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Climate Vs Weather Is there a difference? Reporter- Daniel Ahn.

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Presentation on theme: "Climate Vs Weather Is there a difference? Reporter- Daniel Ahn."— Presentation transcript:

1 Climate Vs Weather Is there a difference? Reporter- Daniel Ahn

2 Climate Vs. Weather Climate Long-term weather patterns of an area
Current state of the troposphere Short term variations

3 Kind of climate Cryosphere
What is our climate system -The physical climate system involves the earth's atmosphere, land surfaces, and oceans, along with the snow and ice that is so prominent in much of Canada. These components interact with one another and with aspects of the earth's biosphere to determine not only the day-to-day weather, but also the long-term averages that we refer to as 'climate'. Cryosphere -It refers to a component of the climate system that everyone above and below the earth or ocean surface consists of snow, ice and permafrost Geosphere -There are several conflicting definitions for geosphere . The geosphere may be taken as the collective name for the lithosphere, the hydrosphere, the cryosphere, and the

4 Kind of weather What causes weather? - Weather processes such as wind, clouds, and precipitation are all the result of the atmosphere responding to uneven heating of the Earth by the Sun.  shape of the Earth and the energy of the Sun - The sun effect to the earth because sun shine us upon the earth

5 What Causes Different Climates?
Topography Coastal Regions, areas near water, are warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer Latitude

6 Arctic Circle Tropic of Cancer Equator Tropic of Capricorn
Antarctic Circle 66.5° N 23.5° N 23.5° S 66.5° S

7 Polar Temperate Tropics Tropics Temperate Polar

8 Climate Regions Tropics Temperate Polar
Most solar radiation, generally warm Between Tropics of Capricorn and Cancer Temperate Between 23.5 and 66.5 North and South Mild temperatures Polar 66.5 North and South to the Poles Cold Temperatures

9 Long-Term Climatic Change
Climates change over extremely long periods of time Ice Ages – Periods of extensive glacial coverage Most recent ended 10,000 years ago Temps dropped 5°C

10 Reference

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