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Telepreventive Medicine

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1 Telepreventive Medicine
Our talk at NCI is designed to describe the concept of telepreventive. It is our belief that this may be the most cost effective route to improved health in Cancer, and improved health overall in the world. Using low bandwidth Internet to inexpensively reach large numbers of healthy people to prevent disease

2 GSPH WHO Collaborating Center
Janice Dorman, Ph.D. Director Molecular Epidemiology Ronald LaPorte, Ph.D. Director Disease Monitoring and Telecommunications The work has been develop as part of our WHO Collaborating Center at the Graduate School of Public Health, University of Pittsburgh.

3 Supercourse Core Ron Faina Mita Eugene Akira Rania Eunryoung Tomoko
Abed Soni We have a wonderful global group of collaborators from all different nationalities.

4 If Cars Developed as Same Pace as IT
             100,000 mile/hr 250,000 mile/gallon Cost = $5.00 Information technology has taken off, however, not in the area of prevention.

5 Collective Intelligence
Power of the Internet Human Network Collective Intelligence MOH Ethiopia Uni Pgh Cuba NCI Urra LaPorte Arena Sudan Kebebe What is important is not the use of the Internet to more powerfully reach other computers. Instead, what is important is the development of unique human networks. World Bank

6 High Tech High Touch Power of the Internet
The strength of the Internet is that it is easy to find people of a like mind, and easy to touch them. We can work together with thousands of people to attack a problem.

7 Improved Manufacturing and Distribution of Lectures
With initial funding by NASA and now NLM we have constructed the Supercourse. The Supercourse use manufacturing and globalization principles to produce actionable knowledge in the form of powerpoint lectures.

8 Supercourse Teacher Resource Global course Library of Lectures
Language of Science Teacher Resource Global course Library of Lectures Quality Assurance Mirroring The Supercourse is very different than any other form of learning. It is Internet Learning, and consists of 6 different components each one of which have rarely been used. All 6 components have never been used together, until now. This combination serves as a very powerful tool, for the manufacture, distribution and utilization of lectures.

9 What is the new global language of science?
There are over 30 million PowerPoint lectures produced each month. There are 5.6 million PowerPoint lectures on the web. Over 95% of all presentations are made with PowerPoint. There are many more PowerPoint lectures produced than lectures in English. PowerPoint has become a standardized research communication system.

10 Teacher Resource The goal of the Supercourse is to provide the best possible lectures to teachers. It is a lecture library to help teachers to obtain better lectures. The goal is not to reach the students directly but to help the teacher.

11 Who will better lectures help?
Experienced teachers New Educators Experienced teachers are helped in that to prepare a lecture on a new topic from scratch will take 15 hours, using a Supercourse Template lecture, preparation time is less than 5 hours, with much better results. We originally focused our effort to help new educators, who do not have any content, and are nervous about teaching.

12 Last Biomedical Journal
                                                           University of Khartoum, Sudan Last Biomedical Journal 1990 The second group we targeted was faculty in developing countries as few have access to the literature. Cuttington University, Liberia

13 How can we improve Prevention education worldwide?
Question: How can we improve Prevention education worldwide? Answer: The concept of the Supercourse is simple To improve the teaching of epidemiology, global health and the Internet in medical, veterinary, nursing schools one can improve the lectures. We hope to work to establish a supercourse for NCI. It is an open source system. Get better lectures

14 Why don’t we share our most exciting PowerPoint lectures for free?
But how do I get better lectures? Why don’t we share our most exciting PowerPoint lectures for free? Sharing is the key, using an open source model. It is exciting to see how willing people are to share.

15 15,000 Faculty 151 Countries Global Health Network
The Supercourse has risen beyond our dreams. Currently we have over 15,000 scientists who have joined.

16 N= 731 Cuba 138 Brazil 135 Argentina 95 Peru 94 Columbia 68 Mexico 59
Chile 24 Venezuela Jamaica Guatemala Bolivia Bahamas Honduras West Indies Haiti Guyana St Lucia N= 731 There has been considerable interest from Latin America, with almost all countries representated.

