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Self- management.

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Presentation on theme: "Self- management."— Presentation transcript:

1 Self- management

2 Impulse Control When you feel frustrated, unsure or like your are ready to lose your cool, what are three positive things you you can do help yourself calm down? Turn and talk with a classmate to share your ideas. Janice Abud

3 Impulse Control STOP: Count to 10 and breathe deeply.
THINK: Think about different things you can do. GO: Do what is best for you and others. Nicole Ayers

4 Impulse Control Nicole Ayers

5 How do you manage your stress?
A few ways to help with stress are… Exercise Talk to someone Meditation Listen to Music Draw/Color Deep breathing Stress management How do you manage your stress? Janice Abud

6 How does STRESS turn charcoal into a diamond?
Stress management Nicole Ayers

7 Stress management Write one tip for managing stress on a Post-It note, and stick it to the wall. Take one idea someone else shared and try it this week! Nicole Ayers

8 Self Discipline Think of a time when you stayed with something, even though it wasn’t easy. What kept you going? Why didn’t you give up? Janice Abud

9 Self Discipline Why do you think small efforts, repeated day in and day out, might lead to success, rather than larger efforts over a short period of time? Nicole Ayers

10 Self Discipline AGREE or DISAGREE? Justify your answer. Nicole Ayers

11 Share a time when you got STRONGER because something was DIFFICULT...
Self Discipline Share a time when you got STRONGER because something was DIFFICULT... Nicole Ayers

12 Self Discipline AGREE or DISAGREE? Justify your answer. Nicole Ayers

13 Self-Motivation I CAN, and I WILL
Where are you currently with your own self-motivation based on these levels? If you aren’t where you could be, what do you need to do differently to get there? Janice Abud

14 Self-Motivation Think of a time when someone opened a door for you, but you had to enter by yourself. Sketch a picture or write a short story to describe. Nicole Ayers

15 Self-Motivation Which statement best describes you?
Which statement should describe you? Why? Nicole Ayers

16 Explain your reasoning...
Self-Motivation AGREE or DISAGREE? Explain your reasoning... Nicole Ayers

17 Goal-setting Think of a place in your life that you want to improve.
Think of what you would like to improve in this area by next year at this time. Then write 3 steps you would need to help yourself meet your goal. Goal-setting Janice Abud

18 Goal-setting Do you have GOALS, or do you have WISHES?
Write down one GOAL, along with your PLAN to get there. Nicole Ayers

19 Organizational Skills
Think of a time when not using organizational skills has caused you or someone you know to experience difficulty. WIth a partner, list 5 ways a student can use organizational skills to increase their success. Janice Abud

20 Organizational Skills
Most tasks fall into one of these four quadrants. Give priority to Quadrant 2. Why? How? What Q3 and Q4 tasks can you get rid of? Why? How? Nicole Ayers

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