course World History: The Renaissance” https://www

16 Luther’s Evangelical Christianity: Simple, Personal
Sola fide Catholics: both faith and good deeds needed for salvation. Luther on reading Romans 1:17 (“The righteous shall live by faith.”): “I felt as if I had been born again and had entered Paradise through wide-open gates.” Sola Scriptura Catholics: God reveals will to humans through Bible, councils, papal pronouncements. Luther: only the Bible is divinely inspired. Priesthood of all believers Catholics: priests have special spiritual powers from Apostles, in sacraments Luther: all Christians have direct access to God through prayer. “Priests” are men called to care for spiritual needs of parishioners full time Papal usurpation. Catholics: Pope is Vicar of Christ on earth. Luther: Popes had illegally seized position as head of Christianity. They were not even good priests. They were the Antichrist. 5. Sacraments Catholics: baptism, confirmation, Eucharist, marriage, ordination, penance, unction Luther: Eucharist and baptism

17 Next Week: Responses to Preaching the Reformation
Radical Catholic

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