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Scientific Investigations

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1 Scientific Investigations
Unit 3 Hypothesis Writing and Variables

2 Starter Activity Think of a different way of testing the hypothesis you tested last week. Write down your ideas.

3 Lesson Objectives 1. To be able to formulate a hypothesis from a scientific question. 2. To be able to identify independent, dependent and control variables.

4 Writing a hypothesis from a question Task: for each question- write your own hypothesis Extension: can some experiments have another hypothesis? If I give my teacher chocolate, will they stop giving me homework? What effect does studying with music have on student test scores? What effect does light have on plant growth? What is the effect of watering plants on their growth height? Does the presence of leaves on trees affect the number of birds nests? Does acid rain in water affect the fish population? Does intake of calcium affect bone strength? Does the height of ramp affect the speed of a car? Does temperature affect the time taken for sugar to dissolve?

5 If I do …… then …… will happen Task: for each hypothesis write down the Independent variable and the dependent variable Extension: what control variables are there for each hypothesis? If I open the tap more, then it will increase the flow of water If I Raise the temperature of a cup of water , then the mass of sugar that dissolves will increase If a plant receives fertilizer, then it will grow to be bigger than a plant that does not receive fertilizer If I put mud guards on a bicycle then they will keep the rider dry when riding through puddles

6 Scientific Investigations in Space:
What happens on the ISS? Wringing out a wet cloth:

7 Class Work Task: Write a literature review.
This is a practice for your first assignment. Choose a topic from below: The Effect of Caffeine on Heart Rate Energy in Fuels The Effect of Acid Rain on plant growth Use text books, internet sources, journals etc… It needs to be approximately 2 sides of A4 (handwritten) or 1 side types. Remember to reference fully and include a bibliography.

8 Design an investigation to carry out on the ISS…
1. Write a scientific question 2. Research it 3. Write a Hypothesis 4. Identify the independent and dependent variables 5. Write an outline method

9 Hypothesis or Theory?

10 Written Task: Fact Hypothesis Theory Law
Summarise the difference between: Fact Hypothesis Theory Law

11 What effect does sleep have on memory?
1. Write a QUALITATIVE hypothesis for this question. 2. Write a QUANTITATIVE hypothesis for this question. 3. What are the independent and dependent variables for this investigation? 4. What are the control variables? 5. Write a brief method for this investigation.

12 What effect does attendance have on assignment performance?
1. Write a QUALITATIVE hypothesis for this question. 2. Write a QUANTITATIVE hypothesis for this question. 3. What are the independent and dependent variables for this investigation? 4. What are the control variables? 5. Write a brief method for this investigation.

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