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Presentation on theme: "Adaptations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Adaptations

2 Adaptations protect themselves from predators
To survive in their habitat, organisms have adaptations. Adaptations are characteristics that assist organisms to survive and reproduce. Adaptations enable animals to: Adaptations protect themselves from predators survive hot and cold temperatures survive wet and dry seasons move from place to place catch and eat food take in oxygen reproduce

3 In order to survive in their habitat, organisms have adaptations.
These are characteristics that assist organisms to survive and reproduce. They may be behavioural, structural or functional What is an adaptation?

4 Structural Adaptations
The way an organism’s body part are built to help it survive. Examples Small ears on an arctic fox Kangaroo pouch Colour to camouflage Sticky pads on gecko feet.

5 Functional Adaptations
The way an organism’s body works to help it survive. Examples- Bilby sense of smell Echidna produces sticky saliva. Functional Adaptations

6 Behavioural Adaptations
The way the organism acts to help it to survive. Examples- Nocturnal Breeding times Mating calls Nesting Behavioural Adaptations

7 How does a quoll fit into its environment?
The spotted-tailed quoll is a marsupial that lives in the wet and dry forests of eastern Australia. The quoll's colouring means that it is well camouflaged and can sleep in hollow trees and rock crevices without being seen by other animals that would hunt it for food. A quoll uses its sharp claws and teeth to catch rats, birds and reptiles but will also eat dead remains (to eat). Quolls are nocturnal or hunting at night, which means they are active and hunt at night. A quoll can see in dim light.

8 How does a penguin fit into its environment?
Habitat is cold and wet Keep warm: Thick feathers Black and White Huddle together Hunt for food: Flippers (wings)

9 How does a camel fit into its environment?
Habitat is hot, dry, sandy Long eye lashes  prevent dust Fury  insulation keep heat out, night/winter keep Humps  store fat, when you break it down you get water Slipt lip  spikey plants, move around it Bigger plate on foot unsteady land, hot desert Long legs  body away from the hot sand Dribble  male camels attract females (supply water for babies)

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