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National Employment Service

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1 National Employment Service
General Coordinating Office

2 Our goals Make available to US employers the infrastructure of the National Employment Service (SNE) and meet their need for skilled personnel in all sectors of the industry.

3 What is the National Employment Service?
The National Employment Service (SNE) is a public institution that provides personalized service to employers and the unemployed population in Mexico. The best part? Our services are completely free of charge. The SNE offers information and linking services between employers and people looking for work within national and international markets, and supports recruitment through labor mobility strategies. The SNE also provides employment counselling, financial support and training to businesses and people searching for employment. The SNE is coordinated by the Secretariat of Labor and Social Welfare, operating under federal aegis within all 32 Mexican states through cooperation agreements with each state.

4 Infrastructure Over 3,500 people ready to support your recruiting and selection processes through diverse methods. 166 offices distributed throughout the country. Areas for recruitment and selection events. Logistics support for the organization of large-scale events devoted to the recruitment and selection of workers. Communication and information technologies to facilitate selection processes and reduce costs for the employer.

5 Services provided to businesses
Job Bank (leading source for jobs and labor market information) Job Fairs (Mass recruitment) Portal del Empleo (Internet based registration through the Employment Portal) National Employment Service Telephone (Call center) Employment Offers Magazine

6 Services provided to businesses
Internal Labor Mobility (Within Mexico) Support for national and foreign companies based in Mexico in the recruitment, selection and training of staff in the Agricultural, Industry and Services Sectors. External (With foreign companies) Mexico-Canada Seasonal Agricultural Workers Program. Mexico-USA Labor Mobility Mechanism (H2 visa program)

7 Services provided to businesses
Work Training Grants Mixed training (training expenses shared between SNE and employer)

8 Financial support offered by the SNE
Training courses from one to three months in length. The National Employment Service (SNE) pays the grant holder a monthly salary while training. The employer pays for training materials, instructors, accident insurance and medical services for the grant holders. The course length, salary, type of contract and support for transportation will be established in accordance with the ‘Training Agreement’ signed between the National Employment Service (SNE) and the employer.

9 Benefits Direct assistance to meet employers’ needs.
Recruitment of skilled personnel according to the job requirements (drafting of candidate’s profile, assessment of level of English, verification of employment history, etc.) Mass recruiting through Job Fairs (advertised on radio, TV, and other media sources available in the various states) Training support (if needed by the employer) to enhance the labor profile of the recruits. Logistics support to carry out interviews in different formats: in-person (employer interviews candidates in one of our 166 facilities), by phone (candidate-employer) and via Internet on Skype (candidate-employer). All our services are absolutely free.

10 Labor Mobility Mechanism
Mexico-United States National Employment Service General Coordinating Office

11 What is Labor Mobility Mechanism (MML) and how was created?
The Mexican federal government, through our National Employment Service (SNE by it’s name in Spanish), created the Labor Mobility Mechanism Program to attend foreign enterprises needs of qualified workforce for any sort of trade or occupation under the H2A and H2B Visa Program in the USA, and through the Temporary Foreign Workers Program (TFWP) in Canada. Two years ago the SNE began to link personnel to companies in the United States through the Labor Mobility Mechanism.

12 Benefits that the National Employment Service offers to companies:
Collaboration between the SNE and the US Embassy in Mexico Benefits that the National Employment Service offers to companies: Direct assistance for employers. Recruitment of skilled personnel according to their labor needs. Support training (if required by the employer) to improve the employment profile of recruited individuals. Logistical support to carry out interviews in different ways: face-to-face, through videoconference or by telephone. Advice and guidance for workers throughout the process. Completely free services.

13 Labor Mobility Mechanism
Who operates it? The Mexican Government through the National Employment Service (Secretariat of Labor and Social Welfare) and the Secretariat of Foreign Affairs. The United States Government through the Department of Labor and the Department of Homeland Security. The Canadian Government through the ministries of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada and Employment and Social Development Canada.

14 Labor Mobility Mechanism
Mexican Government agencies Secretariat of Labor and Social Welfare (STPS) Is responsible for the recruitment and selection of personnel, and the advertisement of job offers through offices of the National Employment Service, in local media, through the Job Website and Job Fairs. Secretariat of Foreign Affairs (SRE) The diplomatic representations of Mexico abroad provide advice and guidance to employers and workers in labor or administrative matters.

15 Labor Mobility Mechanism
United States Government agencies United States Department of Labor Responsible for issuing the Certificate of Temporary Employment. United States Department of Homeland Security Responsible for issuing the Work Permit. United States Embassy in Mexico Responsible for accrediting companies and/or employers interested in hiring local labor.

16 Process for employers in the USA:
Labor Mobility Mechanism General Process Process for employers in the USA: The employer must create the company´s profile(s) and register the job offer(s) through our website “Temporary Employees”: Fill up and submit a Temporary Employment Certification to the Department of Labor (DOL through which it is stated that there are no qualified American workers available for the job, the terms of employment must be declared (Job type, hours, payment, job description and length of the contract) and the number of workers needed. Certification is public and can be accessed through the DOL website ( A petition for a non-immigrant worker must be presented to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) through the I-129 application form ( Once approved, USCIS uses the I-797 Notice of Action to inform the employer that they have been authorized to employ foreign workforce. The I-797 form includes the name of the employer and indicates the number of approved workers, country of origin and the consulate where the visa shall be issued. (Form I-797 is not a Form that can be filled by the employer). It is usually recommended that a specialized agent is hired to complete the process correctly, unless the employer already have knowledge of the subject.

17 Labor Mobility Mechanism
Process in Mexico: The employer must fill up and send the format "MML01_Ficha de Registro del empleador" (Employer´s registration form). With the above format, the SNE will generate a “Technical datasheet of the job offer” (all data of the enterprise is kept private). The job offer will be sent to the 166 SNE offices across the country to be promoted through their local media (magazines, newspaper, radio, tv, etc.) thus starting the recruitment process, unless the employer prefer to recruit workers from a specific State, the job offer will be promoted in the state(s) of his choice. By the end of the recruitment process, the SNE will the employer enough files of candidates to fulfil the vacancies of the job offer. The employer may choose to interview these candidates via Skype, by phone or in person in one or many of our National Employment Services Offices in Mexico for the final selection. After selecting your candidates, the employer must provide the information (place, date and hour) for the date at the US Consulates (Monterrey, Guadalajara, Juarez, etc.) in order to make the process for the H2 visa. The employer must send a representative to receive the selected workers that will see to the lodging costs, assist on filling in papers and check about transportation to the US.

18 Collaboration between the SNE and the US Embassy in Mexico
The National Employment Service began operations with US employers under the H2 Visa Program in 2013 through the organization of Job Fairs in different States of Mexico. During 2014 and 2015, with the collaboration of the Embassy of the Unites States in Mexico, other job fairs were organized in the country, attended by different companies from the United States and population in search of employment (with different job profiles and level of education), however, the SNE identified that it was much more convenient and useful provide personalized services to companies that require workers with a particular job profile, and carry out interviews to candidates that truly have that specific profile for the job offered.

19 Collaboration between the SNE and the US Embassy in Mexico
The participation of the US Embassy has been vital in the Program, since it is responsible for verifying the existence and validity of the H2 Visa requests from the employer that want to hire foreign workers, besides that constantly promotes actions to prevent fraud at the hands of staff who is not authorized to recruit . The intervention of both governments seek to reduce and prevent fraud in the process of recruitment, hiring and issuing of the workers visas, becoming strategic allies in labor migration issues.

20 Labor Mobility Mechanism
Contact Information Portal del Empleo: Web: Telephone number: (01 152) (55)

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