17 The Man Who Discovered Quality
W. Edwards Deming Deming highlighted the importance of prediction for the improvement of the health of industry. Of the 5.6 million lectures on the web, there were none with standardized scientific vetting until ours were developed. The Man Who Discovered Quality

18 Reaching the unreached
What % of people in the world has access to the Internet? 7% A critical concern of ours is to reach as many people as possible with the prevention message. Surprisingly only 7% of the world have access to the web.

19 Mirrored Server Cairo, Egypt Pittsburgh
We are providing copies (mirrors) of the course for free. These will be regularly updated. The mirrors are important as they speed the image transmission. Also having the copies on ones computer will increase usage.

20 Supercourse Mirror Sites
The copies of the course are proliferating rapidly, with over 42 now spread across the world. 42 Mirrored Sites, MOH India, Egypt, Mongolia, Nepal, Sudan, China, Russia

21 Sent to 10,000 prevention experts in 139 Countries
1000 Lectures Sent to 10,000 prevention experts in 139 Countries Access to 100,000-1,000,000 We also distribute lectures using CDs. We share the lectures for free. The agreement with those with whom we give the CDs is that it is a gift that is meant to be given, and we as those who receive the gift to share it with 5 others, preferably students.

22 Server to Cell phone/PDA to School TV
Future Directions Server Development of new information distribution systems in collaboration with Pitt Supercomputer Center Server to Cell phone/PDA to School TV Cell phone As we pointed out earlier, not all teachers are connected to computers, however many people own cell phones and many schools (even in the developing world) have at least one TV. We need to harness the newest technology to deliver prevention to remote regions. Modern cell phones and PDAs have larger memory storage capacities. Modern cell phones have at least 2 MB of storage and PDA average at about 16 MBs. With the Supercourse lectures being 300 KB each, downloading at least 6 of them into a memory of a cell phone should not be a problem. TV would be a presentation media for a lecture downloaded to a cell phone. Steps of how the system would work: 1 school teacher in a developing country wants to talk about AIDs prevention 2. She/he calls a number in the capital, and types 53 3. PowerPoint lecture 53 is dropped into her phone 4. The phone serves a powerpoint hard drive, pointer, and PowerPoint driver 5. The phone is connected by a wire to the TV, after coming off line (limiting the amount of line usage) 6. The TV then serves as the Audio visual tool for project To use this simple model all a village needs is a cell phone, and at TV School TV

23 Reaching the unreached
Shouldn’t the disabled have equal access to science? Should those who primary language is Spanish, or Portuguese have equal access to science? There are others who need to be reached. Clearly the Internet is a powerful tool for those who are disabled. However, we need to push very hard to assure that the disabled have access world wide to prevention materials, as they are often times the most vulnerable. The primary language of the Internet is English, we need to reach out to those whose English is a second language.

24 Lecture Status 1770 Lectures
We currently have 1770 lectures of prevention, the largest ever assembled. These lectures come from over 90 different countries a large proportion of which are developing. The come from mainly full professors, and are cutting edge research communications. 1770 Lectures

25 We targeted several groups to have them join, as if they were to join they would serve as a magnet to bring other authors. One group has been Nobel Prize winners.

26 Nobel Prize Laureates in the Supercourse (Medicine)
Joshua Lederberg (1958) Gunter Blobel (1999) Baruch S. Blumberg (1976) Nobel Prize Laureates in the Supercourse (Medicine) These Nobel prize winners have, or will shortly provide Supercourse lectures Eric R. Kandel (2000) Paul Greengard (2000) Paul C Lauterbur (2003)

27 We have over 60 lectures on Cancer. Dan Grauman has been a leader
We have over 60 lectures on Cancer. Dan Grauman has been a leader. My of the lectures are in Spanish and Arabic.

28 Circle of Learning Teaching/ Epidemiologic Mentoring Research
We have neglected the translation of scientific information to our classrooms. A problem now is that often it takes 5-6 years for our scientific knowledge to appear in the classroom. This is way too long given the fast paced speed of science. Instead of 5 years the Supercourse can bring actionable knowledge into the classroom in 5 days.

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