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Presentation on theme: "ECOSYSTEMS."— Presentation transcript:


2 Ecosystem Living Organism can not live isolated from non living environment Natural Functional Ecological Unit comprising living organism and nonliving environment.

3 Fish live in water.

4 Birds live in trees and fly through the air.

5 Plants grow where there is soil, water and sun.

6 ENVIRONMENT The living and nonliving things that surround a living thing make up its environment.

7 Parts of an Ecosystem An ecosystem is made up of all the living and nonliving things in an environment.

8 Different types of organisms live in an ecosystem.
A group of organisms of the same kind living in the same place is a population.

9 All the population that live in an ecosystem at the same time form a community.

10 All members of a community live in the same ecosystem but they do not all live in the same part of the ecosystem.

11 Where Plants and Animals Live
Habitat is a place where plants and animals lives.

12 It is a place where they can meet their needs
It is a place where they can meet their needs. Animals get food, water, and shelter from their habitat,

13 Types of Ecosystems Deserts are very dry ecosystems.
Desert plants and animals can survive with very little water.

14 Grassland Ecosystems Grasslands are dry, often flat areas of land that are hot in the summer and cold in the winter. They get more rain and snow than deserts but less that most other ecosystems.

15 Structure of ecosystem and energy flow

16 Structure of ecosystem and energy flow

17 Structure of ecosystem and energy flow

18 energy flow

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