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Teacher Direction Slide

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1 Teacher Direction Slide
This lesson is designed to review the Agenda Policy Feel free to have students stand on one side of the room for FACT and the other side for MYTH. You may have students read the slides at your digression. You will need to give each group paper to create a thermometer towards the end of the lesson. Also: Bullying terms like flirting and drama may need to be clarified. Ask students: How can flirting turn into bullying? How can drama be bullying? (Hint: when it offends and hijacks the learning environment)

2 Bullying: Agenda 5.1.10 Bullying, Harassment, Teasing
Fact or Myth

3 Nothing can be done at school to reduce bullying.
Fact or Myth? Nothing can be done at school to reduce bullying.

4 School programs, like Round Up, help reduce and prevent bullying by 15 to 50 percent. The most successful programs involve students increasing awareness and making their own school a better place. Myth

5 AMS rules state “only the Direct Bully will receive a consequence.”
Fact or Myth? AMS rules state “only the Direct Bully will receive a consequence.”

6 Students who encourage, participate, or support teasing or bullying in any way are subject to the same punishment as those directly involved in the harassment. This includes the spreading of gossip/rumors which contribute to the harassment/personal safety of an individual or individuals. . Myth

7 People who bully have power over those they bully.
Fact or Myth? People who bully have power over those they bully.

8 People who bully others usually pick on those who have less social power (popularity), psychological power (know how to harm others) or physical power (size, strength) Although sometimes those who bully have been bullied by others Fact

9 Harassment must be physical to receive a consequence at AMS.
Fact or Myth? Harassment must be physical to receive a consequence at AMS.

10 Harassment is defined as verbal, non-verbal, physical, or written behavior which:
1. intimidates or demeans individuals or groups on any basis including race, ethnic background, religion, gender, sexual orientation, national origin or disability. 2. involves an expressed or implied threat to personal safety. 3. has the effect of interfering with an individual's participation in the curricular or extra- curricular activities of the school district. Myth

11 Fact or Myth? All students must be able to work, learn, and grow in an atmosphere that is free from any form of teasing, harassment, or bullying.  

12 AMS Student Code of Conduct 5. 1
AMS Student Code of Conduct states that all students must be able to work, learn, and grow in an atmosphere that is free from any form of teasing, harassment, or bullying. Fact

13 Spreading rumors on social media at home is a form of bullying.
Fact or Myth? Spreading rumors on social media at home is a form of bullying.

14 Spreading rumors, name calling, excluding others and embarrassing them are all forms of social bullying that can cause serious and lasting harm. This is even ONLINE! Using a phone or computer to threaten a person or property in the course of a conversation or message is subject to the same corrective measures as and is punishable by law as set forth in MCL e. Fact

15 Bullying often resolves itself when you ignore it.
Fact or Myth? Bullying often resolves itself when you ignore it.

16 Bullying reflects an imbalance of power that happens again and again
Bullying reflects an imbalance of power that happens again and again. Ignoring the bullying teaches students who bully that they can bully others without consequences. Other students need to stand up for children who are bullied, and to ensure they are protected and safe. Myth

17 Fact or Myth? Sharing a lewd picture with friends on the phone can mean a lifetime consequence and involvement by the police.

18 The taking, disseminating, transferring, or sharing of obscene, pornographic, lewd, or otherwise illegal images or photographs, whether by electronic data transfer or otherwise (commonly called texting, sexting, ing, etc.) may constitute a CRIME under state and/or federal law. Any person taking, disseminating, transferring, or sharing obscene, pornographic, lewd, or otherwise illegal images or photographs will be reported to law enforcement and/or other appropriate state or federal agencies, which may result in arrest, criminal prosecution, and LIFETIME inclusion on sexual offender registries as set forth in MCL c.1) Fact

19 Parents are usually aware that their children are bullying others.
Fact or Myth? Parents are usually aware that their children are bullying others.

20 Parents play a critical role in bullying prevention, but they often do not know if their children bully or are bullied by others. To help prevent bullying, students need to talk with their parents about what is happening at school and in the community. Myth

21 Teachers often overlook sexual language or lewd gestures in class.
Fact or Myth? Teachers often overlook sexual language or lewd gestures in class.

