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Plant Importance and Adaptations

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Presentation on theme: "Plant Importance and Adaptations"— Presentation transcript:

1 Plant Importance and Adaptations
Producing Sex Cells

2 Characteristics of Plants
Eukaryotic cells Have cell walls that contain cellulose Cells have numerous organelles Lack mobility Undergo photosynthesis (autotrophic)

3 Evolution of Plants Onto Land
Supportive structure  stems & roots Anchoring structure  roots Transport system  vascular system Means to Reduce of Water Loss  cuticle (leaf) Means to Exchange Gases  stomata (leaf) Reproductive Structures For Dry Conditions  spores, pollen, flowers, fruit, & seeds

4 Importance of Plants Plants are the Base of Food Chain  Producers!!
Photosynthesis is the creation of food energy from sunlight, CO2, and water This is the only source of energy for all living things!

5 Importance of Plants Plants Provide SHELTER
Animals use plants as protection from the elements and predators! Plants Create the PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT of the Ecosystem Animals have evolved to use the habitat and conditions created by plant life to survive!

6 Importance of Plants Importance of Plants to Humans:
Food & Food Processing Energy (Fires) Clothing Construction Medicine,

7 Plants and Biodiversity
Plants support all the animal species living in an ecosystem 1 plant species supports an average of 50 different animal species!! plant species support 15 million animal species As many as ¼ of the world’s plant species are endangered!

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