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Terrariums vs Aquariums

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Presentation on theme: "Terrariums vs Aquariums"— Presentation transcript:

1 Terrariums vs Aquariums
Habitat Models Terrariums vs Aquariums

2 What are terrariums and aquariums ?
Terrariums – A small enclosure or closed container in which selected living plants and sometimes small animals such as lizards, frogs, turtles, snakes, snails are kept and observed.

3 What are terrariums and aquariums ?
Aquariums – a transparent tank of water in which fish and other water creatures and plants are kept for observation

4 Terrariums mimic world biomes
Each terrarium is fitted with plants and animals that can survive in the habitat. The bottom of the terrarium needs to be suited to the plant life of the habitat as well as any small animal that is placed in there.

5 Let’s Review a Desert Habitat
Dry, hot during the day Cold, dark during the night Little Rainfall




9 Which of these animals could live
in a terrarium?

10 Desert Terrarium Would require a heat lamp for the intense heat the plants are adapted to. Would require an ability to drain away excess water so the roots of plants would not rot. Would be suitable for tarantulas, small lizards

11 Let’s Review a Rainforest Biome






17 What would a rainforest themed terrarium require ?

18 Which of these animals could live in a rainforest terrarium?

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