22 Myth Teachers often do not hear or witness this and MUST BE TOLD.
This type of behavior will not be tolerated at any time at Avondale Middle School. On issues of sexual harassment, students are encouraged to seek assistance from a staff member in the building. Specifically, sexual harassment is defined as: 1. verbal harassment, intimidation, or abuse that is sexual in nature. 2. subtle pressure for sexual activity. 3. persistent remarks about another person's body. 4. physical contact, inappropriate touching, or assault. Myth

23 Reporting bullying will make the situation worse.
Fact or Myth? Reporting bullying will make the situation worse.

24 Research shows that children who report bullying to an adult are less likely to experience bullying in the future. Students are encouraged to help keep their school safe and to tell an adult when they see bullying. STUDENTS can make their school a better place! Myth

25 There is just one type of bullying
Fact or Myth? There is just one type of bullying

26 There are several types of bullying including:
Physical Bullying Verbal Bullying Relational Bullying Reactive Bullying Cyberbullying Myth

27 Let’s get a temperature reading of bullying at AMS
Let’s get a temperature reading of bullying at AMS. Your group will create a Bully Thermometer for AMS.

28 Rank the following terms on your Group AMS Bully Thermometer
Rank the following terms on your Group AMS Bully Thermometer. The most frequent aligns with high temperature, less frequent aligns with low temperature, if it doesn’t occur leave it off the thermometer. Harassment Intimidation Hitting Picking On Name Calling Teasing, Rumors Making a threat Isolation, Demeaning Hate speech Flirting Practical joke Drama Conflict Rude Sarcasm

29 Share your group’s thermometer
Share your group’s thermometer. Discuss where you put the following terms and why. Harassment Intimidation Hitting Picking On Name Calling Teasing, Rumors Making a threat Isolation, Demeaning Hate speech Flirting Practical joke Drama Conflict Rude Sarcasm

30 Are there similarities with our Bully Thermometers
Are there similarities with our Bully Thermometers? What about differences? Harassment Intimidation Hitting Picking On Name Calling Teasing, Rumors Making a threat Isolation, Demeaning Hate speech Flirting Practical joke Drama Conflict Rude Sarcasm

31 Review Let’s Review: Physical Bullying Verbal Bullying
Relational Bullying Reactive Bullying Cyberbullying Review

32 Physical Bullying Physical bullies use force and body strength to overpower their victims. Physical bullying can include kicking, hitting, punching, or other physical attacks. This type of bullying is easier to observe than others.

33 Verbal bullies intimidate and harm their victims using words.
Verbal bullying includes the use of relentless insults and teasing and may include making fun of a peer’s lack of physical capabilities, appearance, etc. This type of bullying may go unnoticed and unreported for long periods of time. Verbal Bullying

34 Relational Bullying Relational bullies work to damage a victim’s social status and relationships. Relational bullying is common among girls, especially teen girls. Bullies who practice relational bullying often do it to increase their own social standing or to control others. This type of bullying may go on for some time before an adult notices. This is sometimes referred to as “Mean Girls.”

35 Relational Bullying Activity
How did you feel when you first saw the hands go up so quickly? Panic, anxiety, and discouragement are often the feeling students have with relational bullying. How do you think this relates to relational bullying?

36 Reactive Bullying Reactive bullies coax others into harming them. It is often unclear who the true bully is. A reactive bully incessantly taunts a peer until the peer snaps and reacts with physical or verbal aggression. Reactive bullying may be the most difficult type of bullying to identify. This is because the reactive bullies also tend to be victims of bullying as well.

37 Cyberbullies use electronic forums, such as , cell phones, and social networking sites, to harass their victims. Cyberbullying allows the bully to remain anonymous. It is easier to bully in cyberspace than it is to bully face to face. Over 25% of adolescents and teens have been bullied repeatedly through their cell phones or the Internet. Cyberbullying

38 On your thermometer which terms can be considered:
Physical Bullying Verbal Bullying Relational Bullying Reactive Bullying Cyberbullying Review

39 What can our school do to take a stand against bullying
What can our school do to take a stand against bullying? Write your ideas on a notecard. Your teacher will collect the cards and turn them into the office.

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